Energy and alternative energy supplies; non renewable resources; climate change; human population growth; food production, distribution and security; toxic wastes; air pollution; loss of agricultural land; source water and potable water; public health infrastructure; environmental borne pathogens; urban ecology and planning; environmental technologies; transportation; the environment and the economy are key concerns shared by industry, governmental leaders and environmental professionals. This journal acts as a catalyst for environmental education, identifying available educational opportunities, and providing necessary guidelines and the missing framework for defining the more viable management mechanisms useful to industry, governmental policy-makers and environmental professionals.
Erkenntnis is a philosophical journal publishing papers committed in one way or another to the philosophical attitude which is signified by the label 'scientific philosophy'. It concentrates on those philosophical fields which are particularly inspired by this attitude, although other topics are welcome as well. These fields are:
- Epistemology
- Philosophy of science, foundations and methodology of science in general and natural and human sciences such as physics, biology, psychology, economics, social sciences, etc. in particular
- Philosophy of mathematics
- Logic, philosophy of logic, and all kinds of philosophical logics
- Philosophy of language
- Ontology, metaphysics, theory of truth, theory of modality
- Philosophical psychology, philosophy of mind
- Practical philosophy, i.e. ethics, philosophy of action, philosophy of law, etc. One of the objectives of Erkenntnis is the provision of a suitable platform for the discussion of controversial issues: another is the provision of timely, competent reviews of important publications in an ever-growing field of research.
In recent years, philosophers standing quite outside the pale of analytic philosophy have also paid careful, and indeed most welcome, attention both to precision of concept and language, and to well-grounded foundations. Erkenntnis provides for them, and for philosophers of all persuasions, a place of meeting, of discussion, and of disputation.
Esophagus, the official journal of the Japan Esophageal Society, introduces practitioners and researchers to significant studies in the fields of benign and malignant diseases of the esophagus. The journal welcomes original articles, review articles, case reports, and short articles including technical notes ( How I do it ), which will be peer-reviewed by the editorial board. Letters to the editor are also welcome. Special articles on esophageal diseases will be provided by the editorial board, and proceedings of symposia and workshops will be included in special issues for the Annual Congress of the Society.
Estuaries and Coasts is the journal of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. It publishes original research on the hydrodynamics, hydrology, (geo)chemistry, geology, biology and their interactions in marine waters influenced by connectivity to land. The journal's geographic scope includes coastal watersheds, tidal rivers, estuaries, lagoons, inland seas, wetlands, and near-shore coastal waters from polar to equatorial latitudes. The Editors encourage submissions that present novel approaches, findings or concepts of general interest to better understand the functioning and structure of coastal systems and will interest the journal's increasingly international readership. Submissions that are primarily descriptive, strongly place based, or report on development of models or new methods without detailing their applications fall outside the scope of the journal.
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice: An International Forum is a peer-reviewed journal which aims to publish the best work produced in all fields of ethics. It welcomes high quality submissions regardless of the tradition or school of thought from which they derive. As an editorial priority, however, presentations should be accessible to the philosophical community at large. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice seeks interdisciplinary cooperation between ethics, theology and empirical disciplines such as medicine, economics, sociology, psychology and law. It recognises that distinctions between theory and practice are, to a large extent, artificial. The journal therefore aims to publish theoretically relevant 'practical' ethics and practically relevant 'theoretical' ethics.
Ethics and Information Technology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the dialogue between moral philosophy and the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The journal aims to foster and promote reflection and analysis which is intended to make a constructive contribution to answering the ethical, social and political questions associated with the adoption, use, and development of ICT. Within the scope of the journal are also conceptual analysis and discussion of ethical ICT issues which arise in the context of technology assessment, cultural studies, public policy analysis and public administration, cognitive science, social and anthropological studies in technology, mass-communication, and legal studies. In addition, the journal features research that deals with the history of ideas and provides intellectual resources for moral and political reflection on ICT.
