The International Journal of Clinical Oncology (IJCO) welcomes original research papers on all aspects of clinical oncology that report the results of novel and timely investigations. Reports on clinical trials are encouraged. Experimental studies will also be accepted if they have obvious relevance to clinical oncology. Membership in the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology is not a prerequisite for submission to the journal. Papers are received on the understanding that: their contents have not been published in whole or in part elsewhere; that they are subject to peer review by at least two referees and the Editors, and to editorial revision of the language and contents; and that the Editors are responsible for their acceptance, rejection, and order of publication.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal publishing topics in the broad field of clinical pharmacy and related subjects.
This is a transformative journal, you may have access to funding.
The International Journal of Colorectal Disease publishes novel and state-of-the-art papers dealing with the physiology and pathophysiology of diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to original research articles of high scientific quality, the journal also publishes reviews and coverage of controversial issues in rapidly developing areas in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery. The journal offers an interdisciplinary forum for clinical science and molecular research related to gastrointestinal disease.
This journal advances the knowledge and practice of community well-being as an interdisciplinary broad conception of human and societal well-being. The focus is predominately on communities of place and interest within geographic or societal spaces concerning social, economic, cultural/social, environmental or political conditions and impacts on societal and social well-being. It provides an outlet for excellent scholarship from a multitude of disciplines - including but not limited to community development, geography, urban and regional planning, economic development, public administration, regional studies, sociology, community learning and education, psychology and health – concerned with community well-being that promotes understanding of its multidimensional aspects. The journal publishes research that combines community well-being addressing issues facing our towns, cities and regions. It explores the collective aspects of communities and regions and how individual well-being is related to the context of societal well-being.
NOW ACCEPTED BY ISI The International Journal for Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for closing the gap between medical and technical disciplines, and encourages interdisciplinary research and development activities in an international environment. The focus of the journal is on Research and Development of digital imaging methods and computer-assisted diagnostic and therapeutic workflows that match and enhance the skill levels of health care professionals. One goal of IJCARS is to provide information on new diagnostic and therapeutic processes which are facilitated by computer assisted radiology and surgery. This includes providers' experiences, patient outcomes, economic and ethical considerations, and scientific/medical validation results. It is expected that the resulting awareness by users and providers will accelerate the acceptance of CARS-supported procedures in clinical practice.
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) details the science and engineering of this rapidly growing field. Regular articles present major technical advances of broad general interest. Short articles provide a fast publication path for novel research results. Survey articles offer critical reviews of the state of the art and/or tutorial presentations of pertinent topics. Coverage includes: - Mathematical, physical and computational aspects of computer vision: image formation, processing, analysis, and interpretation; machine learning techniques; statistical approaches; sensors. - Applications: image-based rendering, computer graphics, robotics, photo interpretation, image retrieval, video analysis and annotation, multi-media, and more. - Connections with human perception: computational and architectural aspects of human vision. The journal also features book reviews, position papers, editorials by leading scientific figures, as well as additional on-line material, such as still images, video sequences,
An official publication of the International Society of the Learning Sciences, the International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (IJCSCL) fosters a deep understanding of the nature, theory, and practice of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). The journal serves as a forum for experts from such disciplines as education, computer science, information technology, psychology, communications, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and business. Articles investigate how to design the technological settings for collaboration and how people learn in the context of collaborative activity. Examining the use of CSCL in education, business, and society, IJCSCL also investigates the psychological, social, and technological impact of CSCL on individuals, groups, and society. The journal publishes original empirical investigations, extensions of previous work, critical and integrative theoretical and methodological contributions, and synthetic reviews.
The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS) is a joint publication of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) and The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (KIEE), which is published as bimonthly periodical as of 2003. The two institutes have been discussing the launch of a joint publication, since 2001; by discontinuing the former English journals of their respective institutes, they aim to establish a high-quality archival journal. In addition to introducing a new journal name, the IJCAS, the joint steering committee has set a new publication direction. To broaden the scope of the journal, the committee has invited distinguished scholars from abroad as well as from Korea to serve on the editorial board. I am honored to work with them to make this a truly international journal. Our desire is to provide a forum for original research results on theory, design, experiments, and applications in all technical areas of control, automation, and systems. The journal covers th
The International Journal of Early Childhood aims to bring the global early childhood community together and to facilitate the interchange of ideas and information. Its purpose is to contribute to an international and critical scientific debate about research and practice in the field of early childhood with an emphasis on children's rights and general position in society and their education all over the world. The editors invite theoretical and empirical articles addressing key issues in early childhood on diverse topics, from different disciplines and perspectives, and with various research methodologies, which will be of interest to researchers and practitioners internationally. The journal also welcomes essays and book reviews on diverse topics in the field of early childhood.
The International Journal of Earth Sciences publishes process-oriented original and review papers on the history of the earth Topic sections: -Dynamics of the Lithosphere -Tectonics and Volcanology -Sedimentology -Evolution of Life -Marine and Continental Ecosystems -Global dynamics of physicochemical cycles - Mineral deposits and Hydrocarbons - Surface processes
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (IJEST) is an international scholarly refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice of environmental science and technology, innovation, engineering and management. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes: peer reviewed original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and analyses papers, short communications and notes to the editor, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental science and technology, both natural and man made. The main aspects of research areas include, but are not exclusive to; environmental chemistry and biology, environments pollution control and abatement technology, transport and fate of pollutants in the environment, concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil, point and non-point sources pollution, heavy metals and organic compounds in the environment, atmospheric pollutants and trace gases, solid and hazardous w
Articles published Online First within 20 days of acceptance!Free full colour printing!No page limits!The International Journal of Fracture is an outlet for original analytical, numerical and experimental contributions which provide improved understanding of the mechanisms of micro and macro fracture in all materials, and their engineering implications.
The journal presents papers from engineers and scientists working in various aspects of fracture, as well as occasional review papers in these as well as other areas. Innovative and in-depth engineering applications of fracture theory are also encouraged.
In addition, the journal publishes concise Letters in Fracture and Micromechanics which serve the Journal's Objective. Letters include brief presentations of a new idea, concept or method; new experimental observations or methods of significance; short notes of quality that do not amount to full length papers; discussion of previously published work in the Journal, and Letters Errata.
International Journal of Game Theory is devoted to game theory and its applications. It publishes original research making significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. Survey articles may also be considered if especially useful for the field. Officially cited as: Int J Game Theory
The focus of the International Journal of Health Economics and Management is on health care systems and on the behavior of consumers, patients, and providers of such services. The links among management, public policy, payment, and performance are core topics of the journal.
The demand for health care and its cost remain central concerns. Even as medical innovation allows providers to improve the lives of their patients, questions remain about how to efficiently deliver health care services, how to pay for them, and who should pay for them. Innovators, providers, and payers in the public and private sectors are faced with these questions every day. One key to answering these questions is to understand how people choose among alternative arrangements, either in markets or through the political process. The choices made by healthcare managers concerning the organization and production of that care are also crucial. There is an important connection between the management of a health care system and its economic performance.
The primary audience for this journal will be health economists and researchers in health management, along with the larger group of health services researchers. In addition, research and policy analysis reported in the journal should be of interest to health care providers, managers and policymakers.