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JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques

eISSN: 2160-2204
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JBJS Journal of Orthopaedics for Physician Assistants

eISSN: 2470-1122
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JBJS Open Access

eISSN: 2472-7245
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JBJS Reviews

eISSN: 2329-9185
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JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology

ISSN: 1076-1608eISSN: 1536-7355

The focus of JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology; is on practice-related issues of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. In original reports and reviews, physicians will find expert insights on the first and second line treatments. Other regular features include quick-reading mini-reviews, radiographic case discussions, and critiques of new and coming treatments. A multidisciplinary international editorial board provides readers with authoritative worldwide coverage from well-known experts on the science and practice of rheumatology.

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JCRS Online Case Reports

eISSN: 2214-1677

JCRS Online Case Reports is an online-only companion to Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. This new journal publishes case reports which have an important educational value but cannot be published in Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery due to lack of space. Case reports published in this journal are:
• Open access and freely available to all readers
• Fully citable through Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)
• Rapidly available online via Science Direct, the world's largest online journal platform, or at

Like the journal, JCRS Online Case Reports covers all areas of anterior segment surgery and related areas. Case reports will be fully searchable for easy access.

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JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics and Regulation

ISSN: 1520-9229eISSN: 1539-073X

JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics & Regulation is the only journal covering the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues facing nursing care management.This exciting publication provides a useful addition to the popular JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration8212;at no extra charge to JONA institutional subscribers! Valuable information on the changing regulations affecting healthcare will keep readers up-to-date on this critical aspect of the profession. Discussions of current trends in healthcare law, and the ethics involved in ensuring quality patient care, are sure to assist readers in their daily patient management. Cutting-edge, practical information will provide managers and executives tools to manage the changing healthcare system. No other periodical ties all of these related and timely topics together in one source. Website:

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JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration

ISSN: 0002-0443eISSN: 1539-0721

JONA is the authoritative source of information on developments and advances in patient care leadership. Content is geared to top-level nurse executives and their immediate associates in hospital, community health, and ambulatory care environments. Practical, solution-oriented articles give the nurse executive the tools to excel in our changing health care system: leadership development; human, material, and financial resource management; staffing and scheduling systems. All articles are peer-reviewed, selected and developed with the guidance of a distinguished group of editorial advisors.For more information, visit

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Journal for Healthcare Quality

ISSN: 1062-2551eISSN: 1945-1474
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Journal for Nurses in Professional Development

ISSN: 2169-9798eISSN: 2169-981X
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Journal for Nurses in Staff Development

ISSN: 1098-7886eISSN: 1538-9049

Celebrating 25 years of publishing excellence, JNSD is the only peer-reviewed journal written by and for staff development specialists. Original articles focus on issues that impact staff development, as well as the latest innovations in education, research and technology: educating unlicensed assisting personnel; competence assessment; developing, implementing, and evaluating program effectiveness; computer-aided instruction; and organization-wide approaches to meeting JCAHO standards. JNSD is the complete and current staff development resource. Continuing education contact hours are available in each issue. Website:

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

ISSN: 0894-9255
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Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy

ISSN: 2158-8686eISSN: 2159-0524
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Journal of Addiction Medicine

ISSN: 1932-0620eISSN: 1935-3227

Journal of Addiction Medicine, the official journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, is a peer-reviewed publication focusing on the latest research developments in addiction medicine as well as on treatment innovations and ethical, economic, forensic, and social topics. The journal is indispensable reading for all physicians and mental health professionals who need to keep up-to-date with the state of the art in research, clinical practice, and education in addiction medicine. Journal of Addiction Medicine covers a wide range of relevant topics including addiction in pregnancy, adolescent addiction, the drug-exposed neonate, pharmacology, neuroimaging techniques, treatment of special populations, treatment of addiction-related disorders, gambling addiction, pathophysiology of addiction, biological and non-biological therapies, and issues in graduate medical education. Journal of Addiction Medicine provides a platform to publish and discuss leading and future therapies in this rapidly-changing field. The journal bridges research and practice, providing insights and solutions to enhance patient care and outcomes.

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Journal of Addictions Nursing

ISSN: 1088-4602eISSN: 1548-7148

The Journal of Addictions Nursing, the official journal of the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA), is a peer reviewed quarterly international journal publishing original articles on current research, issues, practices and innovations as they relate to the field of addictions. Submissions are solicited from professional nurses and other healthcare professionals engaged in treatment, prevention, education, research, and consultation.

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Journal of Ambulatory Care Management

ISSN: 0148-9917eISSN: 1550-3267

The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management is a peer-reviewed journal that provides timely, applied information on the most important developments and issues in ambulatory care management.The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management (JACM) gives you all the facts and information you need to keep up with this rapidly growing area. Major developments that are reshaping ambulatory care today are examined, evaluated, and explained quarterly in JACM. Each issue examines one topic of interest in depth. Recent issues have focused on information systems, marketing in ambulatory care, legal issues, physician productivity, joint ventures, AIDS, and other important topics of concern. JACM provides a forum for new ideas and timely topics not available in any other publication.Website:

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Journal of Bio-X Research

ISSN: 2096-5672eISSN: 2577-3585
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Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery

ISSN: 0021-9355eISSN: 1535-1386

Simply go to from your mobile device to automatically get a distinct JBJS experience tailored to small screens. Browse. search. and read the latest JBJS content on the go.

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Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology

ISSN: 1944-6586eISSN: 1948-8270

The Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology is the first journal devoted exclusively to bronchoscopy and closely related subjects. It provides much-needed timely information on the art and science of one of the most important diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in pulmonary medicine. The journal features original and review articles; case reports; technical reports; 'How I Do It' tips from expert practitioners; and 'Controversies in Bronchoscopy' articles that present opposing viewpoints on controversial issues and techniques. 160;.

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Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention

ISSN: 1932-7501eISSN: 1932-751X

Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention is a journal for all members of the cardiopulmonary rehab team, a group that assists patients recovering from heart and respiratory failure and rehabilitates patients with cardiovascular disease or chronic pulmonary disorders. The team is composed of many different kinds of healthcare providers (nurses, respiratory therapists, exercise physiologists, physicians) and the journal's multidisciplinary focus reflects the composition of the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team.This is the only professional journal for specialists in cardiovascular andpulmonary rehabilitation. Dedicated to the improvement of multidisciplinaryclinical practice, JCRP provides high quality, current information topractitioners in the field with an emphasis on research and advances inprevention and rehabilitation. Original, peer-reviewed manuscripts cover all aspects ofcardiac, peripheral vascular, and pulmonary rehabilitation. Editorialfeatures include case reports, roundtables, regular nutrition updates,pharmacological reimbursement and management updates, media reviews, andabstract summaries of current literature.Website:

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