Founded on the conviction that the disciplines of theology and philosophy have much to gain from their mutual interaction, The Heythrop Journal provides a medium of publication for scholars in each of these fields and encourages interdisciplinary comment and debate. The Heythrop Journal embraces all the disciplines which contribute to theological and philosophical research, notably hermeneutics, exegesis, linguistics, history, religious studies, philosophy of religion, sociology, psychology, ethics and pastoral theology. The Heythrop Journal is invaluable for scholars, teachers, students and general readers. Each issue contains at least four substantial articles catering for a wide range of interests, with 'Notes and Comments' on issues raised by contemporary literature. The Book Review section, a major feature of The Heythrop Journal, provides a widely-acclaimed service to authors, researchers, students, general readers, librarians and publishers. In each volume, there is a year-end index. A complete index for the first twenty-five years was published as a supplement in 1984 and a ten-year index was published in 1995. The Heythrop Journal was founded by Dr Bruno Brinkman. It is sponsored by the Heythrop College, University of London.
Policy making and implementation, planning and management are widely recognized as central to effective health systems and services and to better health. Globalization, and the economic circumstances facing groups of countries world-wide, meanwhile present a great challenge for health planning and management. The aim of this quarterly journal is to offer a forum for publications which direct attention to major issues in health policy, planning and management. The intention is to maintain a balance between theory and practice, from a variety of disciplines, fields and perspectives. The Journal is explicitly international and multidisciplinary in scope and appeal: articles about policy, planning and management in countries at various stages of political, social, cultural and economic development are welcomed, as are those directed at the different levels (national, regional, local) of the health sector. Manuscripts are invited from a spectrum of different disciplines e.g., (the social sciences, management and medicine) as long as they advance our knowledge and understanding of the health sector. The Journal is therefore global, and eclectic. Editorial Policy The Editors welcome contributions from teachers, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, whose knowledge, skills and visions bear broadly on the planning and management of the health sector. The overriding criterion for full-length manuscripts is originality, a high scholarly quality, and genuine interest to a wide audience. In addition to publishing original articles, the Editors encourage submission of: review articles; short notes on conceptual difficulties and technical developments; summaries of published research findings; book reviews; news of forthcoming colloquia; and summary proceedings of important national and international symposia falling within the aims and scope of the Journal. 2009 Impact Factor: 0.658 ((C) ISI Journal Citation Reports 2010).
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery provides a cross-disciplinary platform for presenting the latest developments in robotics and computer assisted technologies for medical applications. The journal publishes cutting-edge papers and expert reviews, complemented by commentaries, correspondence and conference highlights that stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas. Areas of interest include robotic surgery aids and systems, operative planning tools, medical imaging and visualisation, simulation and navigation, virtual reality, intuitive command and control systems, haptics and sensor technologies. In addition to research and surgical planning studies, the journal welcomes papers detailing clinical trials and applications of computer-assisted workflows and robotic systems in neurosurgery, urology, paediatric, orthopaedic, craniofacial, cardiovascular, thoraco-abdominal, musculoskeletal and visceral surgery. Articles providing critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies, commenting on ease of use, or addressing surgical education and training issues are also encouraged. The journal aims to foster a community that encompasses medical practitioners, researchers, and engineers and computer scientists developing robotic systems and computational tools in academic and commercial environments, with the intention of promoting and developing these exciting areas of medical technology.
The journal is renowned for its exploration of the relationship between analytical psychology and psychoanalysis. It also addresses issues on the leading edge of philosophy, science, religion, and an understanding of the arts. The articles demonstrate the continuing innovation, relevance and vitality of Jungian thought.
For more than 50 years, clinical pharmacologists, clinical and pharmaceutical researchers, drug development specialists, physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals have relied on The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (JCP) for original research, special reviews, commentaries, and case reports on all phases of drug development from absorption, disposition, metabolism, excretion interactions, and preferred uses through post-marketing evaluations.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology is an interdisciplinary journal with systems neuroscience as its primary purview. Our focus is on neuronal communication within systems of neurons, and their relationship to function, development, plasticity, degeneration, and repair. The field is broadly defined and includes work that uses molecular, anatomical, physiological, pharmacological, and behavioral methods to investigate neuronal systems, but does not include papers that primarily address clinical aspects of neurology, neuropathology, psychiatry, or psychology. Work on all species from invertebrates to humans is welcome, but the emphasis should be on the way that species adaptations enlighten us about the function or organization of nervous systems, rather than on their evolution per se. The Journal of Comparative Neurology takes special care to provide the highest quality of image reproduction, and offers sufficient page space to document and describe the work completely. Only full-length investigative reports are desired; we do not accept short communications or papers that are focused on new methods.
