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European Journal of Social Psychology

ISSN: 0046-2772eISSN: 1099-0992

The European Journal of Social Psychology is a truly international forum for high quality, peer reviewed, original research in all areas of social psychology (articles published in 2006 & 2007 - 65% EU, 25% N. America & 10% ROW). Our international editorial team encourages submissions based on empirical, meta-analytical and theoretical research, which provide a significant contribution to the understanding of social psychological phenomena. Topics covered include, among others, intergroup relations, group processes, social cognition, attitudes, social influence and persuasion, self and identity, verbal and nonverbal communication, language and thought, affect and emotion, embodied and situated cognition and individual differences of social-psychological relevance. Together with original research articles, the European Journal of Social Psychology's innovative and inclusive style is reflected in the variety of articles published: Research Article: Original articles that provide a significant contribution to the understanding of social phenomena, up to a maximum of 10,000 words in length. Agenda: A key note invited research article in the first issue of each year, authored by a distinguished scholar on a variety of contemporary topics, setting the agenda for the next volume. Fast Track Report: Selected cutting edge research, of significant and broad importance to the field. Reports peer reviewed within one month, with a maximum length of 4,000 words. Horizon: Invited research articles authored by those working outside social psychology, providing us with new insights and broadening perspectives, published with invited peer commentaries. The European Journal of Social Psychology is sponsored by the European Association of Social Psychology. The Association contributes to the scientific communication among European and International social psychologists. To reach and be recognised by an international audience, please see the Author Guidelines for submission information.

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European Journal of Soil Science

ISSN: 1351-0754eISSN: 1365-2389

Our understanding of soil continues to advance. Better instruments and new techniques allow us to penetrate its structure and monitor its behaviour. Developments in statistical theory backed by sound programming and more powerful computers are leading to more effective survey and spatial prediction. Long-term experiments continue to provide new insight into the soil's response to management. The knowledge and understanding gained are essential for managing land without its deteriorating, and for protecting and restoring it. They should also underlie sound policies in land use regionally and nationally. The European Journal of Soil Science, as one of the premier journals in the field, fosters that understanding by publishing the latest significant findings of research, the description of new techniques, and up-to-date authoritative and critical reviews over the whole field of soil science and its applications. European Journal of Soil Science welcomes contributions from all countries, and its editorial board has members in four continents.

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European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context

ISSN: 1351-5993eISSN: 1468-0386

The European Law Journal represents an authoritative new approach to the study of European Law, developed specifically to express and develop the study and understanding of European law in its social, cultural, political and economic context. It has a highly reputed board of editors. The journal fills a major gap in the current literature on all issues of European law, and is essential reading for anyone studying or practising EU law and its diverse impact on the environment, national legal systems, local government, economic organizations, and European citizens. As well as focusing on the European Union, the journal also examines the national legal systems of countries in Western, The European Law Journal represents an authoritative new approach to the study of European Law, developed specifically to express and develop the study and understanding of European law in its social, cultural, political and economic context. It has a highly reputed board of editors. The journal fills a major gap in the current literature on all issues of European law, and is essential reading for anyone studying or practising EU law and its diverse impact on the environment, national legal systems, local government, economic organizations, and European citizens.As well as focusing on the European Union, the journal also examines the national legal systems of countries in Western, Central and Eastern Europe and relations between Europe and other parts of the world, particularly the United States, Japan, China, and developing countries.The journal is published in English but is dedicated to publishing native language articles and has a dedicated translation fund available for this purpose. It is a refereed journal.The future of the European Union is now on the agenda. European Union law is in a phase of transformation, affecting national legal systems, various levels of government, organisations, interest groups and men and women in a fundamental way. Substantial changes are bound to follow in teaching, research and practice. European Law Journal is a forum for the debate on these issues.Subscribe to European Law Journal for the latest research on: The evolving norms of constitutionalism The legal construction of a wider Europe Law, Civil Society and Transnational Economic Governance Open Method of Coordination European law in its social, cultural, political and economic contexts. The emerging legal framework and polity of the European Union. The relation between law, politics and legitimacy. The regulatory framework of the European economy. New types of social regulation concerning social law, consumer protection, gender, and the environment.

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European Management Review

ISSN: 1740-4754eISSN: 1740-4762
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European Policy Analysis

eISSN: 2380-6567
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European Transactions on Telecommunications

ISSN: 1124-318XeISSN: 1541-8251

European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT) aims for two ambitious goals:

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Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal

eISSN: 1557-6272
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Evolution & Development

ISSN: 1520-541XeISSN: 1525-142X

Evolution and Development serves as a voice for the rapidly growing research community at the interface of evolutionary and developmental biology. The exciting re-integration of these two fields, after almost a century's separation, holds much promise as the focus of a broader synthesis of biological thought. Evolution & Development publishes works that address a diversity of evolution/development questions in a wide range of systems. The journal welcomes papers from evo-devo biologists reflecting such approaches as paleontology, population biology, developmental biology, and molecular evolution, and genetics, but also encourages submissions from professionals in other fields where relevant research is being carried out, from theoretical biology to ecology to the history and philosophy of science.