Euphytica is an international journal covering the theoretical and applied aspects of plant breeding, and publishing critical reviews and papers on original research.The journal reports on the growing field of research associated with the integration of modern and traditional plant breeding using transgenic crop plants and/or marker assisted breeding in combination with traditional breeding tools. The content addresses the interests of researchers involved in plant breeding at universities, breeding institutes, seed industries, plant biotech companies and industries using plant raw materials, and promoting stability, adaptability and sustainability in agriculture and agro-industries. The Editor-in-Chief of Euphytica is R.G.F. Visser, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
Official Journal of
European Academy of ORL-Head and Neck SurgeryOfficial Journal of
European Federation of Oto-Laryngological SocietiesOfficial Journal of
European Laryngological SocietyOfficial Journal of
European Union of Medical Specialists – ORL Section and BoardOfficial Journal of Confederation of European Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery'European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology' publishes original clinical reports and clinically relevant experimental studies, as well as short communications presenting new results of special interest. With peer review by a respected international editorial board and prompt English-language publication, the journal provides rapid dissemination of information by authors from around the world. This particular feature makes it the journal of choice for readers who want to be informed about the continuing state of the art concerning basic sciences and the diagnosis and management of diseases of the head and neck on an international level.'Euro
The original papers published in the European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience deal with all aspects of psychiatry and related clinical neuroscience.Clinical psychiatry, psychopathology, epidemiology as well as brain imaging, neuropathological, neurophysiological, neurochemical and moleculargenetic studies of psychiatric disorders are among the topics covered. Thus both the clinician and the neuroscientist are provided with a handy source of information on important scientific developments.Fields of interest: Psychiatry (psychopathology, clinical psychiatry, epidemiology, genetics), neurological sciences (neuropathology, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropsychology, neurology, neurosurgery).
The European Biophysics Journal publishes papers in the field of biophysics, defining biophysics as the study of biological phenomena using physical methods and concepts. The journal presents original papers, reviews and letters. The primary goal of this journal is to advance the understanding of biological structure and function by application of the principles of physical science, and by presenting the work in a biophysical context. Principal areas of interest include: structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules; membrane biophysics and ion channels; cell biophysics and organisation; macromolecular assemblies; biophysical methods and instrumentation; advanced microscopics; and system dynamics. The journal is published on behalf of the European Biophysical Societies Association.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is Europe's only peer-reviewed journal entirely devoted to child and adolescent psychiatry. It aims to further a broad understanding of psychopathology in children and adolescents. Empirical research is its foundation, and clinical relevance is its hallmark. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry welcomes in particular papers covering neuropsychiatry, cognitive neuroscience, genetics, neuroimaging, pharmacology, and related fields of interest. Contributions are encouraged from all around the world.
The journal European Food Research and Technology publishes state-of-the-art research papers and review articles on fundamental and applied food research. The journal's mission is the fast publication of high quality papers on front-line research, new and novel techniques and developing trends in such disciplines as chemistry and biochemistry; technology and molecular biotechnology; nutritional chemistry and toxicology; analytical and sensory methodologies and food physics. The Editors-in-Chief are T. Henle, Technische Universität Dresden, and T. Hofmann, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany.
Publishing six issues a year, European Geriatric Medicine (EGM) presents the results of original papers that are of interest in the field of ageing and geriatric medicine: fundamental/translational research, hot topics in geriatric medicine, geriatric therapy/care as well as palliative medicine, pharmacology and techniques/technology applying to geriatric medicine.This wide scope emphasizing on original articles is aimed at fostering geriatric medicine across Europe.European Geriatric Medicine will endeavor, not only to publish original high level scientific articles, rapid communications, controversies in geriatric medicine, specific care programmes for the elderly, case reports, letters to the Editor, book reviews, geriatric career achievements, but also information and news from EUGMS.
The European Journal of Philosophy of Science publishes groundbreaking works in Philosophy of Science that can deepen our understanding of the world as well as being of direct interest to scientists and to citizens and policymakers who make use of science. The journal is open for philosophy of science articles from all traditions and all backgrounds. Although founded in Europe, the journal welcomes articles from every part of the world. The EJPS is the official journal for the European Philosophy of Science Association. Contact us: E-mail: Mail address: EJPSDepartment of PhilosophyBuilding B-7Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona08193 BarcelonaSPAIN Special thanks: EJPS is edited at, and financially supported by, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).