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Health Care Analysis

ISSN: 1065-3058eISSN: 1573-3394

The journal Health Care Analysis promotes debate about the fundamental rationale of all aspects of health systems and health care provision, including public policy and health; health-related education; health services organization and decision-making; health care professional practice. The journal is committed to the view that all aspects of health systems are interrelated, and presents and papers which make links between some of these areas. As a journal for everyone interested in philosophical issues in health care, Health Care Analysis seeks to support the conversation between philosophy and policy. It publishes contributions from philosophers, social scientists, other health-related academics and policy analysts, health care educators, health care professionals and managers. 5 Year Impact Factor: 0.724 (2007)Section 'Health Policy & Services': Rank 40 out of 40

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Health Care Management Science

ISSN: 1386-9620eISSN: 1572-9389

Health Care Management Science publishes important articles that promote systems thinking, offer rigorous scientific approaches for solving tough health care problems, and address policy implications. The journal uses an interdisciplinary approach, covering such topics as productivity and operations analysis, information systems, financial management, strategic management, managed care, and systems dynamics. Providing a single forum for researchers and practitioners of health care services and management, the journal fosters the development and exchange of new ideas and the discussion of important findings in the field. Moreover, it disseminates knowledge rapidly across traditional disciplinary boundaries.Officially cited as: Health Care Manag Sci

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Health Information Science and Systems

eISSN: 2047-2501

Health Information Science and Systems is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to integrate computer science/information technology with health science and services, embracing information science research coupled with topics related to the modeling, design, development, integration, and management of health information systems.Health Information Science and Systems is an international, archival, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open access journal covering all aspects of the health information sciences and the systems that support this information. The scope includes i) medical/health/biomedicine information resources, such as patient medical records, devices and equipments, software and tools to capture, store, retrieve, process, analyze, optimize the use of information in the health domain, ii) data management, data mining, and knowledge discovery, all of which play a key role in decision making, management of public health, examination of standards, privacy and security issues, iii) development of new architectures and applications for health information systems. Health Information Science and Systems' topical coverage includes, but is not restricted to, the following subjects:Information systems including electronic health records, hospital information systems, data exchange and integrationHealth service delivery, workflowData mining, knowledge discovery, decision making supportSystem interoperability, ontology and standardizationBioinformaticsBiomedical informaticsBrain informaticsTelemedicineHealth data managementHealth database and information-system integrationHealth information extractionHealth information servicesHealth information-system modeling, design, and developmentHealth information visualizationSupport tools and languages for health information-system developmentHe, alth Information Science and Systems seeks articles on research methods and conceptual insights that are healthcare motivated but could potentially be applied broadly in diverse domains, both within and outside healthcare context. Methods may be drawn from information technology, computer science, bioinformatics, biomedicine, decision science, cognitive science, psychology, management science, and statistics. Articles emphasizing information management and knowledge representation/modeling issues that arise from the storage and use of health informatics will also be considered. System descriptions are welcome if they illustrate and substantiate the underlying methodology.

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Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology

ISSN: 1387-3741eISSN: 1572-9400

The journal reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the field of health services and outcomes research. It addresses the needs of multiple, interlocking communities, including methodologists in statistics, econometrics, social and behavioral sciences: designers and analysts of health policy and health services research projects: and health care providers and policy makers who need to properly understand and evaluate the results of published research. The journal will strive to enhance the level of methodologic rigor in health services and outcomes research and will contribute to the development of methodologic standards in the field. In pursuing its main objective, the journal will also provide a meeting ground for researchers from a number of traditional disciplines and will foster the development of new quantitative methodology by statisticians, econometricians, and methodologists in other fields.

Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology publishes: Research papers on quantitative methods: Case Studies setting out substantial applications of quantitative methodology in health services and outcomes research: Review Articles, synthesizing and popularizing methodologic developments: Tutorials: Articles on computational issues and software reviews: Book reviews and notices. Special issues will be devoted to papers presented in important workshops and conferences.

