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International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society

ISSN: 0891-4486eISSN: 1573-3416

The International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society welcomes original articles on issues arising at the intersection of nations, states, civil societies, and global institutions and processes. The editors are particularly interested in article manuscripts dealing with changing patterns in world economic and political institutions: analysis of ethnic groups, social classes, religions, personal networks, and special interests: changes in mass culture, propaganda, and technologies of communication and their social effects: and the impact of social transformations on the changing order of public and private life. The journal is interdisciplinary in orientation and international in scope, and is not tethered to particular theoretical or research traditions. The journal presents material of varying length, from research notes to article-length monographs.

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International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology

ISSN: 2288-6206eISSN: 2198-0810

International Journal of Primatology

ISSN: 0164-0291eISSN: 1573-8604

IJOP is now accepting submission of cover art for each cover of the journal, to be published starting in 2014.  Please send your suggestions to the editor.The International Journal of Primatology is currently seeking authoritative reviews of current topics in primatology. Please contact the editor.

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International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health

ISSN: 1068-9591eISSN: 1573-1537
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International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education

ISSN: 2198-9745eISSN: 2198-9753
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International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

ISSN: 1571-0068eISSN: 1573-1774

Founded by the National Science Council, Taiwan, the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education publishes original, peer reviewed articles on a variety of topics and research methods in both science and mathematics education. Articles address common issues in mathematics and science education, including cross-curricular dimensions.This journal emphasizes studies that explore science and mathematics education from different cultural perspectives. Manuscripts written by authors whose native language is not English are encouraged; the journal’s editors provide support for these authors.The International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education received its first impact factor in 2012 in the Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters).

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International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis

ISSN: 1061-3862eISSN: 1934-788X

This is an international journal embracing a wide scope of topics concerned with self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), the process for the production of advanced materials based on solid-state combustion utilizing internally generated chemical energy. Subjects range from the fundamentals of SHS processes, chemistry and technology of SHS products and advanced materials to problems concerned with related fields, such as the kinetics and thermodynamics of high-temperature chemical reactions, combustion theory, macroscopic kinetics of nonisothermic processes, etc. The journal is intended to provide a wide-ranging exchange of research results and a better understanding of developmental and innovative trends in SHS science and applications.

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International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies

ISSN: 1566-1768eISSN: 1573-8167
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International Journal of Social Robotics

ISSN: 1875-4791eISSN: 1875-4805

Social Robotics is the study of robots that are able to interact and communicate among themselves, with humans, and with the environment, within the social and cultural structure attached to its role. The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics related to the latest technologies, new research results and developments in the area of social robotics on all levels, from developments in core enabling technologies to system integration, aesthetic design, applications and social implications. It provides a platform for like-minded researchers to present their findings and latest developments in social robotics, covering relevant advances in engineering, computing, arts and social sciences.The journal publishes original, peer reviewed articles and contributions on innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, as well as novel applications, by leading researchers and developers regarding the latest fundamental advances in the core technologies that form the backbone of social robotics, distinguished developmental projects in the area, as well as seminal works in aesthetic design, ethics and philosophy, studies on social impact and influence, pertaining to social robotics.The journal aims to provide an overview of the current state of the social robotics scene, how the field and related technologies are set to evolve in the future, and their impact on society at large. It also provides researchers in diverse fields - from engineering, to the social sciences - and developers in the area a consolidated volume which details the latest developments and act as an international forum for all issues within the editorial focus. Topics of interest for the scientific papers and letters include but are not limited to:·         Affective and cognitive sciences for socially interactive robots·         Human-robot interaction and robot-robot interaction·         Compliance, safety and, compatibility in the design of social robots ''living'' with humans·         Learning, adaptation and evolution of intelligence·         Roboethics in human society·         Social acceptance and impact of robots in the society·         Design philosophies and socially appealing design methodologies·         Socially assistive robotics·         Biomechatronics, neuro-robotics, and biomedical robotics·         Context awareness, expectation and intention understanding·         Human factors and ergonomics in human-robot interactions·         Interaction and collaboration between robots, humans and environments·         Intelligent control and artificial intelligence for social robotics·         Interactive robotic arts·         Knowledge representation, information acquisition, and decision making·         Models of human and animal social behavior as applied to robots·         Multimodal sensor fusion and communication·         Edutainment robotics·         Robotics applications in healthcare and aged care·         Perception and modeling of humans and their behavior·         Socially-aware robot navigation, task and motion planning

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International Journal of Speech Technology

ISSN: 1381-2416eISSN: 1572-8110

The International Journal of Speech Technology is a research journal that focuses on speech technology and its applications. It promotes research and description on all aspects of speech input and output, including theory, experiment, testing, base technology, applications.

