Food Engineering Reviews publishes reviews covering all engineering aspects of today’s food industry. Coverage concentrates on classic as well as modern novel food engineering topics, exploring such essential factors as the health, nutritional, and environmental aspects of food processing. The journal identifies and discusses trends that will drive the discipline over time. The scope of topics addressed is broad, encompassing Transport phenomena in food processing; Food process engineering; Physical properties of foods; Food nano-science and nano-engineering; Food equipment design; Food plant design; Modeling food processes; Microbial inactivation kinetics; Preservation technologies; Engineering aspects of food packaging; Shelf life, storage and distribution of foods; Instrumentation, control and automation in food processing; Food engineering, health and nutrition; Energy and economic consideration in food engineering and Food engineering education.
The journal is a global forum for academic discussions on food ethics. As a consequence it is trans-, multi- and interdisciplinary, as well as non-partisan and cross-cultural. Thematically the journal spans the whole value chain from producer to consumer, including important agents such as processing industry and retailers. It covers all aspects related to the production and consumption of human food, and it has a focus on the utilization of seafood, crops and plants, and animals. Environmental issues such as the sustainable use of land areas and the natural resources, e.g. freshwater, are included in the thematic focus, and special attention is given to the development and use of modern technology, e.g. biotechnology, as a way to improve global food security. Attention is also paid to issues like animal welfare and fair trade, as well as just and democratic governance of the value chains. Food security, food safety and sovereignty, rights and responsibilities, as well as cultural determinants and frameworks of understanding food are natural thematic focal points.
The Food Science and Biotechnology (Food Sci. Biotechnol.; FSB), an international journal published bimonthly by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST), provides results of original research on the physical, chemical, biological, and health aspects of food science and technology, and a review related to food science and biotechnology. FSB has been covered in Current Contents and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) from 2003. FSB has been also indexed by SCOPUS from September, 2008. Submission of Manuscript FSB operates an on-line submission system. Details of how to submit online and full author instructions can be found at: Papers in a series are not accepted. Membership in KoSFoST is not a prerequisite for submission of manuscript for publication. Impact Factor FSB has an impact factor of 1.223 according to the Institute for Scientific Information's 2007 Journal Citation Reports.
The journal Food Security offers a mixture of original refereed papers taking a synthetic view of the science, sociology and economics of food production, agricultural development, access to food, and nutrition, together with review articles, case studies and letters to the editor. The journal covers the principles and practice of food security per se, taking an overview of the subject or analyzing it with a broad perspective over its many component disciplines.To address the challenge of global food security, the journal probes the constraints - physical, biological, socio-economic and political - which not only limit food production but also the ability of people to access a healthy diet. From this perspective, the journal covers Global food needs; Global food potential; Nutrition, food quality and safety; impinging socio-political factors, and more.Food Security is an official publication of the International Society for Plant Pathology.Food Security is available through Springer Developing Countries Init
Food and Bioprocess Technology provides an effective and timely platform for cutting-edge high quality original papers in the engineering and science of all types of food processing technologies, from the original food supply source to the consumer’s dinner table. It aims to be a leading international journal for the multidisciplinary agri-food research community. The journal focuses especially on experimental or theoretical research findings that have the potential for helping the agri-food industry to improve process efficiency, enhance product quality and, extend shelf-life of fresh and processed agri-food products. The editors present critical reviews on new perspectives to established processes, innovative and emerging technologies, and trends and future research in food and bioproducts processing. The journal also publishes short communications for rapidly disseminating preliminary results, letters to the Editor on recent developments and controversy, and book reviews.
The journal Food and Environmental Virology publishes original articles, notes and reviews on research relating to the transmission of pathogenic viruses via the environment (water, air, soil etc.) and foods. This includes epidemiological studies, identification of novel and emerging pathogens, methods of analysis or characterization, studies on survival and elimination, and development of procedural controls for industrial processes, including HACCP plans. The journal encompasses studies on human, animal, and plant pathogenic viruses which are capable of transmission via the environment or food. Coverage includes Epidemiology; Routes of transmission; Viruses in water treatment plants; Detection of waterborne, foodborne and airborne viruses; Risk Assessment; Modular process risk models; Survival of viruses in the environment and foods; Transport of viruses through soils; Elimination procedures for food and environmental application; Procedural controls and Personal protective efforts.
Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology explores all aspects of modern day forensics, applying equally to children or adults, either living or the deceased. The range of topics covered includes forensic science, medicine, nursing, and pathology, as well as toxicology, human identification, mass disasters/mass war graves, profiling, imaging, policing, wound assessment, sexual assault, anthropology, archeology, forensic search, entomology, botany, biology, veterinary pathology, and DNA. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology presents a balance of forensic research and reviews from around the world to reflect modern advances through peer-reviewed papers, short communications, meeting proceedings and case reports.
The journal Forensic Toxicology provides an international forum for publication of studies on toxic substances, drugs of abuse, doping agents, chemical warfare agents, and their metabolisms and analyses, which are related to laws and ethics. It includes original articles, reviews, mini-reviews, short communications, and case reports. Although a major focus of the journal is on the development or improvement of analytical methods for the above-mentioned chemicals in human matrices, appropriate studies with animal experiments are also published.Forensic Toxicology is the official publication of the Japanese Association of Forensic Toxicology (JAFT) and is the continuation of the Japanese Journal of Forensic Toxicology (ISSN 0915-9606).This publication is supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Die Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie versteht sich als Forum für die wissenschaftliche Erörterung der Ursachen und Folgen von Straffälligkeit. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, wie die Beziehung ist zwischen Personen, sozialem Umfeld und Delinquenz. Dabei geht es um Strafverfolgung, Begutachtung, Intervention und Prävention.
Formal Methods in System Design reports on the latest formal methods for designing, implementing, and validating the correctness of hardware (VLSI) and software systems. Readers will find high quality, original papers describing all aspects of research and development. Contributions to the journal serve its goal of developing an important and highly useful collection of commonly applicable formal methods that will strongly influence future design environments and design methods.
Das Forum der Psychoanalyse ist eine Diskussionsplattform für Themen der psychoanalytischen klinischen Theorie und Technik aus der Sicht der verschiedenen Strömungen im In- und Ausland. Es behandelt auch angrenzende Themen, z.B. die Verbindung zwischen Psychoanalyse und Nachbarwissenschaften, Fragen der Ausbildung, die Psychoanalyse als Beruf und Grundsatzfragen der Psychoanalyse als Wissenschaft. Die Zeitschrift wurde 1985 von Psychoanalytikern verschiedener Fachgesellschaften gegründet.
Foundations of Chemistry is an international journal which seeks to provide an interdisciplinary forum where chemists, biochemists, philosophers, historians, educators and sociologists with an interest in foundational issues can discuss conceptual and fundamental issues which relate to the `central science' of chemistry. Such issues include the autonomous role of chemistry between physics and biology and the question of the reduction of chemistry to quantum mechanics.
The journal will publish peer-reviewed academic articles on a wide range of subdisciplines, among others: chemical models, chemical language, metaphors, and theoretical terms: chemical evolution and artificial self-replication: industrial application, environmental concern, and the social and ethical aspects of chemistry's professionalism: the nature of modeling and the role of instrumentation in chemistry: institutional studies and the nature of explanation in the chemical sciences: theoretical chemistry, molecular structure and chaos: the issue of realism: molecular biology, bio-inorganic chemistry: historical studies on ancient chemistry, medieval chemistry and alchemy: philosophical and historical articles: and material of a didactic nature relating to all topics in the chemical sciences.
Foundations of Chemistry plans to feature special issues devoted to particular themes, and will contain book reviews and discussion notes.
Audience: chemists, biochemists, philosophers, historians, chemical educators, sociologists, and other scientists with an interest in the foundational issues of science.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) publishes research and survey papers of the highest quality, which further the understanding of the connections between mathematics and computation, including the interfaces between pure and applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science.
Our views of the physical world are changing rapidly. Humanity's continuing search for coherent structures in physics, biology, and cosmology has frequently led to surprises as well as confusion. Discovering new phenomena is one thing, putting them into context with other pieces of knowledge, and inferring their fundamental consequences is quite something else. There are controversies, differences of opinion, and sometimes even religious feelings which come into play. These should be discussed openly. Philosophical issues that are of a general, nontechnical nature should be handled in the opinion pages of the news media, but when the discussed arguments become too technical for that, when peer review is needed to select the really valuable pieces of insight, only a distinguished scientific journal is the appropriate form.
