Traffic encourages and facilitates the publication of papers covering the cell biology of intracellular transport in health and disease. Areas of interest include protein, nucleic acid and lipid traffic, molecular motors, intracellular pathogens, intracellular proteolysis, nuclear import and export, cytokinesis and the cell cycle, protein translocation, antigen processing and presentation, organelle biogenesis, cell polarity and organization, and organelle movement.All aspects of the structural, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, morphology, intracellular signaling and relationship to hereditary or infectious diseases will be covered. Manuscripts must provide a clear conceptual or mechanistic advance. The editors will reject papers that require major changes, including addition of significant experimental data or other significant revision.Traffic will consider manuscripts of any length, but encourages authors to limit their papers to 16 typeset pages or less.
The American Fisheries Society (AFS) publishes a suite of journals for aquatic resource professionals.These journals-Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, featuring papers on basic fisheries science; North American Journal of Fisheries Management, covering management research and recommendations; North American Journal of Aquaculture, providing guidance for those who breed and raise aquatic animals; Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, concentrating on health maintenance and disease treatment; and Marine and Coastal Fisheries, an international, open-access online journal devoted to marine, coastal, and estuarine fisheries-are available to individuals, organizations, and libraries worldwide.
Transactions of the Philological Society continues the earlier Proceedings (1852-53), and is the oldest scholarly journal devoted to the general study of language and languages that has an unbroken tradition. Transactions continues to reflect the Society's long-standing interest in comparative and historical linguistics in general and in Indo-European and the history of English in particular. Transactions also reflects the Society's broad range of interests and welcomes studies of all languages from the perspective of any of the various subdisciplines of descriptive and theoretical linguistics, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and sociolinguistics.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases brings together in one place the latest research on infectious animal diseases considered to hold the greatest economic threat to animals worldwide. The journal provides a venue for global research on the sources favoring their diagnosis, prevention and management, and for papers on veterinary public health, pathogenesis, epidemiology, statistical modeling, diagnostics, biosecurity issues, genomics, vaccine development and rapid communication of new outbreaks. Papers should include timely research approaches using state-of-the-art technologies. The editors encourage papers on socio-economic and environmental factors influencing the management of the bio-security threat posed by these diseases, including risk analysis modeling, as long as a science-based approach is adopted. Precedence will be given to communications concentrating on novel science-based approaches to controlling transboundary and emerging diseases. This international journal provides rapid publication of original papers, short communications, reviews, selected abstracts and outbreak alerts.
Transfusion is the foremost publication in the world for new information regarding transfusion medicine. Written by and for members of AABB and other health-care workers, Transfusion reports on the latest technical advances, discusses opposing viewpoints regarding controversial issues, and presents key conference proceedings. In addition to blood banking and transfusion medicine topics, Transfusion also presents submissions concerning tissue transplantation and hematopoietic, cellular, and gene therapies.
Transfusion Medicine publishes articles on transfusion medicine in its widest context, including blood transfusion practice (blood procurement, pharmaceutical, clinical, scientific, computing and documentary aspects), immunohaematology, immunogenetics, histocompatibility, medico-legal applications, and related molecular biology and biotechnology. In addition to original articles, which may include brief communications and case reports, the journal contains a regular educational section (based on invited reviews and state-of-the-art reports), technical section (including quality assurance and current practice guidelines), leading articles, letters to the editor, occasional historical articles and signed book reviews. Some lectures from Society meetings that are likely to be of general interest to readers of the Journal may be published at the discretion of the Editor and subject to the availability of space in the Journal.