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Evolutionary Anthropology

ISSN: 1060-1538eISSN: 1520-6505

Evolutionary Anthropology is an authoritative review journal that focuses on issues of current interest in biological anthropology, paleoanthropology, archaeology, functional morphology, social biology, and bone biology - including dentition and osteology - as well as human biology, genetics, and ecology. In addition to lively, well-illustrated articles reviewing contemporary research efforts, this journal also publishes general news of relevant developments in the scientific, social, or political arenas. Reviews of noteworthy new books are also included, as are letters to the editor and listings of various conferences. The journal provides a valuable source of current information for classroom teaching and research activities in evolutionary anthropology.

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Experimental Dermatology

ISSN: 0906-6705eISSN: 1600-0625

Experimental Dermatology provides a vehicle for the rapid publication of innovative and definitive reports, letters to the editor and review articles covering all aspects of experimental dermatology. Preference is given to papers of immediate importance to other investigators, either by virtue of their new methodology, experimental data or new ideas. The essential criteria for publication are clarity, experimental soundness and novelty. Letters to the editor related to published reports may also be accepted, provided that they are short and scientifically relevant to the reports mentioned, in order to provide a continuing forum for discussion. Review articles represent a state-of-the-art overview and are invited by the editors. Colour illustrations will be accepted free of charge.

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Expert Systems

ISSN: 0266-4720eISSN: 1468-0394

Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering publishes papers dealing with all aspects of knowledge engineering, including individual methods and techniques in knowledge acquisition and representation, their application and evaluation, and the construction of systems - including expert systems - based thereon. As well as traditional application areas, such as Software and Requirements Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence, we are aiming at the new and growing markets for these technologies, such as Business, Economy, Market Research, and Medical and Health Care. The shift towards this new focus will be marked by a series of special issues covering hot and emergent topics.

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Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal

ISSN: 1077-727XeISSN: 1552-3934
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Family Court Review

ISSN: 1531-2445eISSN: 1744-1617
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Family Process

ISSN: 0014-7370eISSN: 1545-5300

Family Process is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing original articles, including theory and practice, philosophical underpinnings, qualitative and quantitative clinical research, and training in couple and family therapy, family interaction, and family relationships with networks and larger systems.Since its inception over four decades ago, Family Process has become a major resource for mental health and social service professionals who are seeking cutting edge research and clinical ideas about family and systems theory and practice.The editorial advisory board comprises outstanding thinkers, researchers and practitioners drawn from an international arena, reflecting our intention and capacity to publish articles with world wide relevance.Articles are expected to be both scholarly and accessible, and written in jargon-free prose.The journal strives for a dynamic interaction between theory/practice and research, such that articles on theory and practice inform future research, and research articles contribute to the development of meaningful theory and practice.The Family Process Institute web site,, promotes an open forum for interactive dialogue based on journal content.Guidelines for submissions to Family Process may be found by clicking on the 'For Authors' link on the left, as well as in every issue of the journal.

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Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures

ISSN: 8756-758XeISSN: 1460-2695

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures encompasses the broad topic of structural integrity which is founded on the mechanics of fatigue and fracture, and is concerned with the reliability and effectiveness of structural components of any scale, geometry or material. The editors publish original contributions that will stimulate the intellectual innovation that generates elegant, effective, and economic engineering designs. The journal is interdisciplinary and includes papers from engineers, metallurgists, materials scientists, computer scientists, physicists, chemists, and mathematicians.

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Feddes Repertorium

ISSN: 0014-8962eISSN: 1522-239X

Feddes Repertorium - Journal of Botanical Taxonomy and Geobotany is one of the world's leading publications in theory and practice. Original research papers and reviews cover all groups of the plant world, including extant and fossil. Theory and principles of taxonomy, nomenclature, techniques and methodology, on evolution and phylogeny and descriptions of new taxa are considered as well. The reader will also find information on the history of flora and vegetation. All papers are internationally refereed by experts in their respective fields. Feddes Repertorium is indexed in CAB INTERNATIONAL, BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences. ISSN: 0014-8962 (print), 1522-239X (online) Volume 121. 4 Issues in 2010.

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Federal Grants and Contracts

eISSN: 1949-3185
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Financial Management

ISSN: 0046-3892eISSN: 1755-053X

Financial Management serves both academics and practitioners who are concerned with the financial management of nonfinancial businesses, financial institutions, and public and private not-for-profit organizations. Financial Management's editorial policy is that the journal serves the profession by publishing significant new scholarly research in finance that is of the highest quality.

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Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments

ISSN: 0963-8008eISSN: 1468-0416
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Financial Planning Review

eISSN: 2573-8615
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