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Journal of Communication Management

ISSN: 1363-254XeISSN: 1478-0852

The Journal of Communication Management (JCOM) is the definitive international journal for research-oriented communication managers and professionals as well as for researchers who aim to develop or challenge practice.

Journal of Consumer Marketing

ISSN: 0736-3761eISSN: 2052-1200

Journal of Consumer Marketing (JCM) is a journal written by scholars and practitioners, and is edited for marketers who desire further insight into how people behave as consumers worldwide.

Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science

ISSN: 2516-7480eISSN: 2516-7499

The Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science is published in association with the Chinese Marketing Association of Universities. It aims to reflect cutting-edge and creative marketing research development in a contemporary global landscape.

Journal of Corporate Real Estate

ISSN: 1463-001XeISSN: 1479-1048

Journal of Corporate Real Estate is a unique forum for authoritative research on the wide scope of CRE, which includes the real estate used by organizations in the public and private sector.

Journal of Criminal Psychology

ISSN: 2009-3829eISSN: 2049-9388

International and multidisciplinary, the Journal of Criminal Psychology (JCP) publishes both scholarly and practitioner-based research on all aspects of the psychology of criminal behaviour.

Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice

ISSN: 2056-3841eISSN: 2056-385X

The Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice publishes scholarly and practitioner-based research which examines how criminal justice institutions engage with the community and non-criminal justice agencies.

Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development

ISSN: 2044-1266eISSN: 2044-1274

JCHMSD links cultural heritage management with sustainable development, publishing multidisciplinary papers from built environment, tourism and sustainability fields

Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics

ISSN: 2399-6439eISSN: 2399-6447

The Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics is an academic, peer-reviewed journal focusing on research relating to logistics, operations and supply chain management within the context of national and/or international Defense. Published by Emerald on behalf of the Air Force Institute of Technology's Centre for Operational Analysis.

Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구

ISSN: 1229-988X

Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구 (JDQS) is a fully open access journal and publishes theoretically based, empirically supported peer-reviewed research papers, covering all aspects of derivatives and quantitative finance.

Journal of Documentation

ISSN: 0022-0418eISSN: 1758-7379

Journal of Documentation provides a unique focus on theories, concepts, models, frameworks and philosophies related to documents and recorded knowledge.

Journal of Economic Studies

ISSN: 0144-3585eISSN: 1758-7387

The Journal of Economic Studies publishes high quality research findings and commentary on international developments in economics, maintaining a sound balance between economic theory and application at both micro and macro levels.

Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences

ISSN: 2054-6238eISSN: 2054 6246

The Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences publishes international peer-reviewed research across a broad range of topics in the area of business administration.

Journal of Economics and Development

ISSN: 1859-0020eISSN: 2632-5330

Journal of Economics and Development is an international peer-reviewed journal addressing the issues of economics, business and management. JED is published in association with the National Economics University.

Journal of Educational Administration

ISSN: 0957-8234eISSN: 1758-7395

The Journal of Educational Administration, founded in 1963, was the first international refereed journal in the field of educational leadership and management. From its inception, the JEA has sought to publish research on educational administration conducted across diverse political, economic and socio-cultural contexts. Indeed, publications featured in JEA have both anticipated and traced the evolution of educational administration into a global field of research and practice.

Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics

ISSN: 2754-4214eISSN: 2754-4222

Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics is an academic, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on all aspects of electronic commerce, digital business, internet economics and digital economics.

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Journal of Enabling Technologies

ISSN: 2398-6263eISSN: 2398-6271

The Journal of Enabling Technologies (JET) provides an international, and multi-disciplinary evidence-base in health, social care, and education on how technologies can be enabling for children, young people and adults in their lives. Previously published as Journal of Assistive Technologies.

Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology

ISSN: 1726-0531eISSN: 1758-8901

A CIB-recognised journal publishing practically-minded quality research aimed at all interested parties in the engineering, design and technology sectors

Journal of Enterprise Information Management

ISSN: 1741-0398eISSN: 1758-7409

Journal of Enterprise Information Management publishes high quality articles of significant intellectual interest and commercial relevance to managers, consultants, academics and students operating within an information intense business driven enterprise.

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy

ISSN: 1750-6204eISSN: 1750-6212

The Journal of Enterprising Communities: People & Places publishes research that considers people, communities and their enterprises and how they form an inter-connected and co-evolving system, with each depending on the others for their overall effectiveness.

Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy

ISSN: 2045-2101eISSN: 2045-211X

JEPP was created to encourage and disseminate quality research about how entrepreneurship and enterprise development are often the channel by which public policies affect economic outcomes, and by which outcomes feed back to the policy process.