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Die Diabetologe

ISSN: 2731-7447eISSN: 2731-7455

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Der Diabetologe bietet aktuelle Fortbildung für alle diabetologisch tätigen Ärzte in Praxis und Klinik.
Inhaltlich werden alle Bereiche der angewandten Diabetologie praxisnah abgedeckt. Im Vorder­grund stehen Prävention, diagnostische Vor­gehens­weisen und Komplikationsmanagement sowie moderne Therapiestrategien.
Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktu­ellen Schwerpunktthema sind das Kernstück jeder Ausgabe. Im Mittelpunkt steht gesichertes Wissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit.
Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zerti­fizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärzt­liche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar. Nach Lektüre der Beiträge kann der Leser sein erworbenes Wissen überprüfen und online CME-Punkte erhalten. Die Rubrik orientiert sich an der Weiterbildungsordnung des Fachgebiets.Aims & Scope
Der Diabetologe offers up-to-date information for all di

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Die Gastroenterologie

ISSN: 1861-9681eISSN: 1861-969X

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Der Gastroenterologe bietet aktuelle Fortbildung für alle ­gastroenterologisch und hepatologisch tätigen Ärzte in Praxis und Klinik.
Inhaltlich werden alle Bereiche der Gastroenterologie und ­Hepatologie praxisnah abgedeckt. Im Vordergrund stehen Prävention, diagnostische Vorgehensweisen und Komplika­tionsmanagement sowie moderne Therapiestrategien.
Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema sind das Kernstück jeder Ausgabe. Im Mittelpunkt steht gesichertes Wissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit.
Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar. Nach Lektüre der Beiträge kann der Leser sein erworbenes Wissen überprüfen und online CME-Punkte erhalten. Die Rubrik orientiert sich an der Weiterbildungsordnung des Fachgebiets.Aims & Scope
Der Gastroenterologe offers up-to-date information for all gastroenterologists and hepatologists working in practical and clinical environments and scientists who are interested in issues of gastroenterology and hepatology.
The focus is on current developments regarding prevention, diagnostic approaches, management of complications and current therapy strategies. 
Comprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue provide evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy.
Review articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Review
All articles of Der Gastroenterologe are reviewed. Declaration of Helsinki
All manuscripts submitted for publication presenting results from studies on probands or patients must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki., .

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Die Kardiologie

ISSN: 1864-9718eISSN: 1864-9726

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Die Zeitschrift Der Kardiologe bietet einen 'State of the Art' für alle kardiologisch tätigen Ärzte. Inhaltlich werden sämtliche Bereiche der Kardiologie praxisnah abgedeckt. Der Fokus liegt auf gesichertem Wissen mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit.
Das inhaltliche Spektrum umfasst aktuelle Leitlinien und Empfehlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie - Herz- und Kreislaufforschung, Übersichten aus der klinischen Pharmakologie sowie praxisrelevante Kasuistiken.
In der Rubrik 'Journal Club' kommentieren Experten herausragende Publikationen aus der internationalen Fachliteratur.
Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar. Nach Lektüre der Beiträge kann der Leser sein erworbenes Wissen überprüfen und online CME-Punkte erhalten. Aims & Scope
Der Kardiologe offers up-to-date information for all cardiologists working in practical and clinical environments and scientists who are particularly interested in issues of cardiology.
The focus is on current developments regarding prevention, diagnostic approaches, management of complications and current therapy strategies.
Current guidelines and recommendations of the German Cardiac Society complement each issue.
Case reports feature interesting cases and aim at optimizing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Review articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Review
All articles of Der Kardiologe are reviewed., .

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Die MKG-Chirurgie

ISSN: 2731-748XeISSN: 2731-7498
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Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

ISSN: 0971-3514eISSN: 0974-6870

The mission of the Journal envisages, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science and technology, and to provide a forum for the discussion of new scientific developments. Since the problem of modern society are usually complex and their solutions are normally achieved following multidisciplinary approach, the Journal depicts various aspects of theory, models and applications in various branches of science.

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Digestive Diseases and Sciences

ISSN: 0163-2116eISSN: 1573-2568

In print since 1934, DDS covers a wide scope of basic and clinical aspects of gastroenterology, hepatology, outcomes research, and healthcare delivery all from prominent academicians and practitioners.

