Educational Research for Policy and Practice, the official journal of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association, aims to improve education and educational research in Asia and the Pacific by promoting the dissemination of high quality research which addresses key issues in educational policy and practice. Therefore, priority will be given to research which has generated a substantive result of importance for educational policy and practice: to analyses of global forces, regional trends and national educational reforms: and to studies of key issues in teaching, learning and development - such as the challenges to be faced in learning to live together in what is the largest and most diverse region of the world. With a broad coverage of education in all sectors and levels of education, the Journal seeks to promote the contribution of educational research, both quantitative and qualitative, to system-wide reforms and policy making on the one hand, and to resolving specific problems facing teachers and learners at a particular level of education in the Asia-Pacific region on the other.
Education systems worldwide face many common problems as global forces reshape our institutions and lives, while at the same time, the research and problems facing education in Asia and the Pacific reflect its rich cultural and scholarly traditions as well as specific economic and social realities. Educators and researchers can learn from significant investigations, reform programmes, evaluations and case studies of innovations in countries and cultures other than their own. One purpose of this Journal is to make such investigations within the Asian-Pacific region more widely known.
Educational Studies in Mathematics presents new ideas and developments of major importance to practitioners working in the field of mathematical education. It reflects both the variety of research concerns within the field and the range of methods used to study them. Articles deal with didactical, methodological and pedagogical subjects, rather than with specific programs for teaching mathematics. The journal emphasizes high-level articles that go beyond local or national interest.
Educational Technology Research and Development is the only scholarly journal in the field focusing entirely on research and development in educational technology.
The Research Section assigns highest priority in reviewing manuscripts to rigorous original quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies on topics relating to applications of technology or instructional design in educational settings. Such contexts include K-12, higher education, and adult learning (e.g., in corporate training settings). Analytical papers that evaluate important research issues related to educational technology research and reviews of the literature on similar topics are also published. This section features well documented articles on the practical aspects of research as well as applied theory in educational practice and provides a comprehensive source of current research information in instructional technology.The Development Section publishes research on planning, implementation, evaluation and management of a variety of instructional technologies and learning environments. Empirically-based formative evaluations and theoretically-based instructional design research papers are welcome, as are papers that report outcomes of innovative approaches in applying technology to instructional development. Papers for the Development section may involve a variety of research methods and should focus on one or more aspects of the instructional development process; when relevant and possible, papers should discuss the implications of instructional design decisions and provide evidence linking outcomes to those decisions.The Cultural and Regional Perspectives Section (formerly International Review) welcomes innovative research about how technologies are being used to enhance learning, instruction, and performance specific to a culture or region. Educational technology studies submitted to this section should be, situated in cultural contexts that critically examine issues and ideologies prevalent in the culture or region or by individuals or groups in the culture or region. Theoretical perspectives can be broadly based and inclusive of research, such as critical race theory, cultural-historical activity theory, and cultural models. Papers published in this section include quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods articles and reviews drawing on relevant theories, empirical evidence, and critical analyses of the findings, implications, and conclusions within a cultural context.Manuscripts undergo a blind review process involving a panel of three reviewers with initial outcomes usually provided within two months. 5-Year Impact Factor 1.522 (2012)Published in agreement with Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE), Electrical Engineering-Archiv für Elektrotechnik features original research papers across the broad spectrum of topics in electrical and electronic engineering, including its intersection with physics. Exploring both theoretical and experimental work, the journal focuses on contributions that are fundamental to the development of electrical engineering and its applications. In addition to research articles, readers will find insightful reviews and letters to the editors. Â
Electrocatalysis is cross-disciplinary in nature, and attracts the interest of chemists, physicists, biochemists, surface and materials scientists, and engineers. Electrocatalysis provides the unique international forum solely dedicated to the exchange of novel ideas in electrocatalysis for academic, government, and industrial researchers. Quick publication of new results, concepts, and inventions made involving Electrocatalysis stimulates scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, promotes the scientific and engineering concepts that are critical to the development of novel electrochemical technologies. Electrocatalysis publishes original submissions in the form of letters, research papers, review articles, book reviews, and educational papers. Letters are preliminary reports that communicate new and important findings. Regular research papers are complete reports of new results, and their analysis and discussion. Review articles critically and constructively examine development in areas of electrocatalysis
Electronic Commerce Research serves as a catalyst for new research and a forum for disseminating the latest findings in all facets of electronic commerce. The journal’s broad scope encompasses core enabling technologies as well as the implications of these technologies for societies, economies, businesses, and individuals. Readers will find a host of important theoretical and empirical research findings that are leading the way to a better understanding of electronic commerce and its impact. A sampling of topics as they relate to the internet and electronic commerce include intelligent agents technologies and their impact; economics of electronic commerce; virtual electronic commerce systems; service creation and provisioning; supply chain management through the internet; collaborative learning, gaming, and work; and workflow for electronic commerce applications. In addition to its regular issues, the journal publishes periodic issues devoted to a single subject area.Officially cited as: Electron Commer Res
Electronic Markets - The International Journal is a leading scientific journal for advancing the understanding and practice of electronic markets. Started in 1991, Electronic Markets was the first journal to report on developments and the latest trends related to the exciting and rapidly evolving research field of electronic markets and related issues and thus has been a pioneer in the field of scientific e-commerce research publication. Electronic Markets is a multidisciplinary journal whose audience includes: Scientists / scholars from various disciplines with an interest in the relationships between advances in information and communication technology, new forms of value creation, and social change Policy and decision-makers in government, industry and education Managers concerned with the effects of the electronic commerce revolution, organizations and society Electronic Markets embraces a rich array of electronic markets and networked business issues. Examples are market mechanisms, market laws, value chains, web services, portals, standardization, social aspects and legal issues, methods, business models, and information / communication technology. Electronic Markets is a methodologically pluralistic journal. Quantitative and qualitative research methods are both welcome, as long as the studies are methodologically sound. Conceptual and theory-development papers, empirical hypothesis testing, and case-based studies are all welcome.
