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ISSN: 0925-4692eISSN: 1568-5608

Inflammopharmacology is the official publication of the Gastrointestinal Section of the International Union of Pharmacology (IUPHAR) and the Hungarian Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Society (HECPS).Inflammopharmacology publishes papers on all aspects of inflammation and its pharmacological control emphasizing comparisons of (a) different inflammatory states, and (b) the actions, therapeutic efficacy and safety of drugs employed in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. The comparative aspects of the types of inflammatory conditions include gastrointestinal disease (e.g. ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), parasitic diseases, toxicological manifestations of the effects of drugs and environmental agents, and arthritic conditions. The journal has five main interest areas: Drug-Disease Interactions - Conditional Pharmacology - i.e. where the condition (disease or stress state) influences the therapeutic response and side (adverse) effects from anti-inflammatory drugs. Mechanisms of drug-disease and drug disease interactions and the role of different stress statesRheumatology - particular emphasis on methods of measurement of clinical response effects of new agents, adverse effects from anti-rheumatic drugsGastroenterology - with particular emphasis on animal and human models, mechanisms of mucosal inflammation and ulceration and effects of novel and established anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory agents, or antiparasitic agentsNeuro-Inflammation and Pain - model systems, pharmacology of new analgesic agents and mechanisms of neuro-inflammation and painNovel drugs, natural products and nutraceuticals - and their effects on inflammatory processes, especially where there are indications of novel modes action compared with conventional drugs e.g. NSAIDs.Requirements for manuscripts on the pharmacological or inflammatory properties of, natural products are described in the editorial Inflammopharmacology Vol. 15, issue 5 or on the journal website:

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ISSN: 0170-6012eISSN: 1432-122X

Hauptaufgabe dieser Zeitschrift ist die Publikation aktueller, praktisch verwertbarer Informationen über technische und wissenschaftliche Fortschritte aus allen Bereichen der Informatik und ihrer Anwendungen in Form von Übersichtsartikeln und einführenden Darstellungen sowie Berichten über Projekte und Fallstudien, die zukünftige Trends aufzeigen. Es sollen damit jene Leser angesprochen werden, die sich in neue Sachgebiete der Informatik einarbeiten, sich weiterbilden, sich einen Überblick verschaffen wollen. Damit kommen als Zielgruppe nicht nur ausgebildete Informatikspezialisten in Betracht, sondern auch Praktiker, die neben ihrer Tagesarbeit die wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Informatik verfolgen, und Studierende an Fachhochschulen oder Universitäten, die sich Einblick in Aufgaben und Probleme der Praxis verschaffen möchten. Durch Auswahl der Autoren und der Themen sowie durch Einflussnahme auf Inhalt und Darstellung - die Beiträge werden von mehreren Herausgebern referiert - soll erreicht werden, dass möglichst jeder Beitrag dem größten Teil der Leser verständlich und lesenswert erscheint. So soll diese Zeitschrift das gesamte Spektrum der Informatik umfassen, aber nicht in getrennte Sparten mit verschiedenen Leserkreisen zerfallen. Da die Informatik eine sich auch weiterhin stark entwickelnde anwendungsorientierte Wissenschaft ist, die ihre eigenen wissenschaftlichen und theoretischen Grundlagen zu einem großen Teil selbst entwickeln muss, will die Zeitschrift sich an den Problemen der Praxis orientieren, ohne die Aufgabe zu vergessen, ein solides wissenschaftliches Fundament zu erarbeiten. Zur Anwendungsorientierung gehört auch die Beschäftigung mit den Problemen der Auswirkung der Informatikanwendungen auf den Einzelnen, den Staat und die Gesellschaft sowie mit Fragen der Informatik-Berufe einschließlich der Ausbildungsrichtlinien und der Bedarfsschätzungen., .

