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ISSN: 0892-4562eISSN: 2168-3778

Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators is a peer-reviewed professional journal that publishes practical, how-to articles for sport and physical education professionals at all levels. The journal provides information to help educators and coaches become more effective in their work. The publication’s goals include the following:

  • Publishing state-of-the-art information related to sport and physical activity
  • Sharing “best practices” of field professionals in sport and physical education
  • Identifying, discussing, and analyzing current issues and trends of importance to sport-related professions.

Peer Review Policy: Manuscripts will be reviewed by experts and professionals related to the particular subject. Manuscripts undergo a blind review using criteria of accuracy and applicability to the practical concerns of the target audience.

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Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal

ISSN: 1070-5511eISSN: 1532-8007

Structural Equation Modeling publishes manuscripts from all academic disciplines with an interest in structural equation modeling. These include, but are not limited to, psychology, sociology, educational research, political science, economics, management, and business/marketing. The journal contains theoretical and applied articles, a teachers' corner, book and software reviews, and advertising. Theoretical articles address new developments and examine current practices. Applied articles deal with both exploratory and confirmatory models. The teachers' corner provides instructional modules on aspects of structural equation modeling. The book and software reviews afford an opportunity to examine new modeling information and techniques. Advertising alerts readers to new products. RELATED LINKS * Research Methods books * Research Methods conferences * Join the Psychology Press Research Methods mailing list!Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous double-blind reviewing by three anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Studia Neophilologica

ISSN: 0039-3274eISSN: 1651-2308

Read free Language & Linguistics articles in the Routledge AAAL Collection. Find out more. Studia Neophilologica publishes articles on English, German and the Romance languages and literatures, and reviews of books in these fields.The contributions represent both historically oriented research and synchronic and structural studies, and the journal is not limited to any particular linguistic or literary period. Many articles concern methodological questions within the fields of general linguistics and literary theory. The majority of the contributions, however, investigate specific linguistic problems or deal with specific literary texts.The journal thus covers a wide and diversified field in its attempt to mirror the problems that concern today's researchers in the fields of English, German and Romance studies.Contributions are invited from scholars all over the world. Although a certain preference is accorded to Scandinavian authors, there has generally been room for valuable contributions from other parts of the world, and the journal can count among its contributors a large number of distinguished scholars from many different countries.Studia Neophilologica was founded in 1928 by R.E. Zachrisson. It is published for the association F246;reningen f246;r Studia Neophilologica, Uppsala.

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Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology

ISSN: 0039-338XeISSN: 1502-7791

Studia Theologica is an international, peer-reviewed journal presenting Nordic contributions to the field of international theology.The journal is issued under the auspices of the Nordic Theological Faculties and has presented theology from the Nordic countries for more than 60 years, both for a Nordic and an international audience.Studia Theologica covers different fields and publishes articles of current interest to all theological disciplines. In addition, it publishes the annual Mowinckel lecture from the University of Oslo and summaries of Nordic dissertations in theology.

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Studies in Art Education

ISSN: 0039-3541eISSN: 2325-8039

Studies in Art Education is a quarterly journal that reports quantitative, qualitative, historical, and philosophical research in art education, including explorations of theory and practice in the areas of art production, art criticism, aesthetics, art history, human development, curriculum and instruction, and assessment. Studies also publishes reports of applicable research in related fields such as anthropology, education, psychology, philosophy, and sociology.


Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, have appropriate margins, consist of approximately 5,000 words, and include an abstract of 75-150 words. Authors should follow the guidelines detailed in from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (2001). See Author Guidelines below for submission details.?

All manuscripts go through a blind review by selected members of the Studies Editorial Board. Most manuscripts go through at least one rewrite. The Senior Editor may further edit a manuscript prior to publication, but author permission is obtained for extensive changes. 
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Studies in Australasian Cinema

ISSN: 1750-3175eISSN: 1750-3183
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Studies in Chinese Religions

ISSN: 2372-9988eISSN: 2372-9996

Studies in Chinese Religions  is devoted to the advanced study of Chinese religions, which may include Buddhism, Catholicism and other forms of Christianity, Confucianism, Daoism, and Islam in China, as well as folk (or popular) religions, and religions practised by ethnic minorities in China. The journal seeks to promote multi-disciplinary approaches and encourages submissions from scholars working in the fields of Anthropology, Economics, Education, History, Iconology, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Philology, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology and Sociology.
Peer Review Integrity
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-blind and submission is via email to
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Special Terms for Authors & Researchers

