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Frontiers of Earth Science

ISSN: 2095-0195eISSN: 2095-0209
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Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering

eISSN: 2095-221X

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE) is an international journal for researchers interested in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The journal's aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all main branches of environmental science & engineering. The journal emphasizes papers in developing fields, as well as papers showing the interaction between environmental disciplines and other disciplines.

FESE is a bi-monthly journal. Its peer-reviewed contents consist of a broad blend of reviews, research papers, policy analyses, short communications, and opinions. Nonscheduled “special issue” and 'hot topic', including a review article followed by a couple of related research articles, are organized to publish novel contributions and breaking results on all aspects of environmental field.

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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering

eISSN: 2095-9230
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Frontiers of Materials Science

ISSN: 2095-025XeISSN: 2095-0268

Frontiers of Materials Science is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high quality reviews/mini-reviews, full-length research papers, and short Communications recording the latest pioneering studies on all aspects of materials science. It aims at providing a forum to promote communication and exchange between scientists in the worldwide materials science community. The subjects are seen from international and interdisciplinary perspectives covering areas including (but not limited to): Biomaterials including biomimetics and biomineralization Nano materials Polymers and composites New metallic materials Advanced ceramics Materials modeling and computation Frontier materials synthesis and characterization Novel methods for materials manufacturing Materials performance Materials applications in energy, information and biotechnology

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Frontiers of Mathematics

ISSN: 2731-8648eISSN: 2731-8656

Frontiers of Mathematics in China reports on recent advances in the field of mathematics. It covers all the main branches of mathematics, both pure and applied, presenting core areas, such as geometry, algebra, and number theory, as well as applied areas, such as statistics, numerical analysis, and mathematical biology.In addition, the journal features papers in developing and promising fields as well as papers showing the interaction between different fields of mathematics, or the interaction between mathematics and science and engineering. The journal shall be an ideal platform for mathematical researchers, investigators and even strategists who want to know more about the rapid, strong and substantial mathematical achievements in China.

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Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 2095-0233eISSN: 2095-0241

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering is an international peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China. The journal seeks to provide a forum for a broad blend of high-quality academic papers in order to promote rapid communication and exchange between researchers, scientists, and engineers in the field of mechanical engineering. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and feature articles. 

The journal covers all major branches of mechanical engineering including (not limited to): machines and mechanisms, gears and transmissions, mechanical system dynamics, mechanical structures and stress analysis, tribology and surface technology, mechanical design and bionics, machining processes and technologies, manufacturing automation, precision engineering, mechatronics and embedded systems, micro/nano manufacturing and systems, robotics, sensing, MEMS, and green manufacturing. 

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Frontiers of Medicine

ISSN: 2095-0217eISSN: 2095-0225

Frontiers of Medicine  is a general medical journal devoted to publishing original research and review articles on the latest advances in clinical and basic medicine with a focus on epidemiology, traditional Chinese medicine, translational research, healthcare, public health and health policies. The journal employs a rigorous peer-review and editing process to ensure the scientific accuracy, novelty and importance of the manuscripts. Frontiers of Medicine is committed to promoting health and health care through communications among professionals in medical care, disease prevention and scientific research throughout the world by updating the progress in medicine, sharing experiences in disease control and treatment and exchanging views on health policies, medical services and health care reform.

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Frontiers of Physics

ISSN: 2095-0462eISSN: 2095-0470

Frontiers of Physics facilitates communication and exchange among scientists by reporting significant advances made in universities and academic institutions worldwide in nearly all fields of physics. The journal publishes review articles, original research papers, and rapid communications by individual physicists and research groups. The journal spans a wide range of topics, reporting experiments, techniques and ideas that advance the understanding of physics worldwide. Among the fields covered are physics of quantum mechanics and quantum information; gravitation, cosmology and astrophysics; elementary particles and fields; nuclear physics; atomic, molecular and optical physics; statistical and nonlinear physics; plasma physics and accelerator physics; condensed matter physics; nanostructures and functional materials; and soft matter, biological physics and interdisciplinary physics.

