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Energy, Ecology and Environment

ISSN: 2363-7692eISSN: 2363-8338
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Engineering Research

ISSN: 0015-7899eISSN: 1434-0860

"Forschung im Ingenieurwesen" - "Engineering Research" erscheint im Einvernehmen mit dem Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Die Zeitschrift wendet sich an Leser, die einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten auf grundlegenden Gebieten der Ingenieurwissenschaften suchen. Die Zeitschrift fördert damit den Austausch zwischen den Arbeitsgebieten Forschung und Entwicklung. "Forschung im Ingenieurwesen" - "Engineering Research" is published in agreement with Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. This journal is aimed at those who require an overview of current research in fundamental areas of engineering science. It, thereby, hopes to encourage an exchange of ideas between the areas of research and development.

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Engineering with Computers

ISSN: 0177-0667eISSN: 1435-5663

Engineering with Computers is an international journal for simulation-based engineering. It publishes original papers and authoritative state-of-the-art reviews on the technologies supporting simulation-based engineering, and examples of operational simulation-based engineering systems. A partial list of the technical areas covered includes: adaptive simulation techniques, engineering databases, integration with CAD geometry, mesh generation, parallel simulation methods, simulation frameworks, user interface technologies and visualization techniques. Application areas covered include any to which engineering technologies are applied and will range from applications in the automotive industry, to the design of medical devices.

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English Teaching & Learning

ISSN: 1023-7267eISSN: 2522-8560
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Entrepreneurship Education

ISSN: 2520-8144eISSN: 2520-8152
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Environment Systems and Decisions

ISSN: 2194-5403eISSN: 2194-5411

Aims and Scope:     Global change, energy and natural resources, increasing demands on infrastructure, toxic contaminants, loss of agricultural land and potable water supplies, etc.-- are interrelated concerns for industries and governments. Integrated solutions for environmental, social, technological, and economic goals - which heretofore constituted a gap - are now addressed by Environment, Systems and Decisions. This journal provides a catalyst for research and innovation in cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary methods of decision analysis, systems analysis, risk assessment, risk management, risk communication, policy analysis, environmental analysis, economic analysis, engineering, and the social sciences.

Environment, Systems and Decisions (2013+, continuing the tradition of The Environmentalist 1981-2012) addresses the needs and perspectives of infrastructure owner/operators, engineers, environmental professionals, and risk managers through technical articles, editorials, interviews, and news columns. The journal contains elements applicable to researchers and to education and training of technology and environmental experts across disciplines, including specialist and generalist training, regulators and policy makers, and public information including risk communication.

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Environment, Development and Sustainability

ISSN: 1387-585XeISSN: 1573-2975

Aims and scope Environment, Development and Sustainability is an international and multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the environmental impacts of socio-economic development. It is also concerned with the complex interactions which occur between development and environment, and its purpose is to seek ways and means for achieving sustainability in all human activities aimed at such development. The subject matter of the journal includes the following and related issues: -mutual interactions among society, development and environment, and their implications for sustainable development -technical, economic, ethical and philosophical aspects of sustainable development -global sustainability - the obstacles and ways in which they could be overcome -local and regional sustainability initiatives, their practical implementation, and relevance for use in a wider context -development and application of indicators of sustainability -development, verification, implementation and monitoring of policies for sustainable development -sustainable use of land, water, energy and biological resources in development -impacts of agriculture and forestry activities on soil and aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity -effects of energy use and global climate change on development and sustainability -impacts of population growth and human activities on food and other essential resources for development -role of national and international agencies, and of international aid and trade arrangements in sustainable development -social and cultural contexts of sustainable development -role of education and public awareness in sustainable development -role of political and economic instruments in sustainable development -shortcomings of sustainable development and its alternatives. The journal welcomes scientific research papers, , review papers and discussion papers dealing with environmental sustainability issues from such fields as the biological sciences, agriculture, geology, meteorology, energy, food sciences, soil and water sciences, geography, nutrition, physical sciences, politics, economics, law, etc. The journal particularly welcomes papers that highlight more than one dimension of sustainable development.

