The World Economy is a vital resource for researchers, analysts and policy-advisors interested in trade policy and other open economy issues embracing international trade and the environment, international finance, and trade and development. The journal also considers related areas such as economies in transition and development economics, making The World Economy an essential reference for in-depth knowledge on and up-to-date coverage of international economic relations.
World Englishes is an international journal committed to theoretical research on methodological and empirical study of English in global, social, cultural and linguistic contexts. World Englishes is committed to the study of varieties of English in their distinctive cultural, sociolinguistic and educational contexts. It is integrative in its scope and includes theoretical and applied studies on language, literature and English teaching, with emphasis on cross-cultural perspectives and identities. The journal provides recent research, critical and evaluative papers, and reviews from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas. Thematic special issues and colloquia appear regularly. Special sections such as 'Comments / Replies' and 'Forum' promote open discussions and debate.
World Journal of Surgery provides an in-depth, international forum for the most current, most authoritative information on major clinical problems in the fields of clinical and experimental surgery, surgical education, and socioeconomic aspects of surgical care. In addition to original scientific reports, the journal features 'World Progress in Surgery', a special section presenting contributions from recognized authorities on a single topic of current importance. Under the editorship of Dr. John G. Hunter, World Journal of Surgery rapidly publishes original articles that offer significant contributions in the fields of clinical surgery, experimental surgery and related sciences, surgical education, and the socioeconomic aspects of surgical care. This is the official journal of the International Society of Surgery (ISS) / Société Internationale de Chirurgie (SIC)
World Medical & Health Policy is a unique journal dedicated to the intersection of policy, medicine and public health. The Journal's primary objective is to help improve global health by translating medical knowledge and scientific evidence into the normative function of policy.
The leading nursing society that has brought you the Journal of Nursing Scholarship is pleased to bring you Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Now publishing 6 issues per year, this peer-reviewed journal and top information resource from The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, uniquely bridges knowledge and application, taking a global approach in its presentation of research, policy and practice, education and management, and its link to action in real world settings.
Wound Repair and Regeneration provides extensive international coverage of cellular and molecular biology, connective tissue, and biological mediator studies in the field of tissue repair and regeneration and serves a diverse audience of surgeons, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, biochemists, cell biologists, and others.
X-Ray Spectrometry is devoted to the rapid publication of papers dealing with the theory and application of x-ray spectrometry using electron, x-ray photon, proton, and -x sources. Covering advances in techniques, methods and equipment, this established journal provides the ideal platform for the discussion of more sophisticated X-ray analytical methods. Both wavelength and energy dispersion systems are covered together with a range of data handling methods, from the most simple to very sophisticated software programs. Papers dealing with the application of x-ray spectrometric methods for structural analysis are also featured as well as applications papers covering a wide range of areas such as environmental analysis and monitoring, art and archaelogical studies, mineralogy, geology, surface science and materials analysis, biomedical and pharmaceutical applications.
Xenotransplantation, which is published bi-monthly, provides its readers with rapid communication of new findings in the field of organ and tissue transplantation across species barriers with the goal of clinical xenotransplantation (for the purpose of clinical application). Unsolicited contributions of full length and brief communications dealing with both basic and applied studies in this field will be considered for publication pending scientific review to assure high quality. In addition, review articles of timely subjects will be solicited by the editors. Xenotransplantation is the journal for all those who wish to stay at the forefront of this fast developing and emerging field.
Yeast publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications on all aspects of Saccharomyces and other yeast genera, including clinically important yeasts. The journal focuses on the most significant developments of research with unicellular fungi and is essential reading for those wishing to keep up to date with this rapidly moving field. Topics covered include:
Zoo Biology is concerned with reproduction, demographics, genetics, behavior, medicine, husbandry, nutrition, conservation and all empirical aspects of the exhibition and maintenance of wild animals in wildlife parks, zoos, and aquariums. This diverse journal offers a forum for effectively communicating scientific findings, original ideas, and critical thinking related to the role of wildlife collections and their unique contribution to conservation. How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Zoo Biol.' Punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal.
Zoonoses and Public Health brings together veterinary and human health researchers and policy-makers by providing a venue for publishing integrated and global approaches to zoonoses and public health. The Editors will consider papers that focus on timely collaborative and multi-disciplinary research in zoonoses and public health. This journal provides rapid publication of original papers, reviews, and potential discussion papers embracing this collaborative spirit. Papers should advance the scientific knowledge of the sources, transmission, prevention and control of zoonoses and be authored by scientists with expertise in areas such as microbiology, virology, parasitology and epidemiology. Articles that incorporate recent data into new methods, applications, or approaches (e.g. statistical modeling) which enhance public health are strongly encouraged.
Zygon® focuses on the questions of meaning and values that challenge individual and social existence today. It brings together the best thinking of the day from the physical, biological, and social sciences with ideas from philosophy, theology, and religious studies. The journal's contributors seek to keep united what may often become disconnected: values with knowledge, goodness with truth, religion with science.