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Studies in Applied Mathematics

ISSN: 0022-2526eISSN: 1467-9590

Studies in Applied Mathematics explores the interplay between mathematics and the applied disciplines. Contributors report research results involving the core concepts of applied mathematics research, including propagation, equilibrium, stability, optimization, and discrete and random processes. These come from a range of related fields, including computer science, mechanics, astrophysics, geophysics, and high-energy physics, and often involve statistics, probability, combinatorics, numerical analysis, and fluid dynamics.

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Studies in Family Planning

ISSN: 0039-3665eISSN: 1728-4465

Studies in Family Planning is a peer-reviewed, international journal publishing public health, social science, and biomedical research on sexual and reproductive health, fertility, and family planning, with a primary focus on developing countries. Each issue contains original research articles, reports, commentaries, data papers, and book reviews. Studies in Family Planning is published quarterly.

The journal has a two-tiered review process. Preliminary review is the initial screening that each manuscript undergoes to assess appropriateness of topic and treatment, its accessibility and interest to our readership, and its contribution to the journal's overall diversity and balance. The paper is read by members of the Editorial Committee and discussed at a monthly meeting. If a paper does not pass preliminary review, the author receives early notification—though without detailed comments—and is able to submit it to another journal without undue loss of time. Papers that pass preliminary review are sent out to two or more referees. Authors of articles sent out for peer review can expect written comments and a decision about their paper approximately three months after submission. Submissions should be not under consideration elsewhere when submitting to Studies.

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Successful Fundraising

eISSN: 2325-8624
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Suicide And Life Threatening Behavior

ISSN: 0363-0234eISSN: 1943-278X

Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior keeps professionals abreast of the latest research, theories, and intervention approaches for suicide and life-threatening behaviors. The journal publishes scientific research on suicidal and other life-threatening behaviors, including research from biological, psychological, and sociological approaches. Issues examine such topics as risk factors for suicide in particular populations, assessment and risk-management approaches, advances in evidence-based prevention, methodological and ethical issues in intervention research, cross-cultural and international findings, and mental health needs of those bereaved by suicide.

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Surface and Interface Analysis

ISSN: 0142-2421eISSN: 1096-9918

Surface and Interface Analysis is devoted to the publication of papers dealing with the development and application of techniques for the characterization of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. Papers dealing with standardization and quantification are particularly welcome, and also those which deal with the application of these techniques to industrial problems. Papers dealing with the purely theoretical aspects of the technique will also be considered. Review articles will be published; prior consultation with one of the Editors is advised in these cases. Papers must clearly be of scientific value in the field and will be submitted to two independent referees. Contributions must be in English and must not have been published elsewhere, and authors must agree not to communicate the same material for publication to any other journal. Authors are invited to submit their papers for publication to John Watts (UK only), Jose Sanz (Rest of Europe), John T. Grant (all non-European countries, except Japan) or R. Shimizu (Japan only).

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Surgical Practice

ISSN: 1744-1625eISSN: 1744-1633

Surgical Practice is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal, which is dedicated to the art and science of advances in clinical practice and research in surgery. Surgical Practice publishes papers in all fields of surgery and surgery-related disciplines. It consists of sections of history, leading articles, reviews, original papers, discussion papers, education, case reports, short notes on surgical techniques and letters to the Editor.

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Sustainable Development

ISSN: 0968-0802eISSN: 1099-1719

This journal is a wide interdisciplinary publication which seeks to further debate and discuss the important concept of sustainable development. The scope of the journal therefore allows for contributions which have a local, national or global focus from a philosophical to a practical perspective. All contributions are refereed with the aim of providing the readership with high quality, original material.