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Environmental Biology of Fishes

ISSN: 0378-1909eISSN: 1573-5133

Environmental Biology of Fishes is an international journal that publishes original studies on the ecology, life history, epigenetics, behavior, physiology, morphology, systematics and evolution of marine and freshwater fishes. Empirical and theoretical papers are published that deal with the relationship between fishes and their external and internal environment, whether natural or unnatural. The journal concentrates on papers that advance the scholarly understanding of life and draw on a variety of disciplines in reaching this understanding.Environmental Biology of Fishes publishes original papers, review papers, brief communications, editorials, book reviews and special issues. Please see the tab Article Types in the journal's Instructions for Authors for more details and submission requirements. There are no page charges to publish in this journal.***Please note that the Threatened Fishes of the World series has been discontinued. Manuscripts can no longer be submitted***

We are pleased to annou

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Environmental Chemistry Letters

ISSN: 1610-3653eISSN: 1610-3661

Environmental Chemistry Letters covers the interfaces of geology, chemistry, physics and biology. Articles published here are of high importance to the study of natural and engineered environments. The journal publishes four-page articles of outstanding significance on such topics as characterization of natural and affected environments; behavior, prevention, treatment and control of mineral, organic and radioactive pollutants; interfacial studies involving media such as soil, sediment, water, air, organism, and food; green chemistry, environmentally friendly synthetic pathways, and alternative fuels; ecotoxicology and risk assessment; environmental processes and modelling; environmental technologies, remediation and control; environmental analytical chemistry, biomolecular tools and tracers.


A new reviewing procedure has been set up for 5 outstanding articles per year to allow online publication in less than 40 days after submission. Such articles should c

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Environmental Earth Sciences

ISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-6299

Environmental Earth Sciences is an international multidisciplinary journal concerned with all aspects of interaction between humans, natural resources, ecosystems, special climates or unique geographic zones, and the earth: Water and soil contamination caused by waste management and disposal practices Environmental problems associated with transportation by land, air, or water Geological processes that may impact biosystems or humans Man-made or naturally occurring geological or hydrological hazards Environmental problems associated with the recovery of materials from the earth Environmental problems caused by extraction of minerals, coal, and ores, as well as oil and gas, water and alternative energy sources Environmental impacts of exploration and recultivation – Environmental impacts of hazardous materials Management of environmental data and information in data banks and information systems Dissemination of knowledge on techniques, methods, approaches and experiences to improve and remediate the environ

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Environmental Economics and Policy Studies

ISSN: 1432-847XeISSN: 1867-383X

As the official journal of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies and the official journal of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, it provides an international forum for debates among diverse disciplines such as environmental economics, environmental policy studies, and related fields. The main purpose of the journal is twofold: to encourage (1) integration of theoretical studies and policy studies on environmental issues and (2) interdisciplinary works of environmental economics, environmental policy studies, and related fields on environmental issues. The journal also welcomes contributions from any discipline as long as they are consistent with the above stated aims and purposes, and encourages interaction beyond the traditional schools of thought. 

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Environmental Fluid Mechanics

ISSN: 1567-7419eISSN: 1573-1510

Environmental Fluid Mechanics is devoted to the publication of basic and applied studies broadly relating to natural fluid systems, particularly as agents for the transport and dispersion of environmental contamination. Understanding transport and dispersion processes in natural fluid flows, from the microscale to the planetary scale, serves as the basis for the development of models aimed at simulations, predictions, and ultimately sustainable environmental management. Within this scope, the subject areas are diverse and may originate from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines: civil, mechanical and environmental engineering, meteorology, hydrology, hydraulics, limnology, and oceanography.

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Environmental Geochemistry and Health

ISSN: 0269-4042eISSN: 1573-2983

Environmental Geochemistry and Health publishes original research papers and review papers across the broad field of environmental geochemistry. Environmental geochemistry and health establishes and explains links between the natural or disturbed chemical composition of the earth’s surface and the health of plants, animals and people. 

Beneficial elements regulate or promote enzymatic and hormonal activity whereas other elements may be toxic. Bedrock geochemistry controls the composition of soil and hence that of water and vegetation. Environmental issues, such as pollution,  arising from the extraction and use of mineral resources, are discussed. The effects of contaminants introduced into the earth’s geochemical systems are examined.  Geochemical surveys of soil, water and plants show how major and trace elements are distributed geographically. Associated epidemiological studies reveal the possibility of causal links between the natural or disturbed geochemical environment and disease. Experimental research illuminates the nature or consequences of natural or disturbed geochemical processes.

The journal particularly welcomes novel research linking environmental geochemistry and health issues on such topics as: heavy metals (including mercury), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and mixed chemicals emitted through human activities, such as uncontrolled recycling of electronic-waste; waste recycling; surface-atmospheric interaction processes (natural and anthropogenic emissions, vertical transport, deposition, and physical-chemical interaction) of gases and aerosols;  phytoremediation/restoration of  contaminated sites; food contamination and safety; environmental effects of medicines; effects and toxicity of mixed pollutants; speciation of heavy metals/metalloids;  effects of  mining;   disturbed geochemistry from human behavior, natural or man-made hazards;  particle and nanoparticle toxicology; risk and the vulnerability of populations, etc.