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Information Geometry

ISSN: 2511-2481eISSN: 2511-249X
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Information Retrieval

ISSN: 1386-4564eISSN: 1573-7659

The Journal of Information Retrieval is an international forum for theory, algorithms, and experiments that concern search and storage of text, images, video, and other such data. Research results published in the journal typically address the problems that arise for user-oriented tasks where the meaning as well as the explicit content of the data is of interest. Information Retrieval features theoretical, experimental and applied papers. Theoretical papers report a significant conceptual advance in the design of algorithms or other processes for some information retrieval task. Experimental papers detail a test of one or more theoretical ideas in a laboratory or natural setting. Application papers cover successful application of some already established technique to a significant real world problem involving information retrieval. Information retrieval overlaps with a variety of technical and behavioral fields. As a result, the journal includes papers which unify concepts across several traditional disciplin

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Information Systems Frontiers

ISSN: 1387-3326eISSN: 1572-9419

Information Systems Frontiers examines new research and development at the interface of information systems (IS) and information technology (IT) from analytical, behavioral, and technological perspectives. It provides a common forum for both frontline industrial developments as well as pioneering academic research. The journal’s multidisciplinary approach draws from such fields as computer science, telecommunications, operations research, economics, and cognitive sciences. Among the emerging areas covered are enterprise modeling and integration, object/web technologies, information economics, IT integrated manufacturing, medical informatics, digital libraries, mobile computing, and electronic commerce. Both the Editorial Advisory Group and the Editorial Board feature outstanding individuals from academia and industry, ensuring that all the multiple frontiers in the IS/IT field are covered.Officially cited as: Inf Syst Front

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Information Systems and E-Business Management

ISSN: 1617-9846eISSN: 1617-9854

Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB) focuses on the core tasks of information systems management; the conceptual analysis, design, and deployment of information systems; and all e-business related topics. The journal publishes novel research findings in information systems management and e-business that advance the field fundamentally and significantly.Published quarterly, this journal serves as a dynamic forum for both academics and practitioners in industry. These readers turn to ISeB to discover innovative research on all aspects of information systems management, including analytical, behavioral and technological perspectives.

Officially cited as: Inf Syst E-Bus Manage

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Information Technology and Management

ISSN: 1385-951XeISSN: 1573-7667

Information Technology and Management explores the many different technologies inherent in the field of information technology and their impact on information systems design, functionality, operations, and management. The journal takes a broad view of information systems as systems that not only include machines but human beings as well. As a result, the journal is an important outlet for studies concerning the man/machine interface, human factors, and organizational issues. Moreover, the journal explores the managerial issues and the strategic issues that arise from the management of information technology.Officially cited as: Inf Technol Manag

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Information Technology and Tourism

ISSN: 1098-3058eISSN: 1943-4294

Information Technology &Tourism (ITT) is the first scientific interdisciplinary journal focusing on the nature and role of information technology within the context of tourism, travel and hospitality. Information and communication systems embedded in a global net have had a profound influence on these industries, as also these industries with their presence in the electronic market show an impact on the developments of IT. Advances in the use and development of tools, technologies, and methodologies that have facilitated the efficient netting of information and communication systems in tourism, travel and hospitality are to be presented and discussed within this journal.Information Technology & Tourism aims primarily to contribute to the process of theory building, and hence to the advancement of research and scholarship in this growing field. As an interdisciplinary journal, it supports industry-oriented research as well as academic theory focused research. ITT will feature both empirical case studies and technical-theoretical papers looking at tourism-travel-hospitality from an IT point of view and at IT from an applied perspective. The journal contains research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, research notes, and analyses of business practice. It is also intended to include papers relevant to the industry in different national contexts.All manuscripts published in the journal are double-blind peer-reviewed. The standard for publication inInformation Technology & Tourism is that a paper must make a substantive contribution to the understanding of the nature and/or role of technology within the context of tourism and hospitality.

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Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering

ISSN: 1614-5046eISSN: 1614-5054

Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: A NASA Journal addresses issues and innovations in Systems Engineering, Systems Integration, Software Engineering, Software Development and other related areas that are specifically of interest to NASA. The journal includes peer-reviewed world-class technical papers on topics of research, development and practice related to NASA's missions and projects, topics of interest to NASA for future use, and topics describing problem areas for NASA together with potential solutions. Papers that do not address issues related to NASA are of course very welcome, provided that they address topics that NASA might like to consider for the future. Papers are solicited from NASA and government employees, contractors, NASA-supported academic and industrial partners, and non-NASA-supported academics and industrialists both in the USA and worldwide. The journal includes updates on NASA innovations, articles on NASA initiatives, papers looking at educational activities, and a State-of-the-Art section that gives an overview of specific topic areas in a comprehensive format written by an expert in the field.

