Genes & Cancer, peer-reviewed and published monthly, covers all aspects of the structure and function of oncogenes, growth suppressor and apoptotic genes, and the mechanisms by which their expression and function are altered during tumor development. In addition to publishing manuscripts that directly relate to these areas of research, articles in Genes & Cancer explore the emerging areas of genomics, drug development, and systems biology.
Kurzbeschreibung:Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift zu Personal, Führung, MotivationDie Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (ISSN 0179-6437) erscheint seit 1987, jeweils zur Quartalsmitte. Die ZfP enthält Originalbeiträge, Diskursbeiträge, Rezensionen, Hinweise auf Neuerscheinungen. Erstveröffentlichungen - vorzugsweise per e-mail als Word-Datei - sind der Redaktion jederzeit willkommen. Eingehende Beiträge werden anonymisiert und zweifach begutachtet. Das Manuskript ist nach Maßgabe der Gutachten zu überarbeiten; die überarbeitete Fassung wird einem Herausgeber nochmals zur Entscheidung über die Publikationswürdigkeit vorgelegt. Nähere Hinweise zur Textgestaltung sind dem in der Redaktion vorliegenden Leitfaden zu entnehmen.
Gifted Child Quarterly (GCQ) publishes original research and new and creative insights about giftedness and talent development in the context of the school, the home, and the wider society. Each issue offers scholarly literature reviews and quantitative or qualitative research studies that explore the characteristics of gifted students, program models, curriculum and other important areas that maximize the development and education of gifted students.
Global Business Review is designed to be a forum for the wider dissemination of current management and business practice and research drawn from around the globe but with an emphasis on Asian and Indian perspectives.An important feature is its cross-cultural and comparative approach. Multidisciplinary in nature and with a strong practical orientation, this refereed journal publishes surveys relating to and report significant developments in management practice drawn from business/commerce, the public and the private sector, and non-profit organisations. The journal also publishes articles which provide practical insights on doing business in India/Asia from local and global and macro and micro perspectives.To this end, Global Business Review invites contributions from professionals from both host and guest countries. Among the regular features are CEOs forum, policy debate, review articles and book reviews. Special theme focused and guest-edited issues are also planned.
Global Health Promotion, is the official publication of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE). It is a multilingual journal, which publishes authoritative peer-reviewed articles and practical information for a world-wide audience of professionals interested in health promotion and health education. Pour information en français, visitez le site web de l`UIPES ( Para obtener información en español, visite la página web de la UIPES (
Global Media and Communication is an international, peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for research and debate on the continuously changing global media and communication environement. Its scope includes communication and media studies, anthropology, sociology, telecommunications, public policy, migration and diasporic studies, transnational security and international relations.
public health, critical care, clinical medicine, healthcare, pediatric
nursing, health, care, qualitative nursing