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Behavioral Medicine

ISSN: 0896-4289eISSN: 1940-4026

Behavioral Medicine: Relating Behavior and Health is an interdisciplinary journal of research and practice that deals with psychosocial influences on heatlh and behavior. It publishes original research studies, both experimental and clinical; evaluation studies; review articles; case reports; and book reviews. In addition, the journal welcomes three-part, coordinated submissions on a theme topic that deals in depth with (1) a review of the literature on a health problem that can be treated through the use of psychological or behavioral intervention; (2) the evidence from research for the value of the behavioral intervention; (3) an analysis of the policy implications of the therapy and means of introducing it into mainstream training and health practice. The economic impact of new or evolving therapies may be included in the discussion.

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Behavioral Sleep Medicine

ISSN: 1540-2002eISSN: 1540-2010

Behavioral Sleep Medicine addresses behavioral dimensions of normal and abnormal sleep mechanisms and the prevention, assessment, and treatment of sleep disorders and associated behavioral and emotional problems. Standards for interventions acceptable to this journal are guided by established principles of behavior change. Intending to serve as the intellectual home for the application of behavioral/cognitive science to the study of normal and disordered sleep, the journal paints a broad stroke across the behavioral sleep medicine landscape. Its content includes scholarly investigation of such areas as normal sleep experience, insomnia, the relation of daytime functioning to sleep, parasomnias, circadian rhythm disorders, treatment adherence, pediatrics, and geriatrics. Multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. The journal' domain encompasses human basic, applied, and clinical outcome research. Behavioral Sleep Medicine also embraces methodological diversity, spanning innovative case studies, quasi-experimentation, randomized trials, epidemiology, and critical reviews. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review , based on initial editor screening and refereeing by three anonymous reviewers.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Behaviour and Information Technology

ISSN: 0144-929XeISSN: 1362-3001

Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT) focuses on the human aspects of information technology, on which much of our developed world depends. Information technology extends beyond the internet and World Wide Web, and powers telecommunications (both mobile and fixed), office and industrial systems, consumer products and entertainment. BIT reports original research studies and proactive articles on the design, development, use and impact of this technology in all its forms and in all its applications. Papers are fully refereed and come from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, ergonomics, computer science, sociology and management. The Journal attracts a diverse, international readership from researchers in universities and industry, to systems designers and managers.

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Big Earth Data

ISSN: 2096-4471eISSN: 2574-5417

Measuring and monitoring the Earth, environmental processes and change, as well as the interaction between humans and the Earth has led to the creation of a growing body of large data sets.

'Big Earth data' are gradually becoming a new engine of scientific discovery and knowledge innovation for Earth System Science.

Big Earth Data is an interdisciplinary Open Access journal. It aims to provide an efficient and high quality platform for promoting 'big data' sharing, processing and analyses, thereby revolutionising the cognition of the Earth's systems.

The journal publishes research topics on 'big data' studies across the entire spectrum of Earth Sciences. Article types include original research articles, review articles, data papers and technical notes. By providing a platform for the publication of research papers and data papers with descriptions of data sets, the journal aims to promote the principle of data sharing via an open data policy.

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ISSN: 1949-0992eISSN: 1949-100X
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eISSN: 2163-3894
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ISSN: 0952-4622

Bioacoustics is the only international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study and recording of animal sounds. It publishes reports of original research and review articles, commentaries from major figures in the field, profiles of research groups, relevant conference announcements and abstracts, reviews of equipment, books and recordings, information on wildlife sound archives and lists of recent publications in the field of bioacoustics.

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ISSN: 1757-6180eISSN: 1757-6199

Bioanalysis delivers essential information in concise, at-a-glance article formats. Key advances in the field are reported and analyzed by international experts, providing an authoritative but accessible forum for the modern bioanalyst. The content is uniquely targeted to those working on the analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological matrices. The articles have wide appeal to analytical chemists, mass spectroscopists, chromatographers, pharmacologists, clinical chemists, analytical toxicologists, and those involved with studies of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, bioequivalence and metabolomics.