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Innovative Higher Education

ISSN: 0742-5627eISSN: 1573-1758

Innovative Higher Education is a refereed scholarly journal that strives to package fresh ideas in higher education in a straightforward and readable fashion. The four main purposes of Innovative Higher Education are: (1) to present descriptions and evaluations of current innovations and provocative new ideas with relevance for action beyond the immediate context in higher education: (2) to focus on the effect of such innovations on teaching and students: (3) to be open to diverse forms of scholarship and research methods by maintaining flexibility in the selection of topics deemed appropriate for the journal: and (4) to strike a balance between practice and theory by presenting manuscripts in a readable and scholarly manner to both faculty and administrators in the academic community.

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Innovative Infrastructure Solutions

ISSN: 2364-4176eISSN: 2364-4184
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Instructional Science

ISSN: 0020-4277eISSN: 1573-1952

Instructional Science promotes a deeper understanding of the nature, theory, and practice of the instructional process and resultant learning. Published papers represent a variety of perspectives from the learning sciences and cover learning by people of all ages, in all areas of the curriculum, and in informal and formal learning contexts. Emphasizing reports of original empirical research, the journal stands out by providing space for full and detailed reporting of major studies. These include studies addressing learning processes, learning technology, learner characteristics, and learning outcomes. Regardless of the topic, all papers published in the journal make a contribution to the science of instruction by drawing out the instructional implications of new research on learning. Most years, Instructional Science publishes a guest-edited thematic special issue. Recent issues have explored cognitive load theory, networked learning, and web-based instruction.

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Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

ISSN: 1932-4502eISSN: 1936-3567

This journal explores the cultural nature of human conduct and its evolutionary history, anthropology, ethology, communication processes between people and within -- as well as between -- societies. It integrates perspectives of the social and biological sciences through theoretical models of epigenesis. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science (IPBS) features articles that cover theoretical integration of ideas, epistemology of social and biological sciences, and original empirical research articles of general scientific value. IPBS covers the history of the social sciences as relevant for development of theoretical perspectives and empirical elaborations within the social and biological sciences. It integrates knowledge from many fields in a new synthesis of universal social science – overcoming the post-modernist fragmentation of ideas.

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Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems

eISSN: 2948-1953
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Intelligent Service Robotics

ISSN: 1861-2776eISSN: 1861-2784

The Journal “Intelligent Service Robotics” fosters the dissemination of new discoveries and novel technologies that advance the application of robotics for assisting humans on a yet richer dimension. The Journal will cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from intelligent robots acting as an everyday servant, secretary, or companion to the intelligent robotic functions in the form of embedded robotics, ambient intelligence, or intelligent space. The journal directs special attention to the emerging significance of integrating robotics with information technology and cognitive science (such as ubiquitous and adaptive computing,information integration in a distributed environment, and cognitive modelling for human-robot interaction), which spurs innovation toward a new multi-dimensional robotic service to humans. The journal intends to capture and archive this emerging yet significant advancement in the field of intelligent service robotics. The journal will publish original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, as well as novel applications and business models which are related to the field of intelligent service robotics described above and are proven to be of high quality. The areas that the Journal will cover include, but are not limited to: Intelligent robots serving humans in daily life or in a hazardous environment, such as home or personal service robots, entertainment robots, education robots, medical robots, healthcare and rehabilitation robots, and rescue robots (Service Robotics), Intelligent robotic functions in the form of embedded systems for applications to, for example, intelligent space, intelligent vehicles and transportation systems, intelligent manufacturing systems, and intelligent medical facilities (Embedded Robotics), The integration of robotics with network technologies, generating such services and solutions as distributed robots, distance robotic education-aides,, and virtual laboratories or museums (Networked Robotics).

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eISSN: 3005-0731

Hyperfine Interactions is an international journal devoted to research in the border regions of Solid-State Physics, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics and relevant Chemistry. The interactions of atoms, ions, electrons and nuclei with their environments in solids, liquids, gases, plasmas and directed beams comprise a broad area of physical science in themselves and also prove unique tools for studies of the behaviour of many physical, chemical and biological systems.

