New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development is a quarterly thematic multidisciplinary journal dedicated to new perspective and scholarship in the field of child and adolescent development. Each issue/volume in the series is a completely self-contained, fully indexed edited collection of articles focusing on one specific topic.
Aims and Scope New Phytologistoffers rapid publication of high quality. original research in plant science. Falling within four sections - Physiology and Development. Environment. Interaction and Evolution - articles cover topics that range from intracellular processes through to global environmental change. Cross-disciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged but for guidance the journal is organized as follows and recognizes that techniques from molecular and cell biology. and functional genomics through to modelling and system-based approaches will be applied across the whole spectrum of plant science: Physiology and Development:intra/inter-cellular signalling. long-distance signalling. physiology. development. eco-devo - phenotypic plasticity. transport. biochemistry.Environment:global change and environmental stress. ecophysiology.plant-soil interactions. heavy metals.Interaction:multitrophic systems. mycorrhizas and pathogens. fungal genomics. nitrogen-fixing symbioses.Evolution:molecular evolution. population genetics. mating systems. phylogenetics. speciation. plant-enemy coevolution. All papers must focus on timely research that provides new insights into the broad principles of plant science. The topic should be original. addressing clear hypotheses or questions and of general interest to our readers. In addition to original research articles. short Letters and other submissions to the Forum section. as well as Research reviews. Rapid reports and both Modelling/Theory and Methods papers. are also encouraged. Please refer to the full Author Guidelines for further information.New Phytologistis owned by a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of plant science. facilitating projects from symposia to open access for our Tansley reviews.
New Technology, Work and Employment presents analysis of the changing contours of technological and organisational systems and processes, to encourage an enhanced understanding of the many dimensions of technological change in the workplace. The journal is eclectic and multidisciplinary, inviting contributions from all the applied social sciences. Its objective is to promote understanding through conceptual debate firmly rooted in the analysis of current practice.
For over 50 years the New Zealand Geographer has been the internationally refereed journal of the New Zealand Geographical Society. The Society represents professional geographers in academic, school, business, government, community and other spheres in New Zealand and the South Pacific. The journal publishes academic papers on aspects of the physical, human and environmental geographies, and landscapes, of its region; commentaries and debates; discussions of educational questions and scholarship of concern to geographers; short interventions and assessments of topical matters of interest to university and high school teachers; and book reviews.
The North American Journal of Fisheries Management is intended to promote communication among managers, the journal addresses the maintenance, enhancement, and allocation of fisheries resources. Its contents chronicle the development of practical monitoring and management programs for finfish and exploitable shellfish in marine and freshwater environments. Contributions relate to the way species, habitats, and harvests may be managed to protect and enhance fish and fishery resources for societal benefits. Case histories of successes, failures, and side effects of fisheries programs help convey practical management experience to others.
Noûs, a premier philosophy journal, publishes articles that address the whole range of topics at the center of philosophical debate, as well as long critical studies of important books. Subscribers to Noûs also receive two prestigious annual publications at no additional cost: Philosophical Issues and Philosophical Perspectives.