Child Language Teaching and Therapy aims to be the leading inter-disciplinary journal in the field of children`s spoken and written language needs. The journal publishes original research and review articles of high practical relevance and which emphasise inter-disciplinary collaboration. Child Language Teaching and Therapy publishes regular special issues on specific subject areas and commissions keynote reviews of significant topics.
China Information presents timely and in-depth peer reviewed analyses of major developments in contemporary China and overseas Chinese communities in the areas of politics, economics, law, ecology, culture, and society, including literature and the arts.
Founded in 1958, M.E.Sharpe is a privately held publisher of books and journals in the social sciences and humanities, including titles in economics, political science, business, management, public administration, literature, and history. We also publish both original works and translations in Asian and East European studies. Many of our most widely adopted textbooks are now available in cost-saving digital editions through the Sharpe E-Textbook Center, a service that offers many important benefits to students and instructors.Several Nobel Prize winners, including Kenzaburo Oe and Wassily Leontief are among our authors. Our East Gate Books imprint is widely recognized as representing the best in Asian Studies. In addition, we publish single and multi-volume reference works designed to meet the needs of students and researchers from high school through college under the Sharpe Reference imprint. The full, updated content of many of these references is also available electronically through Sharpe//Online Reference, an exciting concept in digital reference ownership that gives libraries numerous features not available with print editions.M.E.Sharpe’s highly regarded periodicals include journals in sociology, political economy, management studies, and mental health, along with numerous monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly translation journals in our Asian and East European series. Among the list are the cutting-edge International Journal of Electronic Commerce and Journal of Management Information Systems as well as the widely respected Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Problems of Post-Communism, and Journal of Advertising. .