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Journal of Computational Chemistry

ISSN: 0192-8651eISSN: 1096-987X

This distinguished journal publishes articles concerned with all aspects of computational chemistry: analytical, biological,inorganic, organic and physical. The Journal of Computational Chemistry presents original research, contemporary developments in theory and methodology, and state-of-the-art applications. Computational areas that are featured in the Journal include ab initio and semiempirical quantum mechanics, density functional theory, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, statistical mechanics, cheminformatics, biomolecular structure prediction, molecular design, and bioinformatics.

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Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

ISSN: 0266-4909eISSN: 1365-2729

The Journal of Computer Assisted Learning is an international peer-reviewed journal which covers the whole range of uses of information and communication technology to support learning and knowledge exchange. It aims to provide a medium for communication among researchers as well as a channel linking researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. JCAL is also a rich source of material for research students in areas such as collaborative learning, knowledge engineering, open, distance and networked learning, developmental psychology, and evaluation. Research themes are treated in a way which will maximise their influence on theory and practice in the learning sciences, in education, vocational training, and professional development. Each volume includes one, sometimes two, Special Issues and these provide readers with an in-depth perspective on a specific topic. First published in 1985, JCAL continues to have the aim of making the outcomes of contemporary research and experience accessible. During this period there have been major technological advances offering new opportunities and approaches in the use of a wide range of technologies to support learning and knowledge transfer more generally. There is currently much emphasis on the use of network functionality and the challenges its appropriate uses pose to teachers/tutors working with students locally and at a distance. For latest news please click here.

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Journal of Consumer Behaviour

ISSN: 1472-0817eISSN: 1479-1838
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Journal of Consumer Psychology

ISSN: 1057-7408eISSN: 1532-7663

The Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP) publishes top-quality research articles that contribute both theoretically and empirically to our understanding of the psychology of consumer behavior. JCP is the official journal of the Society for Consumer Psychology, Division 23 of the American Psychological Association. JCP publishes articles in areas such as consumer judgment and decision processes, consumer needs, attitude formation and change, reactions to persuasive communications, consumption experiences, consumer information processing, consumer-brand relationships, affective, cognitive, and motivational determinants of consumer behavior, family and group decision processes, and cultural and individual differences in consumer behavior. Most published articles are likely to report new empirical findings, obtained either in the laboratory or in field experiments that contribute to existing theory in both consumer research and psychology. However, results of survey research, correlational studies, and other methodological paradigms are also welcomed to the extent that the findings extend our psychological understanding of consumer behavior. Theoretical and/or review articles integrating existing bodies of research and providing new insights into the underpinnings of consumer behavior and consumer decision processes are also encouraged.Further details regarding the journal's content, along with copies of past editorials, accepted manuscripts, and other information, can be obtained from the Society for Consumer Psychology website ( to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education

ISSN: 1936-7031eISSN: 1936-704X
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Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management

ISSN: 0966-0879eISSN: 1468-5973
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Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance

ISSN: 1044-8136eISSN: 1097-0053
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Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

ISSN: 1473-2130eISSN: 1473-2165

The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology publishes high quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of cosmetic dermatology with the aim to foster the highest standards of patient care in cosmetic dermatology. Published monthly, the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology facilitates continuing professional development and provides a forum for the exchange of scientific research and innovative techniques.  

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Journal of Creative Behavior

eISSN: 2162-6057
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Journal of Cutaneous Pathology

ISSN: 0303-6987eISSN: 1600-0560

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology publishes manuscripts relevant to diseases of the skin in a broad sense, with the aims of advancing scientific knowledge regarding dermatopathology and enhancing the communication between clinical practitioners and research scientists. Original scientific manuscripts on diagnostic and experimental cutaneous pathology are invited. Clinicopathologic studies will be given high priority. Manuscripts based on light and electron microscopy, histochemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology, tissue culture, embryology, molecular biology, and genetics are welcome, provided they advance the science of cutaneous pathology. Publication time will be kept as short as possible, ensuring that articles will be quickly available to all interested in this speciality.

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Journal of Dental Education

ISSN: 0022-0337eISSN: 1930-7837

The Journal of Dental Education (JDE) is a distinguished monthly journal published by the American Dental Education Association. Since 1936, the JDE has provided coverage of the wide variety of scientific and educational research involved in dental and allied dental education. It is particularly influential and respected and recognized as the premier publication for academic dentistry, covering topics ranging from the impact on oral health research of recent findings in such areas as genetics and the brain, to innovative testing methodologies, to curriculum reform, to systematic reviews of clinical trials regarding oral, dental, and craniofacial diseases and disorders. The JDE is one of only a few scholarly journals that are publishing the most important work being done in dental education and research today.

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Journal of Dermatology

ISSN: 0385-2407eISSN: 1346-8138

The Journal of Dermatology is the official English language journal of the Japanese Dermatological Association and the Asian Dermatological Association, and publishes original articles of a clinical or research nature. Reviews are also invited. Preliminary or short reports and letters to the editor of two printed pages or less will be published as soon as possible. Papers in all fields of dermatology will be considered.

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Journal of Digestive Diseases

ISSN: 1751-2972eISSN: 1751-2980

The Journal of Digestive Diseases is the official English-language journal of the Chinese Society of Gastroenterology. The journal is published six times per year and includes peer-reviewed original papers, review articles and commentaries concerned with research relating to the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, biliary tract and pancreas. The journal also occasionally republishes, with permission, peer-reviewed articles of scientific or clinical excellence that have appeared in Chinese-language journals.