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Swiss Political Science Review

eISSN: 1662-6370

Swiss Political Science Review

eISSN: 1424-7755
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Symbolic Interaction

ISSN: 0195-6086eISSN: 1533-8665

A premier journal, Symbolic Interaction presents work inspired by the interactionist perspective on society, social organization, and social life. It is the major publication of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. The journal welcomes contributions from all scholars working, empirically or theoretically, within the broad tradition of social science inspired by American pragmatism and its European counterparts, as well as those wishing to engage in debates with that tradition. The journal publishes research that develops interactionist theories, generates new methodological directions and ideas, and studies substantive topics from the interactionist perspective. It recognizes the increasing global interest in interactionist approaches, and actively encourages submissions from scholars working from a variety of affiliations.

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ISSN: 0887-4476eISSN: 1098-2396

SYNAPSE publishes articles concerned with all aspects of synaptic structure and function. This includes neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, neuromodulators, receptors, gap junctions, metabolism, plasticity, circuitry, mathematical modeling, ion channels, patch recording, single unit recording, development, behavior, pathology, toxicology, etc.

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ISSN: 1368-0005eISSN: 1467-9612

SYNTAX publishes a wide range of articles on the syntax of natural languages and closely related fields. The journal promotes work on formal syntactic theory and theoretically-oriented descriptive work on particular languages and comparative grammar.

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System Dynamics Review

ISSN: 0883-7066eISSN: 1099-1727

The System Dynamics Review exists to communicate to a wide audience advances in the application of the perspectives and methods of system dynamics to societal, technical, managerial, and environmental problems. The Review publishes: advances in mathematical modelling and computer simulation of dynamic feedback systems; advances in methods of policy analysis based on information feedback and circular causality; generic structures (dynamic feedback systems that support particular widely applicable behavioural insights); system dynamics contributions to theory building in the social and natural sciences; policy studies and debate emphasizing the role of feedback and circular causality in problem behaviour; developments in strategies for simulation-based consulting and implementation of model-based policy conclusions; contributions to, and applications of, nonlinear dynamics and deterministic chaos; advances in methods and applications of systems thinking approaches relevant to the analysis of dynamic feedback systems; significant contributions to system dynamics teaching.

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Systems Engineering

ISSN: 1098-1241eISSN: 1520-6858

Systems Engineering , The Journal of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), is a primary source of multidisciplinary information for the systems engineering and management of products and services, and processes of all types. Systems engineering activities involve the technologies, processes, and systems management approaches needed for: definition of systems, including identification of user requirements and technological specifications; development of systems, including conceptual architectures, tradeoff of design concepts, configuration management during system development, integration of new systems with legacy systems, and integrated product and process development; and deployment of systems, including operational test and evaluation, maintenance over an extended lifecycle, and reengineering. Modern systems, including both products and services, are often very knowledge intensive, and are found in both the public and private sectors. The journal emphasizes strategic and program management of these, and the information and knowledge base for knowledge principles, knowledge practices, and knowledge perspectives for the engineering of systems. Definitive case studies involving systems engineering practice are especially welcome.

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Systems Research and Behavioral Science

ISSN: 1092-7026eISSN: 1099-1743

Systems Research and Behavioral Science publishes original articles on new theories, experimental research, and applications relating to all levels of living and non-living systems. Its scope is comprehensive, dealing with systems approaches to: the redesign of organisational and societal structures; the management of administrative and business processes; problems of change management; the implementation of procedures to increase the quality of work and life; the resolution of clashes of norms and values; social cognitive processes; modelling; the introduction of new scientific results, etc. The editors especially want manuscripts of a theoretical or empirical nature which have broad interdisciplinary implications not found in a journal devoted to a single discipline.

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TESOL Journal

eISSN: 1949-3533
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TESOL Quarterly

eISSN: 1545-7249

TESOL Quarterly, a refereed professional journal, fosters inquiry into English language teaching and learning by providing a forum for TESOL professionals to share their research findings and explore ideas and relationships in the field. The Quarterly's readership includes ESOL teacher educators, teacher learners, researchers, applied linguists, and ESOL teachers.

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eISSN: 1996-8175

Teaching Anthropology: Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges Notes

ISSN: 1537-1751eISSN: 1941-4161
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Teaching Statistics: An International Journal for Statistics and Data Science Teaching

ISSN: 0141-982XeISSN: 1467-9639
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