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Biocatalysis and Biotransformation

ISSN: 1024-2422eISSN: 1029-2446

Biocatalysis and Biotransformation is an international journal covering the application, both actual and potential, of biological catalysts (including whole cells or isolated components thereof, natural and modified enzymes and catalytic antibodies) for the synthesis, interconversion or degradation of chemical species. In addition to papers describing the synthetic applications of biotransformations the journal particularly welcomes papers focusing on the mechanistic principles, kinetics and thermodynamics of biocatalytic processes, the chemical or genetic modification of biocatalysts, metabolic engineering, and the activity and stability of biocatalysts in non-aqueous and multi- phasic environments, including the design of large scale biocatalytic processes. The scope of the journal also encompasses biomimetic systems and environmental applications of biocatalysis where the mechanistic principles are understood or novel biocatalytic activities are involved.Regular issues of the journal publish full length refereed research papers and invited review articles in topical areas. Short communications in areas such as the application of biotransformations in chemical synthesis or preliminary reports of novel catalytic activities are also welcomed.

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Biocontrol Science and Technology

ISSN: 0958-3157eISSN: 1360-0478

* Animal pest control by natural enemies * Biocontrol of plant diseases * Weed biocontrol * 'Classical' biocontrol * Augmentative releases of natural enemies * Quality control of beneficial organisms * Microbial pesticides * Properties of biocontrol agents, modes of actions and methods of application * Physiology and behaviour of biocontrol agents and their interaction with hosts * Pest and natural enemy dynamics, and simulation modelling * Genetic improvement of natural enemies including genetic manipulation * Natural enemy production, formulation, distribution and release methods * Environmental impact studies * Releases of selected and/or genetically manipulated organisms * Safety testing * The role of biocontrol methods in integrated crop protection * Conservation and enhancement of natural enemy populations * Effects of pesticides on biocontrol organisms * Biocontrol legislation and policy, registration and commercialization. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and review by at least two expert anonymous referees. --- Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 1488-8386eISSN: 2160-0651

The aim of Biodiversity is to raise an appreciation and deeper understanding of species, ecosystems and the interconnectedness of the living world and thereby avoid the mismanagement, misuse and destruction of biodiversity. Articles are written for a broad readership including scientists, educators, policy makers, conservationists, science writers, naturalists and students. Biodiversity aims to provide an international forum on all matters concerning the integrity and wellness of ecosystems and the diversity of species.

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ISSN: 2165-5979eISSN: 2165-5987

2014 Impact Factor: 1.676
©2015 Thomson Reuters, 2015 Journal Citation Reports®  

Aims & Scope:

Bioengineered is a multi-disciplinary, peer reviewed journal dedicated to highlighting the most recent and significant advances in the development of genetically modified organisms for food, pharmaceutical, medical, industrial, environmental and bio-defense applications. With a strong focus on fundamental science, the journal strives to serve a broader readership by regularly publishing articles on regulatory, legal, and political issues related to all aspects of bioengineering and biotechnology.

Bioengineered publishes relevant and timely original research, authoritative overviews, protocols, as well as article addenda and commentaries; providing context for original work presented in Bioengineered and key results published elsewhere. Original research papers may cover any aspect of genetic engineering/biotechnology which involves the generation of recombinant strains (both prokaryote and eukaryote) for beneficial applications in food, medicine, industry, environment and bio-defense.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

• Biomaterials
• Biomolecules
• Molecular Engineering
• Cellular Engineering
• Tissue Engineering
• Bioengineered Therapeutics, Devices and Drug Delivery
• Systems and Synthetic Bioengineering
• Theoretical and Computational Bioengineering
• Bioengery and Biofuels
• Biodefense

All submitted manuscripts are subjected to initial evaluation by the editorial staff, and, if found suitable for further consideration, manuscripts are sent to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind. Submission is online at
Questions regarding the scope of the journal may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief at

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Group, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.


ISSN: 1949-1018eISSN: 1949-1026
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Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research