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Studies in Clinical Social Work: Transforming Practice, Education and Research

ISSN: 2837-6811eISSN: 2837-682X

Smith College Studies in Social Work focuses on the vital issues facing practitioners today, featuring only those articles that advance theoretical understanding of psychological and social functioning, present clinically relevant research findings, and promote excellence in clinical practice. This refereed journal addresses issues of mental health, therapeutic process, trauma and recovery, psychopathology, racial and cultural diversity, culturally responsive clinical practice, intersubjectivity, the influence of postmodern theory on clinical practice, community based practice, and clinical services for specific populations of psychologically and socially vulnerable clients. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Studies in Conflict and Terrorism

ISSN: 1057-610XeISSN: 1521-0731

Terrorism and insurgency are now the dominant forms of conflict in the world today. Fuelled by moribund peace processes, ethnic and religious strife, disputes over natural resources, and transnational organized crime, these longstanding security challenges have become even more violent and intractable: posing new threats to international peace and stability. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism aims to cast new light on the origins and implications of conflict in the 21st Century and to illuminate new approaches and solutions to countering the growth and escalation of contemporary sub-state violence. The journal thus seeks to publish the best theoretical and empirical studies that contribute to a better understanding of the causes of these conflicts and the measures required to achieve their resolution. In a world of diverse and changing threats, enigmatic adversaries, and continued uncertainty, the editor' goal is to provide fresh insight, thoughtful analysis, and authoritative prescriptions to the most pressing concerns that affecting global security in the 21st century. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Studies in Conservation

ISSN: 0039-3630eISSN: 2047-0584

The scope of the journal is as broad as the field itself, covering the conservation of materials, artefacts, objects and works of art, to architecture and historic structures. Each paper includes a summary in English, French, German and Spanish.* Latest Research on and Scientific Aspects of Historic Materials and Methods of Fabrication* Techniques and their Application* Analysis and Assessment* Control of Deterioration, Treatment and Storage* Standards and Best Practiceand Other Items of Interest.

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Studies in Continuing Education

ISSN: 0158-037XeISSN: 1470-126X

Studies in Continuing Education is a scholarly journal concerned with all aspects of continuing, professional and lifelong learning. It aims to be of special interest to those involved in:continuing professional educationadults learningstaff developmenttraining and developmenthuman resource development Studies in Continuing Education publishes material which will contribute to improving practice in the field of continuing education and of bringing theory and practice into closer association. Contributions are sought on all aspects of the field. These include: accounts of new initiatives, discussions of key issues, review articles, reports of research and development, and reflections on theory and practice. Papers drawing upon any one or more perspectives on the field are welcome. Of particular interest are contributions from practitioners in any area who may wish to engage in critical reflection on their own practices. Book reviews and reviews of other published material are also included. All papers in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonomymised refereeing by at least two independent expert referees.Disclaimer:Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Studies in Documentary Film

ISSN: 1750-3280
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Studies in Eastern European Cinema

ISSN: 2040-350XeISSN: 2040-3518

Studies in Eastern European Cinema provides a platform for vigorous debate for the world-wide community of Eastern European film scholars. The scope of the journal covers the cinemas of Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, just as well as cinemas of Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Yugoslavia as now non-existent states with the veritable cinematic tradition.

In the years since the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the political changes of 1989/90, there has been a growing interest in the cinemas of the former countries of the Eastern Bloc. This increasing engagement with  Eastern European  cinema is  demonstrated by the growth in titles published on East European film topics, the number of conferences devoted to this and related topics and courses taught at universities in the UK, North America and elsewhere. There is a growing community of scholars, including a number of students working for post-graduate qualifications, who are engaged with film but also other media, culture,  art and politics from the region.  A major spur to the expansion of this community is the, by now, almost standard use of English within the field, meaning that scholars in the East European countries themselves are also participating in the debates that have developed in recent years. Studies in Eastern European Cinema offers this community a dynamic, innovative, peer-reviewed academic outlet for discursive focus, and is edited by a board of experienced, internationally recognised experts in the field.

