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Journal of Computer Science and Technology

ISSN: 1000-9000eISSN: 1860-4749

The Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), the only English language journal in the computer field published in China, is an international forum for scientists and engineers involved in all aspects of computer science and technology to publish high quality, refereed papers. The journal offers survey and review articles from experts in the field, promoting insight and understanding of the state of the art, and trends in technology. The contents include original research and innovative applications from all parts of the world. While the journal presents mostly previously unpublished materials, selected conference papers with exceptional merit are also published, at the discretion of the editors. Coverage includes algorithm and computational complexity; computer architecture and high performance computing; distributed and grid computing; human-computer interaction; information security; pattern recognition and image processing; VLSI design and testing; artificial intelligence; dependable computing, a

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Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design

ISSN: 0920-654XeISSN: 1573-4951

The Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design provides a form for disseminating information on both the theory and the application of computer-based methods in the analysis and design of molecules. The scope of the journal encompasses papers which report new and original research and applications in the following areas: theoretical chemistry;
computational chemistry;
computer and molecular graphics;
molecular modeling;
protein engineering;
drug design;
expert systems;
general structure-property relationships;
molecular dynamics;
chemical database development and usage. Contributions on computer-aided molecular modeling studies in pharmaceutical, polymer, materials and surface sciences, as well as other molecular-based disciplines, are particularly welcome.

As of Volume 15, a number of issues per volume will be dedicated to Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design and from time to time overviews will be included in `regular' JCAMD issues. Perspectives in Drug Dis

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Journal of Computers in Education

ISSN: 2197-9987eISSN: 2197-9995
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Journal of Computing in Higher Education

ISSN: 1042-1726eISSN: 1867-1233

Journal of Computing in Higher Education, JCHE, publishes original research, literature reviews, implementation and evaluation studies, and theoretical, conceptual, and policy papers that contribute to our understanding of the issues, problems, and research associated with instructional technologies and educational environments. JCHE publishes well-documented articles and provides a comprehensive source of information on instructional technology integration. Priority is given to the publication of rigorous, original manuscripts concerning research and integration of instructional technology in higher education. JCHE provides perspectives on the research and integration of instructional technology in higher education.

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Journal of Consumer Policy

ISSN: 0168-7034eISSN: 1573-0700

The Journal of Consumer Policy is a refereed, international journal which encompasses a broad range of issues concerned with consumer affairs. It looks at the consumer's dependence on existing social and economic structures, helps to define the consumer's interest, and discusses the ways in which consumer welfare can be fostered - or restrained - through actions and policies of consumers, industry, organizations, government, educational institutions, and the mass media.The Journal of Consumer Policy publishes theoretical and empirical research on consumer and producer conduct, emphasizing the implications for consumers and increasing communication between the parties in the marketplace.Articles cover consumer issues in law, economics, and behavioural sciences. Current areas of topical interest include the impact of new information technologies, the economics of information, the consequences of regulation or deregulation of markets, problems related to an increasing internationalization of trade and marketing practices, consumers in less affluent societies, the efficacy of economic cooperation, consumers and the environment, problems with products and services provided by the public sector, the setting of priorities by consumer organizations and agencies, gender issues, product safety and product liability, and the interaction between consumption and associated forms of behaviour such as work and leisure.The Journal of Consumer Policy reports regularly on developments in legal policy with a bearing on consumer issues. It covers the integration of consumer law in the European Union and other transnational communities and analyzes trends in the application and implementation of consumer legislation through administrative agencies, courts, trade associations, and consumer organizations. It also considers the impact of consumer legislation on the supply side and discusses comparative legal approaches to issues of cons, umer policy in different parts of the world.The Journal of Consumer Policy informs readers about a broad array of consumer policy issues by publishing regularly both extended book reviews and brief, non-evaluative book notes on new publications in the field. Officially cited as: J Consum Policy

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Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety

ISSN: 1661-5751eISSN: 1661-5867

Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (JVL)