The journal is an international forum for the dissemination of research related to the applications of speech technology as well as to the technology itself as it relates to real-world applications. Articles describing original work in all aspects of speech technology are included. Sample topics include but are not limited to the following: applications employing digitized speech, synthesized speech or automatic speech recognition
technological issues of speech input or output
human factors, intelligent interfaces, robust applications
integration of aspects of artificial intelligence and natural language processing
international and local language implementations of speech synthesis and recognition
development of new algorithms
interface description techniques, tools and languages
testing of intelligibility, naturalness and accuracy
computational issues in speech technology
software development tools
speech-enabled robotics
speech technology as a diagnostic tool for treating language disorders
voice technology for managing serious laryngeal disabilities
the use of speech in multimedia
This is the only journal which presents papers on both the base technology and theory as well as all varieties of applications. It encompasses all aspects of the three major technologies: text-to-speech synthesis, automatic speech recognition and stored (digitized) speech.

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International Journal of Steel Structures

ISSN: 1598-2351eISSN: 2093-6311

The International Journal of Steel Structures provides an international forum for a broad classification of technical papers in steel structural research and its applications. The journal aims to reach not only researchers, but also practicing engineers. Coverage encompasses such topics as stability, fatigue, non-linear behavior, dynamics, reliability, fire, design codes, computer-aided analysis and design, optimization, expert systems, connections, fabrications, maintenance, bridges, off-shore structures, jetties, stadiums, transmission towers, marine vessels, storage tanks, pressure vessels, aerospace, and pipelines and more.International Journal of Steel Structures is the official journal of the Korean Society of Steel Construction (KSSC).

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International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management

ISSN: 0975-6809eISSN: 0976-4348

This Journal is established with a view to cater to increased awareness for high quality research in the seamless integration of heterogeneous technologies to formulate bankable solutions to the emergent complex engineering problems.Assurance engineering could be thought of as relating to the provision of higher confidence in the reliable and secure implementation of a system’s critical characteristic features through the espousal of a holistic approach by using a wide variety of cross disciplinary tools and techniques. Successful realization of sustainable and dependable products, systems and services involves an extensive adoption of Reliability, Quality, Safety and Risk related procedures for achieving high assurancelevels of performance: also pivotal are the management issues related to risk and uncertainty that govern the practical constraints encountered in their deployment. It is our intention to provide a platform for the modeling and analysis of large engineering systems, among the other aforementioned allied goals of systems assurance engineering, leading to the enforcement of performance enhancement measures. Achieving a fine balance between theory and practice is the primary focus. The Journal only publishes high quality papers that have passed the rigorous peer review procedure of an archival scientific Journal. The aim is an increasing number of submissions, wide circulation and a high impact factor.

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International Journal of Technology and Design Education

ISSN: 0957-7572eISSN: 1573-1804

The International Journal of Technology and Design Education encourages research and scholarly writing covering all aspects of technology and design education. The journal features critical, review, and comparative studies. In addition, readers will find contributions that draw upon other fields such as historical, philosophical, sociological, or psychological studies that address issues of concern to technology and design education. The Editorial Board views the teaching of technology and design as an emergent rather than an established practice, with many open issues requiring research. Among these issues are the preparation of technology teachers, the assessment of technological competence, and the relationship of technology to other curriculum elements, notably science. There are also significant policy questions that need to be addressed relating to the practice and rationale of curriculum change.