The journal Electronic Materials Letters publishes original papers and occasional critical reviews on all aspects of research and technology in electronic materials. Topics include electronic, magnetic, photonic, and nanoscale materials. The editors place emphasis on science, technology and applications of materials, especially on the relationships among the processing and structure of various materials and their mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, electronic, electrochemical, magnetic and optical properties. Coverage of processing includes thin film, nanostructure fabrication self-assembly, solidification, phase transformation, and bulk, as well as related topics in thermodynamics, kinetics and modeling. Electronic Materials Letters is an official journal of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials.
Die Zeitschrift behandelt Themen aus dem Bereich der Elektrotechnik, der Elektronik und ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, der Nachrichtentechnik, der Steuer- und Regelungstechnik, des elektrischen Maschinenbaus, der konventionellen und unkonventionellen Energieumwandlung sowie der Solar- und Windenergie. Über wichtige technologische Entwicklungen, richtungsweisende Projekte, bedeutende technisch-wirtschaftliche Veranstaltungen und wissenschaftliche Symposien werden Sonderhefte gestaltet.
- To advance and improve the radiologic aspects of emergency care- To establish Emergency Radiology as an area of special interest in the field of diagnostic imaging- To improve methods of education in Emergency Radiology- To provide, through formal meeti
The Empirica publishes empirical and theoretical work on all economic aspects of European Integration. The topics may range from all challenges concerning the deepening of the European Union (Single Market, Lisbon Agenda, EMU) to enlargement and the external relations of the EU (globalisation). This implies studies on the present status of as well as the future trends of the Single Market (competition policy, innovation systems, growth policy aspects addressed by the Lisbon Agenda, labour market and product market reforms, exploring the advancement towards a common social model) and the further development of the EU’s economic order and economic system as well as all problems of economic and social policy. The still incomplete EMU offers many areas of research in particular connected with the asymmetric architecture of its policy (central monetary, de-central – but co-ordinated - economic policy) and with the relationship (and its economic impact) between the 'Euro-ins' and the 'Euro-outs'.
The growingEmpirical Economics publishes high quality papers using econometric or statistical methods to fill the gap between economic theory and observed data. Papers explore such topics as estimation of established relationships between economic variables, testing of hypotheses derived from economic theory, treatment effect estimation, policy evaluation, simulation, forecasting, as well as econometric methods and measurement.Empirical Economics emphasizes the replicability of empirical results, and authors are expected to make their data available for readers who might wish to replicate published work. The journal publishes replication studies that report on both positive and negative aspects of previously published results in the literature. Officially cited as: Empir EconNow listed with ISI.
Empirical Software Engineering provides a forum for applied software engineering research with a strong empirical component, and a venue for publishing empirical results relevant to both researchers and practitioners. Empirical studies presented here usually involve the collection and analysis of data and experience that can be used to characterize, evaluate and reveal relationships between software development deliverables, practices, and technologies. Over time, it is expected that such empirical results will form a body of knowledge leading to widely accepted and well-formed theories. The journal also offers industrial experience reports detailing the application of software technologies - processes, methods, or tools - and their effectiveness in industrial settings. Empirical Software Engineering promotes the publication of industry-relevant research, to address the significant gap between research and practice.
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal fosters development of the field of employee relations by presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed original research articles and by linking practitioner concerns involving the employment relationship with academic rigor. The journal is interdisciplinary in focus, drawing from a broad range of disciplines including ethics, organizational behavior, law, economics, sociology, social psychology, industrial and employment relations, administrative and organizational studies, and philosophy to further the understanding of both employee responsibilities and rights. The journal offers an international forum for the publication of scholarly peer-reviewed original research including qualitative and quantitative empirical studies, case studies, critical commentaries, and conceptual and dialectic presentations. In addition, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal publishes a Perspectives Section that showcases important contributions in formats other than the traditional research article. Such contributions include symposia/roundtable discussions, commentaries, review essays, interviews, and book reviews.
IMPACT FACTOR:  1.150'...This new journal, with a smart roster of established experts and analysts, promises to make the energy efficiency resource more real and much more available. The timing couldn’t be more critical to both our economic and our environmental well-being.'              John A. 'Skip' Laitner, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)The journal Energy Efficiency covers wide-ranging aspects of energy efficiency in the residential, tertiary, industrial and transport sectors. Coverage includes a number of different topics and disciplines including energy efficiency policies at local, regional, national and international levels; long term impact of energy efficiency; technologies to improve energy efficiency; consumer behavior and the dynamics of consumption; socio-economic impacts of energy efficiency measures; energy efficiency as a virtual utility; transportation issues; building issues; energy management systems and energy services; energy planning and risk a
Energy related problems are part of the major challenges for humanity in this century worldwide. In most countries energy is the first national priority. Energy Systems aims for mathematical programming, control, and economic approaches towards energy systems related topics. The topics covered include power systems optimization, unit commitment, power generation, power trading, electricity risk management, competition in electricity markets, bidding strategies as well as market power issues. Mathematical theory and algorithms for stochastic optimization methods applied to energy problems are also included as well as modeling issues such as process optimization, synthesis, design and operation. The papers published in the journal deal with theoretical, computational, and applied aspects of 'energy systems' as well as state of the art review papers.