  • Commentaries written by leading experts.
  • Global and highly regarded editorial board composed of top scholars in the field.
  • Special sections include Fellows and Young GIs, Current Clinical Controversies, and Mentored Reviews.
  • Efficient peer review by knowledgeable authorities in the field.
  • Fast publication and cost-free printing (including color figures).
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Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education

ISSN: 2199-3246eISSN: 2199-3254
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Digital Finance

ISSN: 2524-6984eISSN: 2524-6186
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Digital Society

eISSN: 2731-4669
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Discrete & Computational Geometry

ISSN: 0179-5376eISSN: 1432-0444

Discrete & Computational Geometry (DCG) is an international journal of mathematics and computer science, covering a broad range of topics in which geometry plays a fundamental role.

It publishes geometric papers on such topics as

- polytopes, spatial subdivision, packing, covering, and tiling, configurations and arrangements, and geometric graphs;

- geometric algorithms and their complexity, convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulation, and range searching;

- solid modeling, computer graphics, image processing, pattern recognition, and motion planning;

- computational topology, discrete differential geometry, geometric probability, and real algebraic geometry.

The journal also accepts papers with a distinct geometric flavor in such areas as graph theory, mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization, algebraic geometry, geometry of numbers, crystallography, data analysis, machine learning, and robotics.The journal also encourages additional material such as short videos, an

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Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

ISSN: 0924-6703eISSN: 1573-7594

This journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed papers on the modeling and control of discrete event dynamical systems (DEDS). It presents general theories and methodologies of DEDSs and their applications as well as discusses practical problems from which some generally applicable DEDS theories or methodologies can be formulated. The scope of the journal is defined by its emphasis on the modeling of discrete events by dynamic systems, and on problems of their control and optimization. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems covers all aspects of DEDS, including: theory and formal models (supervisory control, Petri-Nets, Min-Max-plus algebra, DEDS specification, or simulation formalisms), performance analysis, optimization, and optimal control (perturbation analysis, control synthesis, sample-path-based approaches, AI-based learning schemes, scalable solutions to large and complex systems), and applications (case studies and software engineering).

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Distributed Computing

ISSN: 0178-2770eISSN: 1432-0452

The international journal Distributed Computing provides a forum for original and significant contributions to the theory, design, specification and implementation of distributed systems. Topics covered by the journal include but are not limited to: design and analysis of distributed algorithms; multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms; synchronization protocols and concurrent programming; distributed operating systems and middleware; fault-tolerance, reliability and availability; architectures and protocols for communication networks and peer-to-peer systems; security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols; mobile, sensor, and ad hoc networks; internet applications; concurrency theory; specification, semantics, verification, and testing of distributed systems. In general, only original papers will be considered. By virtue of submitting a manuscript to the journal, the authors attest that it has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. H

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Distributed and Parallel Databases

ISSN: 0926-8782eISSN: 1573-7578

Distributed and parallel database technology has been the subject of intense research and development effort. Numerous practical application and commercial products that exploit this technology also exist. Since the mid-1990s, web-based information management has used distributed and/or parallel data management to replace their centralized cousins. The maturation of the field, together with the new issues that are raised by the changes in the underlying technology, requires a central focus for work in the area. Distributed and Parallel Databases provides such a focus for the presentation and dissemination of new research results, systems development efforts, and user experiences in distributed and parallel database systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases publishes papers in all the traditional as well as most emerging areas of database research, including: Data Integration, Data Sharing, Security and Privacy, Transaction Management, Process and Workflow Management, Information Extraction, Query Processin

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Documenta Ophthalmologica

ISSN: 0012-4486eISSN: 1573-2622

Documenta Ophthalmologica is an official publication of the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision. The purpose of the journal is to promote the understanding and application of clinical electrophysiology of vision. Documenta Ophthalmologica will publish reviews, research articles, technical notes, brief reports and case studies which inform the readers about basic and clinical sciences related to visual electrodiagnosis and means to improve diagnosis and clinical management of patients using visual electrophysiology. Studies may involve animals or humans. In either case appropriate care must be taken to follow the Declaration of Helsinki for human subject or appropriate humane standards of animal care (e.g., the ARVO standards on Animal Care and Use).