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Health and Technology

ISSN: 2190-7188eISSN: 2190-7196

Health and Technology is the first truly cross-disciplinary journal on issues related to health technologies addressing all professions relating to health, care and health technology.The journal constitutes an information platform connecting medical technology and informatics with the needs of care, health care professionals and patients. Thus, medical physicists and biomedical/clinical engineers are encouraged to write articles not only for their colleagues, but directed to all other groups of readers as well, and vice versa.By its nature, the journal presents and discusses hot subjects including but not limited to patient safety, patient empowerment, disease surveillance and management, e-health and issues concerning data security, privacy, reliability and management, data mining and knowledge exchange as well as health prevention. The journal also addresses the medical, financial, social, educational and safety aspects of health technologies as well as health technology assessment and management, including issues such security, efficacy, cost in comparison to the benefit, as well as social, legal and ethical implications.This journal is a communicative source for the health work force (physicians, nurses, medical physicists, clinical engineers, biomedical engineers, hospital engineers, etc.), the ministries of health, hospital management, self-employed doctors, health care providers and regulatory agencies, the medical technology industry, patients' associations, universities (biomedical and clinical engineering, medical physics, medical informatics, biology, medicine and public health as well as health economics programs), research institutes and professional, scientific and technical organizations.Health and Technology is jointly published by Springer and the IUPESM (International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine) in cooperation with the World Health Organization.

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Heart Failure Reviews

ISSN: 1382-4147eISSN: 1573-7322

Heart Failure Reviews is an international journal which develops links between basic scientists and clinical investigators, creating a unique, interdisciplinary dialogue focused on heart failure, its pathogenesis and treatment. The journal accordingly publishes papers in both basic and clinical research fields. Topics covered include clinical and surgical approaches to therapy, basic pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology, pathology, and electrophysiology.

The reviews are comprehensive, expanding the reader's knowledge base and awareness of current research and new findings in this rapidly growing field of cardiovascular medicine. All reviews are thoroughly peer-reviewed before publication.

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Heart and Vessels

ISSN: 0910-8327eISSN: 1615-2573
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Heat and Mass Transfer

ISSN: 0947-7411eISSN: 1432-1181

By publishing original research reports "Heat and Mass Transfer" (Wärme- und Stoffübertragung) serves the circulation of new developments in the field of basic research of heat and mass transfer phenomena, as well as related material properties and their measurements. Thereby applications to engineering problems are promoted. As of 1995 the title "Wärme- und Stoffübertragung" was changed to "Heat and Mass Transfer".

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Hebammen Wissen

ISSN: 2730-7255eISSN: 2730-7255
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ISSN: 0017-9604eISSN: 1867-1535
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eISSN: 2190-2100
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Hepatology International

ISSN: 1936-0533eISSN: 1936-0541

Hepatology International is a peer-reviewed journal featuring articles written by clinicians, clinical researchers and basic scientists is dedicated to research and patient care issues in hepatology. This journal focuses mainly on new and emerging diagnostic and treatment options, protocols and molecular and cellular basis of disease pathogenesis, new technologies, in liver and biliary sciences. Hepatology International publishes original research articles related to clinical care and basic research; review articles; consensus guidelines for diagnosis and treatment; invited editorials, and controversies in contemporary issues. The journal does not publish case reports.. Hepatology International requests that all authors comply to Springer’s ethical policies. These ethical statements should be clearly indicated on all articles for all 3 ethics statements and for all authors mentioned by name. These statements should be placed at the end of each article just before the Reference section. To visit our ethics s

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ISSN: 1265-4906eISSN: 1248-9204

Hernia was founded in 1997 with the purpose of promoting clinical studies and basic research as they apply to groin hernias, internal hernias, the abdominal wall (anterior and postero-lateral aspects), the diaphragm and the perineum. 'Hernia' is the official organ of the European Hernia Society (GREPA), established in 1979, and of the American Hernia Society (AHS) established in 1997. These associations have common objectives: the advancement of abdominal wall and hernia surgery in all aspects, the study of anatomical, physiological, pathological and therapeutic issues concerning the abdominal wall and hernias, the creation of associated groups which will promote research and teaching in this field, the development of interdisciplinary relations. 'Hernia' is a journal written by surgeons who have made abdominal wall surgery their special field of interest.