The JVL publishes peer-reviewed research in the fields of food, feed and commodities as well as crop protection products, veterinary drugs, genetic engineering and consumer protection.Research papers – written in German or English – are published as Research Articles, Reviews, Methods and Short Communications. The JVL also presents important News, Opinions as well as Announcements and Reports about administrative surveillance.The JVL is published by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety and provides information for authorities and institutions as well as other organisations and companies especially in Germany but also in the European Union and worldwide.Bibliographic Data
First published in 2006
1volume per year, 4 issues per volume + 1-2 supplements, approx. 400 pages per volume
Format: 21 x 27.9 cm
ISSN 1661-5751 (print)
ISSN 1661-5867 (electronic)
Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebens

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Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences)

ISSN: 1068-3623eISSN: 1934-9416

This frontier mathematics journal covers a host of topics, including: calculus, complex variable functions, functions of real variables, general analysis, boundary value problems, analytic geometry, integral and stochastic geometry, differential equations, group theory, solution of higher-order nonlinear equations, solution algorithms for integral equations, topology, and graph theory. The journal features thematic issues, which have been devoted to such topics as analytic implications of combinatorial integral geometry; integral equations with structured kernels; approximation, uniqueness, analytic continuation and singularities; convergence and summability of multiple Fourier series; Gibbs random fields; martingale properties and solvability of decay correlations, and value distribution theory. Founded as an outlet for research stemming from the widely acclaimed Armenian School of Theory of Functions, this journal continues the traditions of that school in the area of functional analysis.

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Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences)

ISSN: 1068-3372eISSN: 1934-9378

Journal of Contemporary Physics is an Armenian journal, which covers all the fields of modern physics. It makes significant contributions in such areas of theoretical and applied science as interaction of elementary particles at superhigh energies, elementary particle physics, charged particle interactions with matter, physics of semiconductors and semiconductor devices, physics of condensed matter, radiophysics and radioelectronics, optics and quantum electronics, quantum size effects, nanophysics, sensorics, and superconductivity.

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Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

ISSN: 0022-0116eISSN: 1573-3564

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy provides an international forum to critique the complexities and controversies facing psychotherapists. The journal publishes original peer-reviewed articles that critically analyze theory, research, or clinical practice. Empirical studies, panel discussions, essays, case studies, brief reports, and theoretical articles are published. Psychotherapists and clinical researchers will find this journal an important vehicle to review the problems of treating a variety of patients.

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Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems

ISSN: 2195-3880eISSN: 2195-3899

Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, formerly Controle & Automacao, is the scientific journal of the Brazilian Society for Automatics (SBA).  The journal publishes original research papers as well as tutorials pertaining to industrial automation, intelligent systems, robotics, instrumentation, power electronics, power systems and control theory and applications. Contributions are welcome on research, development and/or innovation in any area of science or technology in which the novelty and implications to control and automation are made clear. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:• Alternative Sources of Energy• Automation Systems• Circuits and Systems• Computational Intelligence• Control Theory and Applications• Discrete Event Systems• Education in Control, Automation, Robotics and Mechatronics• Electrical Machines and Drives• Electric Power Systems• Electronic and Biomedical Instrumentation• Energy Efficiency• Intelligent Systems• Mechatronic Systems• Micro-grids and Intelligent Networks (Smart Grids)• Power Electronics• Robotics• Signal Processing• Systems Modelling, Identification, and Optimization   

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Journal of Crop Health

ISSN: 2948-264XeISSN: 2948-2658

Gesunde Pflanzen (Healthy Plants) publishes practical contributions to the study of plant protection in agriculture, forestry, horticulture and public land and its implications for the environmental and consumer protection and legal issues. Topics ranges from measures and procedures to reduce the risk of infection, to the development and application of non-chemical and chemical control strategies and procedures, to the impact of plant protection to the environment, securing food and general issues such as benefits and risks and to the development of new technologies. Each issue presents original contributions of renowned scientists, the latest information from organizations and the industry, press releases and personalities.

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Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology

ISSN: 1975-9479eISSN: 2005-8276
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Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology

ISSN: 0169-3816eISSN: 1573-0719

The Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology is an international and interdisciplinary journal providing a forum for scholarly discussion of the aging process and the problems of the aged throughout the world. The journal emphasizes discussions of research findings, theoretical issues and applied approaches that deal with non-Western populations, as well as articles that provide a comparative orientation to the study of the aging process in its social, economic, historical and biological perspectives.