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Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

eISSN: 2095-2449

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (Formerly known as Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China) seeks to provide a multidisciplinary forum with peer-reviewed papers and case studies in order to promote rapid communication and exchange among scholars, engineers and architects. It introduces and reflects significant and pioneering achievements in the field of structural and civil engineering. The subject areas featured will include some aspects of main branches of civil engineering. Topics include but not restricted to: structural engineering: hydraulic engineering: geotechnical engineering: bridge engineering. All published papers will reflect the original thoughts of researchers and practitioners on basic theories, model, computing, and design in structural and civil engineering. The journal is strictly peer-reviewed and accepts only original submissions in English. 

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Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences

ISSN: 1674-0750eISSN: 2198-2600
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Functional Analysis and Its Applications

ISSN: 0016-2663eISSN: 1573-8485

Functional Analysis and its Applications contains articles devoted to current problems of functional analysis, including representation theory, theory of abstract and functional spaces, theory of operators, spectral theory, theory of operator equations, and the theory of normed rings. The journal also covers the most important applications of functional analysis in mathematics, mechanics, and theoretical physics. Founded by I. M. Gel'fand in 1967, Functional Analysis and its Applications is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian journal Funktsional'Nyi Analiz i Ego Prilozheniya, a publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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Functional and Integrative Genomics

ISSN: 1438-793XeISSN: 1438-7948

Functional & Integrative Genomics is devoted to large-scale studies of genomes and their functions, including systems analyses of biological processes. Topics covered include: - Whole genome analyses/bioinformatics/expression profiling - Genomics (structural, comparative, integrative) - Proteomics and Metabolomics (integrated with function) - Metagenomics - Human disease genes and loci - Large-scale/high throughput analysis of biological systems Emphasis will be placed on manuscripts addressing important biological problems using large-scale systems and approaches. Studies on bacterial, fungal, protista, plant and animal genomes are welcome. Papers describing new techniques will only be considered for publication if they are sufficiently novel and broadly applicable.

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Fungal Diversity

ISSN: 1560-2745eISSN: 1878-9129

Fungal Diversity is an international journal which publishes papers spanning all facets of the field of mycology. The coverage encompasses biodiversity, and systematic and molecular phylogeny. The content includes novel research articles and review articles, all of which are peer reviewed. Fungal Diversity is the official journal of Kunming Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is based in China.All articles in this journal are published Online First and are citable by their permanent DOI. This online version is considered the official publication, not simply a prepublication service, and should be considered the Version of Record as defined by NISO RP-8-2008. After online publication, any corrections require the publication of an Erratum.

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Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making

ISSN: 1568-4539eISSN: 1573-2908

Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making has been accepted for Science Citation Index Expanded and Current Contents/Engineering Computing and Technology and will first appear with an Impact Factor in the 2009 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published in June 2010. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making covers all aspects of the theory and practice of fuzzy optimization and decision making in the presence of uncertainty. It examines theoretical, empirical, and experimental work related to fuzzy modeling and associated mathematics, solution methods, and systems. The journal publishes papers in the following areas: modeling, theoretical developments, algorithmic developments, systems development and applications. This journal promotes research and the development of fuzzy technology and soft-computing methodologies to enhance our ability to address complicated optimization and decision making problems involving non-probabilistic uncertainty. It helps foster the understanding, development, and practice of fuzzy te

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GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics

ISSN: 1869-2672eISSN: 1869-2680

Mathematics concerned with geoscientific problems, i.e., Geomathematics, is becoming increasingly important, as first, modern high speed computers and satellite based techniques are entering more and more all geodisciplines and secondly a growing public concern about the future of our planet exists, its climate, its environment, and about an expected shortage of natural resources . Efficient strategies of protection against threats of a changing earth and the exceptional situation of getting terrestrial, airborne as well as spaceborne data of better and better quality explain the strong need of new mathematical structures, tools, and methods.GEM – The International Journal on Geomathematics publishes peer-reviewed mathematical papers that deal with (i) modelling of the system Earth (geosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere) (ii) analytic, algebraic, and operator-theoretic methods and (iii) computational and numerical analysis methods necessary for the mathematical treatment of geoscientifically relevant problems. Book reviews are welcome.