Foundations of Physics is an international journal devoted to the conceptual bases and fundamental theories of modern physics and cosmology, emphasizing the logical, methodological, andFoundations of Science focuses on methodological and philosophical topics of foundational significance concerning the structure and the growth of science. It serves as a forum for exchange of views and ideas among working scientists and theorists of science and it seeks to promote interdisciplinary cooperation.
Since the various scientific disciplines have become so specialized and inaccessible to workers in different areas of science, one of the goals of the journal is to present the foundational issues of science in a way that is free from unnecessary technicalities yet faithful to the scientific content. The aim of the journal is not simply to identify and highlight foundational issues and problems, but to suggest constructive solutions to the problems.
The editors of the journal admit that various sciences have approaches and methods that are peculiar to those individual sciences. However, they hold the view that important truths can be discovered about and by the sciences and that truths transcend cultural and political contexts. Although properly conducted historical and sociological inquiries can explain some aspects of the scientific enterprise, the editors believe that the central foundational questions of contemporary science can be posed and answered without recourse to sociological or historical methods.
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (FCAA) is a specialized international journal based on worldwide editorship, authorship and readership. Since its beginning in 1998, the journal aims to be the most prestigious and suitable forum for publication of high quality original results and surveys on the FCAA topics, for exchange of ideas, discussions, open problems and announcements on recent and forthcoming books and events in the area. It was conceived as a meeting place for pure and applied mathematicians, theoretical physicists and researchers in other natural and social sciences, engineers, and all interested in FCAA topics.
After 13 years of publication history at IMI - BAS (,
archives at: ,,
the FCAA journal is now co-published by Versita and Springer.
The primary topics of FCAA are:
- Fractional Calculus
- Special Functions and Integral Transforms, related to Fractional Calculus
- Fractional Order Differential and Integral Equations and Systems
- Mathematical Models of Phenomena, described by the above topics
Secondary topics of FCAA include related areas of applied analysis, such as:
- Algebraic Analysis, Operational and Convolutional Calculi
- Generalized Functions, Harmonic Analysis
- Series, Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
- Numerical and Approximation Methods, Computational Procedures and
Algorithms, related to the Primary FCAA topics
- Fractional Stochastic Processes
- Fractal and Integral Geometry
Applications of these techniques to:
- Differential and Integral Equations, Problems of Mathematical Physics
- Control Theory, Mechanics, Probability and Statistics, Finances, Engineering,, etc.
Other contributions:
- If revealing connections between Fractional Calculus and the
above-mentioned topics to model problems of the real physical and social world
Suggested MSC 2010 entries: (link
- 26A33: 33E12, 34A08, 34K37, 35R11, 60G22 (primary)
- 30C45, 30E15, 31B15, 33C60, 33E30, 34A25, 42A45, 42C10,
44A20, 44A35, 44A40, 45E10, 93B60, 93D09, 05C72, etc. (secondary)
Frontiers in Energy, an interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed international journal launched in January 2007, seeks to provide a rapid and unique platform for reporting the most advanced research on energy technology and strategic thinking in order to promote timely communication between researchers, scientists, engineers, and policy makers in the field of energy. Frontiers in Energy aims to be a leading peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information for analyses, reviews and evaluations in energy engineering and research, with a strong focus on energy analysis, energy modelling and prediction, integrated energy systems, energy conversion and conservation, energy planning and energy on economic and policy issues. Frontiers in Energy publishes state-of-the-art review articles, original research papers and short communications by individual researchers or research groups. It is strictly peer-reviewed and accepts only original submissions in English. The scope of the journal is broad and covers all latest focus in current energy research. High-quality papers are solicited in, but are not limited to the following areas: Fundamental energy scienceEnergy technology, including energy generation, conversion, storage, renewables, transport, urban design and building efficiencyEnergy and the environment, including pollution control, energy efficiency and climate changeEnergy economics, strategy and policyEmerging energy issue
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, a refereed international journal, seeks to provide a platform for the publication of peer-reviewed papers to promote rapid communication and academic exchange between researchers in the field of chemical science and engineering. It aims to reflect significant advances currently being made worldwide in a broad scope of chemical science and engineering. The journal publishes review articles, research papers and rapid communications by individual researcher and research groups. The journal covers nearly all main branches of chemical science and engineering, including these core areas: catalysis and reaction engineering, clean energy, functional material, nanotechnology and nanoscience, biomaterials and biotechnology, particle technology and multiphase processing, separation science and technology, sustainable technologies and green processing. The journal is strictly peer-reviewed and accepts only original submissions in English.