The core of the journal comprises a broad range of articles dealing with non-Western societies, written from the perspectives of history, anthropology, sociology, political science, psychology, population studies, health/biology, etc. A second category of papers includes articles from Western societies comparing sub-cultural groupings or ethnic minorities such as Vietnamese, Turks, etc. Comparative studies of topics related to aging comprise the third group of articles. Such comparative analyses have been on Western and non-Western societies as well as on comparisons of Western societies, such as socialist vs. capitalist systems, for instance, or societies with different social service delivery systems. With societies becoming ever more multicultural and with many societies experiencing a `graying' of their population on a hitherto unprecedented scale, the Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology stands at the forefront of one of the most pressing issues of our times.

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Journal of Cryptographic Engineering

ISSN: 2190-8508eISSN: 2190-8516

The Journal of Cryptographic Engineering is an archival journal publishing high-quality scientific articles presenting methods, techniques, tools, implementations, and applications of research in cryptographic engineering, including cryptographic hardware, cryptographic embedded systems, and embedded security. JCEN aims to serve the academic and corporate R&D community interested in cryptographic hardware and embedded security by offering a focused journal drawing together archival papers that are presently scattered across various journals. The Journal of Cryptographic Engineering will cover the research areas summarized below. Cryptographic Hardware: Hardware architectures for public-key cryptography and secret-key cryptography: special-purpose hardware for cryptanalysis: cryptographic processors and co-processors: hardware accelerators for security protocols (security processors, network processors, etc.): true and pseudorandom number generators: Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Cryptographic Software for Embedded Systems: Efficient software implementations of cryptography for embedded processors: efficient and secure implementations of cryptography using multiprocessor cores: cryptographic libraries: cryptographic algorithms targeting embedded devices. Attacks Against Implementations and Countermeasures Against These Attacks: Side channel attacks and countermeasures: faults and fault models for cryptographic devices: fault attacks and countermeasures: hardware tamper resistance: Trojan hardware. Tools and Methodologies: Computer aided cryptographic engineering: methodologies and environments for fair comparison of hardware and software efficiency of cryptographic algorithms, architectures, and implementations: partial and run-time reconfiguration of cryptographic systems: reliability and fault, tolerance in cryptography and cryptanalysis: architectures for trusted computing. Applications and Implementation Environments: Cryptography in wireless applications (mobile phone, WLANs, etc.): cryptography for pervasive computing (RFID, sensor networks, etc.): FPGA design security: hardware IP protection and anti-counterfeiting techniques: reconfigurable hardware for cryptography: smart card processors, systems, and applications: security in commercial consumer applications (pay-TV, automotive, etc.): secure storage devices (memories, disks, etc.): technologies and hardware for content protection: security for embedded software and systems.

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Journal of Cryptology

ISSN: 0933-2790eISSN: 1432-1378

The Journal of Cryptology is a forum for original results in all areas of modern information security. Both cryptography and cryptanalysis are covered, including information theoretic and complexity theoretic perspectives as well as implementation, application, and standards issues. Coverage includes such topics as public key and conventional algorithms and their implementations, cryptanalytic attacks, pseudo-random sequences, computational number theory, cryptographic protocols, untraceability, privacy, authentication, key management and quantum cryptography. In addition to full-length technical, survey, and historical articles, the journal publishes short notes. The Journal of Cryptology is the official journal of the International Association for Cryptologic Research.

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Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science

ISSN: 2520-100XeISSN: 2520-1018
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Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology

ISSN: 2199-4641eISSN: 2199-465X
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Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities

ISSN: 1056-263XeISSN: 1573-3580

The Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities is an interdisciplinary forum for original research and clinical reports drawn from a variety of fields serving persons with developmental and physical disabilities. The journal publishes research utilizing group comparisons as well as single-case experimental designs. Contents include case studies of particular clinical relevance or that describe innovative evaluation and intervention techniques as well as reviews and theoretical discussions that contribute substantially to our understanding of the problems and strengths of persons with developmental and physical disabilities. In response to the need for increased clinical and research endeavors with persons with developmental and physical disabilities, the journal is cross-categorical and unbiased methodologically.

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Journal of Dharma Studies

ISSN: 2522-0926eISSN: 2522-0934
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Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials

ISSN: 2199-7446eISSN: 2199-7454
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