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ISSN: 0826-4805eISSN: 1573-1790

Interchange, an externally refereed educational quarterly, embraces educational theory, research, analysis, history, philosophy, policy and practices. The journal seeks to foster exchanges among practitioners, policy-makers, and scholars and to provide a forum for comment on issues and trends in education. The journal specializes in frank argumentative articles on the fundamental purposes of education. Its articles typically challenge conventional assumptions about education and higher education and do so from perspectives in philosophy or the social sciences. A special feature is the publishing of responses, and frequently response to responses, in the same issue as the article which provoked them. Its authors are scattered throught the world. All contributions to this journal are peer reviewed.

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Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences

ISSN: 1913-2751eISSN: 1867-1462

Interdisciplinary Sciences--Computational Life Sciences aims to cover the most recent and outstanding developments in interdisciplinary areas of sciences, especially focusing on computational life sciences, an area that is enjoying rapid development at the forefront of scientific research and technology. The journal publishes original papers of significant general interest covering recent research and developments. Articles will be published rapidly by taking full advantage of internet technology for online submission and peer-reviewing of manuscripts, and then by publishing OnlineFirstTM through SpringerLink even before the issue is built or sent to the printer. The editorial board consists of many leading scientists with international reputation, among others, Luc Montagnier (UNESCO, France), Dennis Salahub (University of Calgary, Canada), Weitao Yang (Duke University, USA). Prof. Dongqing Wei at the Shanghai Jiatong University is appointed as the editor-in-chief: he made important contributions in bioinformatics and computational physics and is best known for his ground-breaking works on the theory of ferroelectric liquids. With the help from a team of associate editors and the editorial board, an international journal with sound reputation shall be created.

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Internal and Emergency Medicine

ISSN: 1828-0447eISSN: 1970-9366

Internal and Emergency Medicine (IEM) is an independent, international, English-language, peer-reviewed journal designed for internists and emergency physicians. IEM publishes a variety of manuscript types including Original investigations, Review articles, Letters to the Editor, Editorials and Commentaries. Occasionally IEM accepts unsolicited Reviews, Commentaries or Editorials. The journal is divided into three sections, i.e., Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Clinical Evidence and Health Technology Assessment, with three separate editorial boards. In the Internal Medicine section, invited Case records and Physical examinations, devoted to underlining the role of a clinical approach in selected clinical cases, are also published. The Emergency Medicine section will include a Morbidity and Mortality Report and an Airway Forum concerning the management of difficult airway problems. As far as Critical Care is becoming an integral part of Emergency Medicine, a new sub-section will report the literature

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International Advances in Economic Research

ISSN: 1083-0898eISSN: 1573-966X

International Advances in Economic Research (IAER) was established to promote the dissemination of economic and financial research within the international community. Founded in 1995 by the International Atlantic Economic Society, a need was identified to provide the latest research on today's economic policies and tomorrow's economic and financial conditions. Economists can no longer be concerned with professional developments only in their home country. Research by scholars in one country can easily have implications for other countries, yet often vital results are not shared. Economic restructuring in a shrinking world demands close analysis and careful interpretation. In IAER, authors from around the globe look at these issues, coming together in the cross-fertilization of multinational ideas. The journal provides economists, financial specialists, and scholars in related disciplines with much-needed opportunities to share their insights with worldwide colleagues. Policy-oriented, empirical, and theoretical research papers in all economic and financial areas are welcome, without regard to methodological preferences or school of thought. All manuscripts are submitted to a double-blind, peer review process.In addition to formal publication of full-length articles, IAER provides an opportunity for less formal communication through its Research Notes section. A small point may not be worthy of a full-length, formal paper but is important enough to warrant dissemination to other researchers. Research in progress may be of interest to other scholars in the field. A research approach ending in negative results needs to be shared to save others similar pitfalls. Research Notes has been established to facilitate this form of communication. The section provides a means by which short manuscripts of less than 200 words can quickly appear in IAER. The review process for these shorter manu, scripts is usually completed within 30 days. Officially cited as: Int Adv Econ Res

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