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Journal of Economic Surveys

ISSN: 0950-0804eISSN: 1467-6419

As economics becomes increasingly specialized, communication amongst economists becomes even more important. The Journal of Economic Surveys seeks to improve the communication of new ideas. It provides a means by which economists can keep abreast of recent developments beyond their immediate specialization. Areas covered include: economics, econometrics, economic history and business economics.

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Journal of Economic and Human Geography

ISSN: 0040-747XeISSN: 1467-9663

The Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie is a leading international journal on contemporary issues in human geography, committed to promoting rigorous academic work on the field. Through its scholarly articles and special 'dossiers' on topics of interest, it brings you the latest research findings from Europe and around the world in authoritative scientific contributions. The journal bridges the gap between continental European practices of geography and the Anglo-American traditions by including articles from both regions. The Tijdschrift is a channel for the dissemination of new perspectives, ideas and approaches to the study of human geography. Regular features of the journal are its Outlook on Europe and Window on The Netherlands sections, which discuss current spatial trends and policies from a Dutch geographical perspective. The Netherlands in Maps.

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Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

ISSN: 1058-6407eISSN: 1530-9134

The Journal of Economics & Management Strategy provides a leading forum for interaction and research on the competitive strategies of managers and the organizational structure of firms. The Journal features theoretical and empirical industrial organization, applied game theory, and management strategy. JEMS is an important resource for economists in economics departments and in schools of business and management, including departments of finance, managerial economics, accounting, marketing, organization behavior, and management strategy. In addition, the journal serves as a valuable resource for managers and managerial consultants seeking up-to-date research on management strategy, and provides to practitioners a means of access to innovative economic research on the theory of the firm. For more information, visit the JEMS homepage.

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Journal of Educational Measurement

ISSN: 0022-0655eISSN: 1745-3984

The Journal of Educational Measurement (JEM) publishes original measurement research, provides reviews of measurement publications, and reports on innovative measurement applications. The topics addressed will interest those concerned with the practice of measurement in field settings, as well as be of interest to measurement theorists. In addition to presenting new contributions to measurement theory and practice, JEM also serves as a vehicle for improving educational measurement applications in a variety of settings.

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Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

ISSN: 1740-1453eISSN: 1740-1461

JELS: Where scholarship and practice meet The Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (JELS) is a peer-edited, peer-refereed, interdisciplinary journal that publishes high-quality, emirically-oriented articles of interest to scholars in a diverse range of law and law-related fields, including civil justice, corporate law, criminal justice, domestic relations, economics, finance, health care, political science, psychology, public policy, securities regulation, and sociology. Both experimental and nonexperimental data analysis are welcome, as are law-related empirical studies from around the world. Launched in 2004, JELS is devoted to the dissemination of empirical studies of the legal system. The Journal's editors and editorial advisory boards comprise renowned international scholars from diverse disciplines, including law, statistics, economics, psychology, industrial relations, and dispute resolution. Recognizing that many legal and policy debates hinge on assumptions about the operation of the legal system, the Journal seeks to encourage and promote the careful, dispassionate testing of these assumptions. The editorial policy of the Journal is open to empirical work from any disciplinary or ideological approach to the study of law. Empirical analysis of the legal system has a long, if spotty, tradition in the academy. Many legal realists of the 1930s made their mark with empirical studies. A growing number of contemporary scholars recognize the value of empirical analysis in understanding the legal system and its role in society. JELS provides an outlet for publication of high quality empirical work, supporting and encouraging this growing field of study. There is currently a gap in the legal and social science literature that has often left scholars, lawyers, and policymakers without basic knowledge of legal systems or with false or distorted impressions. Even simple descriptive data about the functioning of courts and the legal systems are often lacking. Reform and intellectual debate have previously proceeded in an empirical vacuum. Courts and lawyers often do not know what to make of empirical findings in part because they so rarely encounter them. JELS fills this gap. The time is ripe for empirical studies of the legal system. With the explosion in information technology, data sources on the legal system are improving in quality and accessibility. Compared with just a few years ago, researchers today can easily access original data sets. For example, using internet browsers and the archive at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, academic researchers can obtain data ranging from the RAND studies of jury verdicts in California and Chicago, to the Wisconsin Civil Litigation Research Project's data, to the Federal Judicial Center's archives of all federal court cases. A major goal of JELS is to make these and other worldwide data sets more widely known and used. JELS papers should clearly document their data sources and methodology so that all researchers can access, replicate, and criticize the analysis and results. JELS has an International Advisory Board that includes empirical scholars from around the world, including Japan, continental Europe, Scandinavia, England, and Australia. Journals edited in the United States sometimes exhibit a form of provincialism in assessing empirical work based in foreign countries. If there are no direct and obvious implications for the United States, the data are sometimes treated as being of insufficient interest to warrant publication. JELS will have a self-consciously international perspective. An article that provides useful insights into the experience of a country will be judged by the article's potential appeal to a worldwide audience and not solely to a U.S. readership. By the time the first issue of JELS was published in January of 2004, controversial, topical, and thought-provoking articles from the first volume had already been discussed and debated in The New York Times, The Economist, the Financial Times (London), the Wall Street Journal, and the International Herald Tribune.

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Journal of Employment Counseling

ISSN: 0022-0787eISSN: 2161-1920

Journal of Employment Counseling (JEC) illuminates theory and practice in employment counseling, reports professional experimentation and research, and examines current client vocational problems as well as the professional concerns of counselors.

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Journal of Engineering Education

eISSN: 2168-9830
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