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International Journal of Theoretical Physics

ISSN: 0020-7748eISSN: 1572-9575

Ihe International Journal of Theoretical Physics publishes original research and reviews in theoretical physics and neighboring fields. Dedicated to the unification of the latest physics research, this journal seeks to map the direction of future research by presenting original work in traditional physics like general relativity, quantum theory with relativistic quantum field theory, as used in particle physics; and by fresh inquiry into quantum measurement theory, and other similarly fundamental areas, among them quantum geometry and quantum logic, and others.

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International Journal of Thermophysics

ISSN: 0195-928XeISSN: 1572-9567

International Journal of Thermophysics serves as an international medium for the publication of papers in thermophysics, assisting both generators and users of thermophysical properties data. This distinguished journal publishes both experimental and theoretical papers on thermophysical properties of matter in the liquid, gaseous, and solid states (including soft matter, biofluids, and nano- and bio-materials), on instrumentation and techniques leading to their measurement, and on computer studies of model and related systems. Studies in all ranges of temperature, pressure, wavelength, and other relevant variables are included.

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International Journal of Wireless Information Networks

ISSN: 1068-9605eISSN: 1572-8129

International Journal of Wireless Information Networks is an international forum for the dissemination of knowledge related to wireless information networks for researchers in the telecommunications and computer industries. This outstanding quarterly publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed original papers on applications such as sensor and mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless personal area networks, wireless LANs, mobile data networks, location aware networks and services, and RF localization and RFID techniques. The journal also covers performance-predictions methodologies, radio propagation studies, modulation and coding, multiple access methods, security and privacy considerations, antenna and RF subsystems, VLSI and ASIC design, experimental trials, traffic and frequency management, and network signaling and architecture.Four categories of papers are published: invited openings (review current and future directions), overview reports (address the philosophy and technical details of the standards and field trials), technical papers (present specific technical contributions of archival value), and letters (present new enhancement of previously published works, statements of open problems, comments on published papers, and corrections). International Journal of Wireless Information Networks aims to fill the needs of academic researchers involved in basic research at universities or research laboratories: telecommunications and computer engineers involved in design, planning, operation, and maintenance of state-of-the-art wireless information networks: and the technical community in telecommunications and computers involved in applied research and standards activities.To view cumulative tables of contents, find details on the latest call for papers, or other information, please visit the International Journal of Wireless Information Networks Web Site.

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International Journal of the Classical Tradition

ISSN: 1073-0508eISSN: 1874-6292

The first journal exclusively dedicated to the reception of Greek and Roman antiquity by other cultures, from the ancient world to the present time, International Journal of Classical Tradition's primary focus is on the creative use of the ancient Greco-Roman heritage in a broad range of scholarly endeavors. Articles are published in five languages. The journal includes articles, short notes, research reports, review articles, and news of the field. The official journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition.

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International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure

ISSN: 2520-8683eISSN: 2520-8691
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International Journal on Child Maltreatment

ISSN: 2524-5236eISSN: 2524-5244
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International Journal on Digital Libraries

ISSN: 1432-5012eISSN: 1432-1300

The International Journal on Digital Libraries is a quarterly journal aimed at advancing the theory and practice of acquisition, definition, organization, management, and dissemination of digital information via global networking. It emphasizes issues in digital information production, management, and use: high-speed networks and connectivity: interoperability and seamless integration of information, people, profiles, tasks, and needs: security and privacy of individuals and business transactions: and effective business processes. Its scope includes:

-Agent technology for information filtering, location and dissemination: targeted information delivery systems: personal information delivery and filtering, discovery of new information and sources of new information
- Acquisition of digital information: authoring environments for digital objects: digitization of traditional content
- Security and privacy, digital timestamping, digital signatures, digital watermarks, notarization and authentication systems
- Information organization, storage and management, archival of information, subscription management and issues in recency of information
- Interoperability of different digital objects, multimodal presentations, cross-platform interoperability
- Information navigation, intelligent surfing and browsing, automatic browsing index creation, resource discovery through opinion indexing, search by content, semantic searching, smart indexing and search technology
- User interfaces for digital objects, design of user interfaces for universal access, multimedia user interfaces, interfaces for handicapped users, adaptive user interfaces
- Electronic commerce, virtual banking, electronic financial transactions
- Economics of digital libraries, intellectual property issues, billing systems, universal access and tariffs 

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