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GPS Solutions

ISSN: 1080-5370eISSN: 1521-1886

GPS Solutions is a quarterly scientific journal covering system design issues and a full range of current and emerging applications of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and various augmentations. Prime interest is devoted to novel, innovative, or highly demanding uses. Areas of application include: aviation, surveying and mapping, forestry and agriculture, maritime and waterway navigation, public transportation, time and frequency comparisons and dissemination, space and satellite operations, law enforcement and public safety, communications, meteorology and atmospheric science, geosciences, monitoring global change, technology and engineering, GIS, geodesy, and more. GPS Solutions addresses the latest developments in GNSS infrastructure, mathematical modeling, algorithmic developments GPS Solutions data analysis, user hardware, and general issues that impact the user community. Contributions from the entire spectrum of GNSS professionals are represented, including unive

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Gastric Cancer

ISSN: 1436-3291eISSN: 1436-3305

Gastric Cancer, a joint official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, publishes significant studies related to stomach neoplasms. The journal welcomes original articles, case reports, short communications, and technical notes, which will be peer-reviewed by the editorial board. Letters to the Editor commenting on articles published in the journal or expressing views on topics concerning gastric cancer are also welcomed. Review articles are in principle solicited by the Editor. Meeting reports will include summaries of symposia or consensus achieved in the congresses of related associations.

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Gefässchirurgie: Zeitschrift für vaskuläre und endovaskuläre Medizin

ISSN: 0948-7034eISSN: 1434-3932

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Gefässchirurgie informiert über aktuelle Entwicklungen in der vaskulären und endovaskulären Chirurgie. Die Zeitschrift wendet sich an Gefäßchirurgen und Spezialisten angrenzender Fachgebiete in Praxis, Klinik und Forschung.
Praxisorientierte Übersichtsarbeiten greifen ausgewählte Themen auf und bieten dem Leser eine Zusammenstellung aktueller Erkenntnisse aus allen Bereichen der Gefäßchirurgie. Neben der Vermittlung von relevantem Hintergrundwissen liegt der Schwerpunkt dabei auf der Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse und praktischer Erfahrung. Der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.
Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch.
Kasuistiken zeigen interessante Fallbeispiele und ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe.
Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und mach

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Gender Issues

ISSN: 1098-092XeISSN: 1936-4717

Interdisciplinary and cross-national in scope, Gender Issues includes political, economic, social and behavioral analyses with diverse perspectives and policy conclusions. In contrast to many other publications in this field, Gender Issues does not focus on women as an insular group: it broadens the perspective to include men’s issues, and the extensive effect of changing sex roles on gender relations. Gender Issues is dedicated to publishing basic and applied research on the relationships between men and women: on similarities and differences in socialization, personality, and behavior: and on the changing aspirations, roles, and status of women in industrial, urban societies as well as in developing nations. Gender Issues encourages contributions from scholars in all areas of the social sciences, as well as letters to the editor, and incisive reviews of important literature from all sides of the debate about gender relations.

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General Relativity and Gravitation

ISSN: 0001-7701eISSN: 1572-9532

General Relativity and Gravitation is a journal devoted to all aspects of modern gravitational science, and published under the auspices of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation.The journal publishes research letters and papers, invited review articles on all theoretical and experimental aspects of modern general relativity and gravitation, as well as book reviews and historical articles of special interest. In particular it welcomes original articles on the following topics of current research:1. Analytical general relativity, including its interface with geometrical analysis.2. All aspects of numerical relativity3. Theoretical and observational cosmology4. Relativistic astrophysics5. Gravitational waves: data analysis, astrophysical sources and detector science6. Extensions of general relativity7. Supergravity8. Gravitational aspects of string theory and its extensions9. Quantum gravity: canonical approaches, in particular loop quantum gravity.10. Quantum Gravity: path integral

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