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Herz: Cardiovascular Diseases

ISSN: 0340-9937eISSN: 1615-6692

HERZ is the high-level journal for further education for all physicians interested in cardiology. The individual issues of the journal each deal with specific topics and comprise review articles in English and German written by competent and esteemed authors. They provide up-to-date and comprehensive information concerning the speciality dealt with in the issue. Due to the fact that all relevant aspects of the pertinent topic of an issue are considered, an overview of the current status and progress in cardiology is presented. Contributions concerning the latest developments and case reports round off the spectrum of information provided.

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High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention

ISSN: 1120-9879eISSN: 1179-1985

High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention promotes knowledge, update and discussion in the field of hypertension and cardiovascular disease prevention, by providing a regular programme of independent review articles covering key aspects of the management of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. The journal includes:   Invited 'State of the Art' reviews.  Expert commentaries on guidelines, major trials, technical advances.Presentation of new intervention trials design.'Pros and Cons' or round tables on controversial issues.Statements on guidelines from hypertension and cardiovascular scientific societies.Socio-economic issues.Cost/benefit in prevention of cardiovascular diseases.Monitoring of healthcare systems.News and views from the Italian Society of Hypertension (including abstracts).All manuscripts are subject to peer review by international experts. Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be considered for publication.                 

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High Temperature Corrosion of Materials

ISSN: 2731-8397eISSN: 2731-8400

Oxidation of Metals is the premier source for the rapid dissemination of current research on all aspects of the science of gas-solid reactions at temperatures greater than about 400ËšC, with primary focus on the high-temperature corrosion of bulk and coated systems. This authoritative bi-monthly publishes original scientific papers on kinetics, mechanisms, studies of scales from structural and morphological viewpoints, transport properties in scales, phase-boundary reactions, and much more. Articles may discuss both theoretical and experimental work related to gas-solid reactions at the surface or near-surface of a material exposed to elevated temperatures, including reactions with oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, carbon and halogens. In addition, Oxidation of Metals publishes the results of frontier research concerned with deposit-induced attack. Review papers and short technical notes are encouraged.

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Higher Education

ISSN: 0018-1560eISSN: 1573-174X

Recognized as the leading international journal on higher education studies, this publication examines educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions. It reports on developments in both public and private higher education sectors.Higher Education features contributions from leading scholars from different countries who tackle the problems of teachers as well as students, and of planners as well as administrators. It presents authoritative overview articles, comparative studies and analyses of particular problems or issues.While each higher education system has its own distinctive features, common problems and issues are shared internationally by researchers, teachers and institutional leaders. Higher Education offers opportunities for the exchange of research results, experience and insights, and provides a forum for ongoing discussion between experts.

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Histochemistry and Cell Biology

ISSN: 0948-6143eISSN: 1432-119X

Histochemistry and Cell Biology is devoted to the field of molecular histology and cell biology, publishing original articles dealing with the localization and identification of molecular components, metabolic activities and cell biological aspects of cells and tissues. Coverage extends to the development, application, and/or evaluation of methods and probes that can be used in the entire area of histochemistry and cell biology. This is the official journal of the Society for Histochemistry.

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Historical Archaeology

ISSN: 0440-9213eISSN: 2328-1103
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History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

ISSN: 0391-9714eISSN: 1742-6316

History of Philosophy of the Life Sciences is an interdisciplinary journal committed to providing an integrative approach to understanding the life sciences. In specific terms, it welcomes submissions from biologists, historians, philosophers, and scholars in the social study of science that offer broad and interdisciplinary perspectives on the development of biology, especially as these perspectives illuminate both biology’s scientific development and its larger role in society. Submissions which are collaborative and feature different disciplinary approaches are especially encouraged, as are submissions written by senior and junior scholars (including graduate students). HPLS also welcomes submissions featuring novel formats. While it is anticipated most submissions will represent recent scholarship, they may also include essays on contemporary issues or perspectives, results of unique workshops, and/or discussions featuring a wide-range of perspectives. Papers are published on the understanding that they have not been published before and are not concurrently under offer to any other journal. Authors will usually receive a decision on their articles within 3 months of receipt.The languages of the journal are English, French, German, and Italian; however, other languages can be considered. Book reviews are published only in English.

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