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China Accounting and Finance Review

ISSN: 1029-807XeISSN: 2307-3055

Established in 1999 by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in collaboration with Tsinghua University, China Accounting and Finance Review (CAFR) is the first refereed journal of accounting and finance published in China. For more than 20 years, CAFR has been publishing original articles that have implications for accounting and finance issues in China. To keep abreast of latest developments in research, CAFR welcomes submissions of research papers covering topics related to contemporary accounting and finance issues for all countries or regions outside of China. CAFR now publishes global, rather than just China, topics.

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China Agricultural Economic Review

ISSN: 1756-137XeISSN: 1756-1388

China Agricultural Economic review publishes quality research in the economics of agriculture, rural development, natural resources and the environment, providing an in-depth analysis of Chinese agricultural reform and practice.

China Finance Review International

ISSN: 2044-1398eISSN: 2044-1401

China Finance Review International aims for promote discussions and publish works helpful to understand important financial and economic issues in the world, especially in China and other emerging markets

China Political Economy

ISSN: 2516-1652eISSN: 2516-1652

CPE is an open access, peer-reviewed journal on China’s Political Economy. The journal focuses particularly on Economic System Reform, China's Macro-economy, Industrial Organization, Financial and Capital Markets, Enterprise Strategies and Behaviours. Published by Emerald Publishing Services in association with School of Economics, Nanjing University.

Chinese Management Studies

ISSN: 1750-614XeISSN: 1750-6158

Chinese Management Studies publishes high-quality research focusing on Chinese processes of managing enterprises, firms and corporations.

Circuit World

ISSN: 0305-6120eISSN: 1758-602X

Circuit World publishes multidisciplinary research on a range of topics relating to all types of electronics circuits including; design, manufacturing, assembly and safety

Collection and Curation

ISSN: 2514-9326

Collection and Curation provides well-researched and authoritative information on the rapidly-changing conceptions of what collection development is in libraries, archives, museums and galleries. Also its purpose, practice and issues arising

Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal

ISSN: 1059-5422eISSN: 2051-3143

Publishing academic research and conceptual policy dialogue on the competitiveness of locations at all stages of economic development.

Construction Innovation

ISSN: 1471-4175eISSN: 1477-0857

A CIB-encouraged journal that publishes papers on a range of multidisciplinary subjects in the field of construction innovation

Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality

ISSN: 2752-6666eISSN: 2752-6674

The International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research focuses on building bridges in theory, research, and practice across the inter-related fields of culture, tourism and hospitality.

Continuity & Resilience Review

ISSN: 2516-7502eISSN: 2516-7510

Continuity & Resilience Review is an interdisciplinary journal which sits at the crossroads of disciplines along the organisational resilience spectrum. It is published in association with the Business Continuity Institute

Corporate Communications: An International Journal

ISSN: 1356-3289eISSN: 1758-6046

This journal addresses the issues arising from the increased awareness that an organisation's communications are part of the whole organisation, and that the relationship an organisation has with its external public requires careful management.

Corporate Governance

ISSN: 1472-0701eISSN: 1758-6054

Providing a consistent source of in-depth information and analysis considering corporate governance on an international scale.

Critical Perspectives on International Business

ISSN: 1742-2043eISSN: 1758-6062

CPOIB is the only journal that exclusively supports critically reflexive discussion of the nature and impact of international business activity around the globe from a number of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Cross Cultural & Strategic Management

ISSN: 2059-5794eISSN: 2059-5808

CCSM is dedicated to providing a forum for the publication of high-quality cross cultural and strategic management research in the global context.

Data Technologies and Applications

ISSN: 2514-9288

Data Technologies & Applications focusses on the management of digital information, mostly covering Information Science and Information System aspects. Covers all aspects of the data revolution brought about by the Internet and the World-Wide-Web.

Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal

ISSN: 1477-7282eISSN: 1758-6097

DLO is directed towards practitioners and academics in private, public and not-for-profit sectors. A mix of articles, review articles, interviews and book summaries provide leaders, managers and researchers with the most recent organizational developments

Digital Library Perspectives

ISSN: 2059-5816eISSN: 2059-5824

Digital Library Perspectives keeps readers informed about current trends, initiatives, and developments around digital content collections

Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance

ISSN: 2398-5038eISSN: 2398-5046

Assessing the impact of information and communication technologies on the economy and society from a multidisciplinary perspective, DPRG covers topics such as Cybersecurity, Big Data, The Internet of Things and ICT for development.

Digital Transformation and Society

ISSN: 2755-0761eISSN: 2755-077X

Digital Transformation and Society publishes peer-reviewed research in the interdisciplinary field of digital transformation and society. It’s an international journal fostering discussions how digital technologies disrupt and transform society, nationally and internationally. It promotes critical analysis and inquiries into the theory and development of digitalization in business and society

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