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Drug Delivery and Translational Research

ISSN: 2190-393XeISSN: 2190-3948

The journal provides a unique forum for scientific publication of high-quality research that is exclusively focused on translational aspects of drug delivery. Rationally developed, effective delivery systems can potentially affect clinical outcome in different disease conditions. Research focused on the following areas of translational drug delivery research will be considered for publication in the journal. Designing and developing novel drug delivery systems, with a focus on their application to disease conditions: Preclinical and clinical data related to drug delivery systems: Drug distribution, pharmacokinetics, clearance, with drug delivery systems as compared to traditional dosing to demonstrate beneficial outcomes Short-term and long-term biocompatibility of drug delivery systems, host response: Biomaterials with growth factors for stem-cell differentiation in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering: Image-guided drug therapy, Nanomedicine: Devices for drug delivery and drug/device combination products. In addition to original full-length papers, communications, and reviews, the journal includes editorials, reports of future meetings, research highlights, and announcements pertaining to the activities of the Controlled Release Society.

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Drugs - Real World Outcomes

eISSN: 2198-9788

Drugs - Real World Outcomes targets research involving the use of real-world data to evaluate health outcomes and inform healthcare decision-making, with a particular focus on healthcare-related 'big data'. Drugs - Real World Outcomes has a broad scope, encompassing studies investigating drug utilisation, patterns of prescribing, pharmacovigilance, treatment guideline adherence, benefit-risk assessments, comparative effectiveness and economic analyses.

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Dynamic Games and Applications

ISSN: 2153-0785eISSN: 2153-0793

Dynamic Games and Applications is devoted to the development of all classes of dynamic games, namely, differential games, discrete-time dynamic games, evolutionary games, repeated and stochastic games, and their applications in all fields, including:* biology:* computer science:* ecology:* economics:* engineering:* management science:* operations research:* political science:* psychology. DGAA seeks original research that makes significant methodological, conceptual, algorithmic, or empirical contributions to various disciplines. DGAA also considers work in static game theory and dynamic optimization provided that authors establish a clear, potential link to dynamic games. DGAA publishes regular papers, technical notes, survey articles, and case studies.All submissions should be original in nature. During the peer review process, to promote scientific honesty and high standards, submitted manuscripts go through one or more revision stages leading up to acceptance or rejection.  Each paper is reviewed by at least two experts in the field.

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ISSN: 0179-051XeISSN: 1432-0460

Dysphagia is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to swallowing and its disorders. The journal's purpose is to provide an international source of information to physicians and other health professionals interested in this emerging field. Its scope includes all aspects of normal and dysphagic ingestion involving the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus. Accordingly, the journal will draw on expertise from a variety of disciplines including gastroenterology, neurology, otolaryngology, radiology, dentistry, rehabilitation medicine, speech pathology, nursing, dietetics, medical administration, and the basic biomedical sciences. The journal is intended to contribute to the development of this field by fostering communication between interested professionals, by setting forth existing knowledge, and by stimulating further research. Submission of contributions that advance the understanding of normal swallowing as well as those related to dysphagia, its diagnosis, and its clinical management, is encouraged. Dysphagia has be

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ERA Forum: Journal of the Academy of European Law

ISSN: 1612-3093eISSN: 1863-9038

ERA Forum is a quarterly legal journal published by the Academy of European Law as part of its mission to raise understanding and promote good practice of European law. It is aimed at practitioners, including lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel, judges, prosecutors and civil servants. Published articles are drawn primarily from the most outstanding presentations delivered at ERA's conferences. This special feature provides a 'market test', guaranteeing the journal's quality and relevance to the practitioner. The focus of the journal is European law, within which distinct sub-areas of law are highlighted either by selecting one or more thematic focal points for a regular issue or by publishing special issues. The journal is thoroughly European, from the composition of its editorial and advisory boards through the selection of its contributors. Most articles are published in English, but articles in French and German are included. Officially cited as: ERA Forum

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Early Childhood Education Journal

ISSN: 1082-3301eISSN: 1573-1707

Educational programs serving very young children have become increasingly complex, diverse, and comprehensive. Early Childhood Education Journal is a professional publication for early childhood practitioners, such as classroom teachers, child care providers, and teacher educators, all of whom are dedicated to the education and care of young children, ages birth through eight. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles covering curriculum, child care programs, administration, staff development, family-school relationships, equity issues, multicultural units, health nutrition, facilities, special needs, employer-sponsored care, infant/toddler programs, child development, advocacy, and more. Articles analyze issues, trends, policies, and practices, as well as offering well-documented points-of-view and practical recommendations.Areas of Emphasis: International studies:Educational programs in diverse settings:Projects demonstrating inter-professional collaboration:Qualitative and quantitative research and case studies:Theory, research, and practice relating to professional development:Family support and community action programs.

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