The journal features analysis of individual, business, and government decisions and actions that affect consumers' interests in the marketplace. Contributions from the social and behavioral sciences, consumer sciences, education, communication, social work, business, law, public administration and public policy are welcomed. Research articles, practical applications, and policy commentary all have a place in the journal while remaining clearly distinguished from one another. Research on issues of topical relevance to consumer markets may be of empirical or conceptual design. Insights of extraordinary significance from practice are published in the Applications section of the journal. The Commentary section is devoted to articles that present evidence-based perspectives on issues of importance to consumers.
The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology publishes original research on protists, including lower algae and fungi. Articles are published covering all aspects of these organisms, including their behavior, biochemistry, cell biology, chemotherapy, development, ecology, evolution, genetics, molecular biology, morphogenetics, parasitology, systematics, and ultrastructure.
The Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is one of the most widely cited academic journal on finance and one of the most widely cited journals in all of economics as well. Each issue of the journal reaches over 8,000 academics, finance professionals, libraries, government and financial institutions around the world. Published six times a year, the journal is the official publication of The American Finance Association, the premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics.
The Journal of Futures Markets chronicles the latest developments in financial futures and derivatives. It publishes timely, innovative articles written by leading finance academics and professionals. Coverage ranges from the highly practical to theoretical topics that include futures, derivatives, risk management and control, financial engineering, new financial instruments, hedging strategies, analysis of trading systems, legal, accounting, and regulatory issues, and portfolio optimization. This publication contains the very latest research from the top experts. The Journal of Futures Markets publishes new issues twelve times per year.
The Journal of Gene Medicine publishes high quality original articles and reviews on the science of gene transfer and its applications in gene and cell therapy. Key areas of interest are the design and production of vectors, delivery and targeting, gene expression and regulation, preclinical studies including animal models, developmental aspects and clinical trials. The editors particularly welcome articles dealing with the methodological aspects of gene transfer in vivo, notably in the context of human studies. Papers presenting research into the mechanisms underlying gene transfer; the application and refinement of new technologies such as RNAi, stem cells and allied approaches such as DNA vaccines; or addressing more fundamental biological issues which could lead to more effective gene transfer are also encouraged. Please note that the Journal of Gene Medicine is online-only.
First published in 1952, the Journal of Industrial Economics has a wide international circulation and is recognised as a leading journal in the field. It was founded to promote the analysis of modern industry, particularly the behaviour of firms and the functioning of markets. Contributions are welcomed in all areas of industrial economics including:.
The Journal of Pathology aims to serve as a translational bridge between basic biomedical science and clinical medicine with particular emphasis on, but not restricted to, tissue based studies. The main interests of the Journal lie in publishing studies that further our understanding the pathophysiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of human disease.
Scope and subject areas The Journal of Physiology publishes full-length research papers and Rapid Reports of particularly important work that merits accelerated publication. Techniques for Physiology, introduced in 2008, are short papers aimed at disseminating new techniques for physiological research. Articles solicited by the Editorial Board include Perspectives, Symposium Reports and Topical Reviews, which highlight areas of special physiological interest, and Classical Perspectives describing how classic papers published in The Journal have influenced current research. Letters to the Editor and Journal Club articles are also published. All categories of papers are subjected to the same review procedure. For full details on scope and subject areas covered click here.
The popular culture movement was founded on the principle that the perspectives and experiences of common folk offer compelling insights into the social world. The fabric of human social life is not merely the art deemed worthy to hang in museums, the books that have won literary prizes or been named 'classics,' or the religious and social ceremonies carried out by societies' elite. The Journal of Popular Culture continues to break down the barriers between so-called 'low' and 'high' culture and focuses on filling in the gaps that a neglect of popular culture has left in our understanding of the workings of society.
For more than 100 years, otolaryngologists, clinicians, and researchers around the world have read The Laryngoscope to keep pace with and learn how to take advantage of the most important advances in the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck disorders. Moreover, the journal is the first choice among otolaryngologists to publish their most important findings and share their own successful techniques with their colleagues. The highest ranked otolaryngology journal. Published monthly, the journal features peer reviewed contributions in:* Broncho-esophagology* Communicative disorders* Head and neck surgery* Plastic and reconstructive facial surgery* Oncology* Speech and hearing defectsContributions feature papers based on medical, clinical, and basic research. Moreover, readers will find papers presented at the Annual and Section Meetings of the Triological Society as well as theses authored by the Society’s new Fellows. In addition, papers presented at the American Laryngological Association Meetings will be published in The Laryngoscope beginning in 2009. Rounding out the coverage, “How I Do It” articles guide readers step by step through the latest tested-and-proven surgical techniques.