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Environmental Management

ISSN: 0364-152XeISSN: 1432-1009

Environmental Management offers research and opinions on use and conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats and control of hazards, spanning the field of applied ecology without regard to traditional disciplinary boundaries. The journal aims to improve communication, making ideas and results from any field available to practitioners from other backgrounds. Contributions are drawn from biology, botany, climatology, ecology, ecological economics, environmental engineering, fisheries, environmental law, forest sciences, geology, information science, public affairs, zoology and more. As the principal user of nature, humanity is responsible for ensuring that its environmental impacts are benign rather than catastrophic. Environmental Management presents the work of academic researchers and professionals outside universities, including those in business, government, research establishments, and public interest groups, presenting a wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches.

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Environmental Modeling and Assessment

ISSN: 1420-2026eISSN: 1573-2967

Environmental Modeling & Assessment builds bridges between the scientific community's understanding of key environmental issues and the decision makers' need to influence relevant policies and regulations on the basis of the best available information. The journal offers high quality, peer-reviewed papers that may be regarded as either instances of best practice, or as studies that advance the evolution and applicability of the theories and techniques of modeling and assessment. In particular, the editors are interested both in detailed scientific models of specific environmental problems and in large scale models of the global environment.
The journal also provides a forum where researchers can publish a complete mathematical description of important environmental models together with the accompanying analysis and underlying assumptions.There are no page charges to publish in this journal.

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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

ISSN: 0167-6369eISSN: 1573-2959

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment discusses technical developments and data arising from environmental monitoring and assessment, principles in the design of monitoring systems, and the use of monitoring data in assessing the consequences of natural resource management and pollution risks.
The journal examines monitoring systems designed to estimate exposure both at the individual and population levels, and also focuses on the development of monitoring systems related to the management of various renewable natural resources in, for instance, agriculture, fisheries and forests.
Coverage extends to the use of monitoring in pollution assessment, and particular emphasis is given to the synthesis of monitoring data with toxicological, epidemiological and health data, as well as with pre-market screening results. High quality research papers or reviews dealing with any aspect of environmental monitoring are encouraged. However, papers should not be submitted that do not advance scientific knowledge on

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Environmental Processes

ISSN: 2198-7491eISSN: 2198-7505
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Environmental Science and Pollution Research

ISSN: 0944-1344eISSN: 1614-7499

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) serves the international community in all areas of Environmental Science and related subjects with emphasis on chemical compounds. It reports from a broad interdisciplinary outlook. Apart from the strictly scientific contributions as research articles (short and full papers) and reviews, ESPR publishes: news & views from research and technology, legislation and regulation, hardware and software, education, literature, institutions, organizations, conferences. Editorial Policy
For maximum benefit to the environmental community, the journal has the following features:

ESPR was conceived as a truly international scientific journal. 
ESPR represents the international perspective, with emphasis on the natural sciences but also includes the impacts of legislation, regulation, and the economy on pollution control; and
ESPR articles are generally chemically oriented but cover all the broad areas within environmental science. Information f

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Environmental and Ecological Statistics

ISSN: 1352-8505eISSN: 1573-3009

Environmental and Ecological Statistics broadly covers theory and methods, case studies and applications, environmental change and statistical ecology, environmental health statistics and stochastics, and related areas. Special features include invited discussion papers; research communications; technical notes and consultation corner; mini-reviews; letters to the Editor; news; views and announcements; hardware and software reviews; data management, etc.

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Environmental and Resource Economics

ISSN: 0924-6460eISSN: 1573-1502

The primary concern of Environmental & Resource Economics is the application of economic theory and methods to environmental issues and problems that require detailed analysis in order to improve management strategies. The contemporary environmental debate is in a constant state of flux, with new or relatively unexplored topics continually emerging. The Journal provides a forum for the further exploration of causes, consequences and policy responses linked to these topics, across a range of spatial and temporal scales up to the global dimension. Areas of particular interest include evaluation and development of instruments of environmental policy; cost-benefit and cost effectiveness analysis; sectoral environmental policy impact analysis; modeling and simulation; institutional arrangements; resource pricing and the valuation of environmental goods; and indicators of environmental quality. The contents are chosen for their relevance to the process of policy formulation and application.

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