ISSN: 0892-7014eISSN: 1029-2454

Biofouling is an international, peer-reviewed, multi-discliplinary journal which publishes original articles and mini-reviews and provides a forum for publication of pure and applied work on protein, microbial, fungal, plant and animal fouling and its control, as well as studies of all kinds on biofilms and bioadhesion. Papers may be based on studies relating to characterisation, attachment, growth and control on any natural (living) or man-made surface in the freshwater, marine or aerial environments, including fouling, biofilms and bioadhesion in the medical, dental, and industrial context. Specific areas of interest include antifouling technologies and coatings including transmission of invasive species, antimicrobial agents, biological interfaces, biomaterials, microbiologically influenced corrosion, membrane biofouling, food industry biofilms, biofilm based diseases and indwelling biomedical devices as substrata for fouling and biofilm growth. Rapid Online Publication Biofouling now offers even faster publication for its authors. With our Build Issue service, we aim to publish articles within three weeks of receiving the accepted paper*. Articles are entered straight into the online issue upon receipt of the corrected proofs and thereby receiving page numbers immediately. we anticipate that this rapid production service will allow top end research to reach its audiences even sooner , without compromising the peer-review process and whilst continuing to ensure our commitment to publishing research of the highest quality. *This process relies heavily on the immediate return of the copyright form and the return of author corrections within 48hrs of receipt. Peer Review All articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 1759-7269eISSN: 1759-7277
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Biological Agriculture and Horticulture

ISSN: 0144-8765eISSN: 2165-0616
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Biological Rhythm Research

ISSN: 0929-1016eISSN: 1744-4179

The principal aim of Biological Rhythm Research is to unite in one scientific journal all reports in the field of biological rhythm research which in the past were scattered over many scientific journals covering a great number of different disciplines. By bringing these papers together the Editorial Board stimulates interdisciplinary rhythm research not only because of the similarity of the methods applied in different fields of research, but also because of the increasing conviction of many scientists that, apart from the direct mechanisms involved in various rhythmic phenomena, many of these may be subjected to common extraneous controlling or masking influences. The Journal publishes original scientific research papers, review papers, short notes on research in progress, book reviews, summaries of activities, symposia and congresses of national and international organizations dealing with rhythmic phenomena. --- Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 1354-750XeISSN: 1366-5804

The journal Biomarkers brings together all aspects of the rapidly growing field of biomarker research, encompassing their various uses and applications in one essential source.The journal has enlarged its scope to include the expanding area of biomarkers of disease and now intends to include evidence-based pharmacodynamic markers. Biomarkers, now more than ever, provides a vital forum for the exchange of ideas and techniques in all areas of biomarker research. High quality papers in four main areas are accepted and manuscripts describing novel biomarkers and their subsequent validation are especially encouraged:*Biomarkers of disease: covering measurement of endogenous substances or parameters indicative of a disease process and the use of pharmacodynamic and genetic markers in evidence-based laboratory medicine and treatment (markers of efficacy);* Biomarkers of exposure: covering detection and measurement of internal exposure to drugs and other chemicals;*Biomarkers of response: including measures of endogenous substances or parameters indicative of pathological or biochemical changes both toxicodynamic and pharmacodynamic, resulting from exposure to drugs and other chemicals;*Biomarkers of susceptibility: including genetic factors which alter susceptibility to drugs and other chemicals.Manuscripts can describe biomarkers measured in humans or other animals in vivo or in vitro. Biomarkers will consider publishing negative data from studies of biomarkers of susceptibility in human populations.The emphasis will be on demonstrating relationships between markers and effects rather than methodological papers unless they describe novel techniques.Read More:

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ISSN: 2150-5616eISSN: 2150-5624
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Bioremediation Journal

ISSN: 1088-9868eISSN: 1547-6529

Bioremediation Journal is a peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes current, original laboratory and field research in bioremediation, the use of biological and supporting physical treatments to treat contaminated soil and groundwater. The journal rapidly disseminates new information on emerging and maturing bioremediation technologies and integrates scientific research and engineering practices. The authors, editors, and readers are scientists, field engineers, site remediation managers, and regulatory experts from the academic, industrial, and government sectors worldwide.High-quality, original articles make up the primary content. Other contributions are technical notes, short communications, and occasional invited review articles. Before contributions are accepted for publication, they must pass a rigorous peer-review process managed by the editor-in-chief. The journal also publishes letters to the editor, book and software reviews, new product and patent information, and announcements of upcoming conferences and courses.The scope encompasses any use of biological processes for environmental restoration. Hybrid technologies, which combine chemical and/or physical processes with biological, also are appropriate for inclusion. Manuscripts dealing with any stage of technology development and validation, from basic laboratory research through bench-scale testing to field application, are invited. Papers that focus on field applications are particularly encouraged. Also relevant are examinations of the social framework of bioremediation, including regulatory, economic, and public perception issues.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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