Transplant Infectious Disease has been established as a forum for presenting the most current information on the prevention and treatment of infection complicating organ and bone marrow transplantation. The point of view of the journal is that infection and allograft rejection (or graft-versus-host disease) are closely intertwined, and that advances in one area will have immediate consequences on the other. The interaction of the transplant recipient with potential microbial invaders, the impact of immunosuppressive strategies on this interaction, and the effects of cytokines, growth factors, and chemokines liberated during the course of infections, rejection, or graft-versus-host disease are central to the interests and mission of this journal. Transplant Infectious Disease is aimed at disseminating the latest information relevant to the infectious disease complications of transplantation to clinicians and scientists involved in bone marrow, kidney, liver, heart, lung, intestinal, and pancreatic transplantation. The infectious disease consequences and concerns regarding innovative transplant strategies, from novel immunosuppressive agents to xenotransplantation, are very much a concern of this journal. In addition, this journal feels a particular responsibility to inform primary care practitioners in the community, who increasingly are sharing the responsibility for the care of these patients, of the special considerations regarding the prevention and treatment of infection in transplant recipients. As exemplified by the international editorial board, articles are sought throughout the world that address both general issues and those of a more restricted geographic import. Transplant Infectious Disease includes state-of-the-art review articles on important subjects, the results of clinical investigation, interesting case reports, and two recurring features: a clinical-pathologic conference and reviews of the basic science foundation of transplant infectious disease. Subjects covered include specific infections, the epidemiology of important infections, the interaction among immunosuppression and infection exposure, the diagnosis of specific infection, pathogenesis, and clinical management. Both basic science and clinical articles are featured. Where controversy exists, both sides of an issue are presented. This journal is meant to serve the needs of all clinicians and scientists involved in the study and care of organ and bone marrow transplant recipients.
Tropical Medicine & International Health is a monthly peer-reviewed journal. We publish internationally significant work on: *infectious and non-infectious disease; *parasitology; *clinical diseases and medicine of the tropics; *epidemiological theory and fieldwork; *tropical medical microbiology; *medical entomology; *tropical public health and community medicine; *international health policy; *health economics.We do not publish: *case reports or small case series; *book reviews; *studies of a purely qualitative and/or descriptive nature, without quantifiable impact on human health; *studies that involve fieldwork, personnel and infrastructure abroad, but fail to involve local authors; *studies that are only locally relevant.Tropical Medicine & International Health is the successor to, and combines and integrates the Annales de la Societé Belge de Médecine Tropicale, the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Tropical and Geographical Medicine (incorporating Acta Leidensia) and Tropical Medicine and Parasitology.
The Official Journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology (UOG) is an international, peer-reviewed journal. Published monthly, the journal includes original papers, case reports, reviews, Editorial and Opinion articles, and a letters column. UOG is covered by all the primary indexes including Index Medicus and Current Contents, and is read by Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Radiologists, Pediatricians, Sonographers, Midwives and Radiographers. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology publishes articles focused on, but not Iimited to, the following topics:
Veterinary Clinical Pathology is the official journal of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) and the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP). The journal's mission is to provide an international forum for communication and discussion of scientific investigations and new developments that advance the art and science of laboratory diagnosis in animals. Veterinary Clinical Pathology welcomes original experimental research and clinical contributions involving domestic, laboratory, avian, and wildlife species in the areas of hematology, hemostasis, immunopathology, clinical chemistry, cytopathology, surgical pathology, toxicology, endocrinology, laboratory and analytical techniques, instrumentation, quality assurance, and clinical pathology education.
Veterinary Dermatology is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed, international journal which publishes papers on all aspects of the skin of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. Scientific research papers, clinical case reports and reviews covering the following aspects of dermatology will be considered for publication:
Veterinary Ophthalmology is a peer-reviewed, international journal that welcomes submission of manuscripts directed towards academic researchers of veterinary ophthalmology, specialists and general practitioners with a strong ophthalmology interest. Articles include those relating to all aspects of: Clinical and investigational veterinary and comparative ophthalmology Prospective and retrospective studies or reviews of naturally occurring ocular disease in veterinary species Experimental models of both animal and human ocular disease in veterinary species Anatomic studies of the animal eye Physiological studies of the animal eye Pharmacological studies of the animal eyeSpecial issues are published annually.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound is a bi-monthly, international journal that maintains the highest feasible standard for publication of matters pertaining to veterinary imaging and allied disciplines, sustaining its recognition as an established refereed journal and serving as a source of continuing education. Published papers include results of original investigation, clinical reports, case-history reports, and review articles.
Veterinary Surgery, the official publication of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons and European College of Veterinary Surgeons, is a source of up-to-date coverage of surgical and anesthetic management of animals, addressing significant problems in veterinary surgery with relevant case histories and observations. It contains original, peer-reviewed articles that cover developments in veterinary surgery, and presents the most current review of the field, with timely articles on surgical techniques, diagnostic aims, care of infections, and advances in knowledge of metabolism as it affects the surgical patient. The journal places new developments in perspective, encompassing new concepts and peer commentary to help better understand and evaluate the surgical patient.