All articles in Studies in Eastern European Cinema undergo rigorous peer review, based on anonymised refereeing by two anonymous referees. Instructions for Authors can be found here.
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Studies in Economics and Econometrics

ISSN: 0379-6205eISSN: 2693-5198
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Studies in European Cinema

ISSN: 1741-1548eISSN: 2040-0594
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Studies in Gender and Sexuality

ISSN: 1524-0657eISSN: 1940-9206

Expanded Routledge Psychoanalysis Coverage in PEPBeginning in the final two decades of the 20th century, the study of gender and sexuality has been revived from a variety of directions: the traditions of feminist scholarship, postclassical and postmodern psychoanalytic theory, developmental research, and cultural studies have all contributed to renewed fascination with those powerfully formative aspects of subjectivity that fall within the rubric of "gender" and "sexuality." Clinicians, for their part, have returned to gender and sexuality with heightened sensitivity to the role of these constructs in the treatment situation, including the richly variegated ways in which assumptions about gender and sexuality enter into our understandings of "normality" and "pathology." Studies in Gender and Sexuality is a response to the excitement attendant to recent research and writing by scholars and clinicians alike. It provides a forum for examining gender and sexuality that is both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary; in this way it seeks to broaden the purview8212;theoretical, clinical, and cultural8212;of all its readers and to promote constructive exchanges among them. As clinicians and scholars who have written and practiced at the intersection of feminist theory and clinical psychoanalysis for the past two decades, the Editors are particularly interested in those areas of controversy that invite the divergent perspectives and insights of different disciplines. The primary goal of Studies in Gender and Sexuality is to promote dialogue on these and other timely topics among clinicians, researchers, and theorists. Consonant with this goal, the journal also publishes related work from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, where questions involving gender and sexuality are currently in lively debate. SGS is directed equally to clinicians (psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers), developmental researchers, and academics working in cultural anthropology, family history, feminism, gender studies, queer studies, social history, sociology, and women' studies, all of whom share an interest in contemporary perspectives on gender and sexuality. The journal is open to a variety of theoretical clinical, and methodological approaches to these broad topics consistent with its goal of promoting interdisciplinary dialogue among contributors and readers.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Studies in Higher Education

ISSN: 0307-5079eISSN: 1470-174X

Studies in Higher Education welcomes research-based empirical, reflective or synoptic articles dealing with higher education, approached from any perspective or discipline. We also welcome policy articles as well as those focused on teaching and learning and the policy implications of teaching and learning research. A key criterion for publication is that articles should be written in an accessible, but rigorous, style. As Studies in Higher Education is an international journal, it is essential that authors explain the national context for their research, and, where appropriate, engage with relevant literature from other countries. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications: Taylor & Francis and the Society for Research into Higher Education makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and the Society for Research into Higher Education and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis and the Society for Research into Higher Education.

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Studies in Political Economy

ISSN: 0707-8552eISSN: 1918-7033

Studies in Political Economy is an interdisciplinary journal committed to the publication of original work in the various traditions of socialist political economy. Researchers and analysts within these traditions seek to understand how political, economic and cultural processes and struggles interact to shape and reshape the conditions of people's lives.

Established in 1979, SPE has, as a Political Economy Journal, become a major forum for people who identify with the struggles to overcome exploitation, exclusion and oppression in Canada and abroad. SPE is especially interested in work by, for and about Canadians, but it aims to be an international Political Economy journal. It welcomes contributions in every field of political economy and within all the traditions of socialist scholarship, including those which question established paradigms. Those who pursue progressive work within different frameworks will find SPE a venue for communicating with a wide and diversified audience. In addition to articles, Studies in Political Economy publishes interviews, short essays on contemporary political issues, review essays and comments on articles it has published.

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Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema

ISSN: 1750-3132
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Studies in Science Education

ISSN: 0305-7267eISSN: 1940-8412

The central aim of Studies in Science Education (SiSE) is to publish review articles of the highest quality which provide analytical syntheses of research into key topics and issues in science education. In addressing this aim, the Editors and Editorial Advisory Board, are guided by a commitment to: maintaining and developing the highest standards of scholarship associated with the Journal. publishing articles from as wide a range of authors as possible, in relation both to professional background and country of origin. publishing articles which serve both to consolidate and reflect upon existing fields of study and to promote new areas for research activity. Studies in Science Education will be of interest to all those involved in science education including: science education researchers, doctoral students and masters students; science teachers at elementary, high school and university levels; science education policy makers; science education curriculum developers and text book writers. Articles are made available to Studies in Science Education either by invitation from the Editors or through potential contributors offering pieces. Given the substantial nature of the review articles, the Editors are willing to give informal feedback on the suitability of proposals, though all contributions, whether invited or not, are subject to full peer review. A limited number of books of special interest and concern to those involved in science education is normally reviewed in each volume. Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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