View a list of the latest free articles available from Tourism Geographies. Tourism Geographies is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal which explores tourism and tourism-related areas of recreation and leisure studies from a geographic perspective. This journal brings together academic and applied research and regional traditions from around the world, including multi-disciplinary approaches from geography and related fields such as anthropology and other social sciences, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, and environmental science and management. Tourism Geographies publishes blind reviewed research articles, review articles, commentaries, literature reviews and news of affiliated organisations. Peer Review Statement All research articles and commentaries in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, including editor screening and a double-blind evaluation process by two to three anonymous referees. All literature review and discussion forum articles in this journal have undergone screening by journal editors. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Tourism Management is the leading international journal for all those concerned with the planning and management of travel and tourism.Tourism comprises a multitude of activities which together form one of the world's fastest growing international sectors. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes planning and policy aspects of international, national and regional tourism as well as specific management studies.The journal's contents reflect its integrative approach - including primary research articles, discussion of current issues, case studies, reports, book reviews and forthcoming meetings. Articles are relevant to both academics and practitioners, and are the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees chosen by the editor for their specialist knowledge.
Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for Tourism Management Perspectives.Tourism Management Perspectives is concerned with the planning and management of travel and tourism, including tourist experiences and the consequences of those experiences for communities, economies and environments. It is also concerned with the creation of image, the shaping of tourist experiences and tourist perceptions, and the ways in which tourist organizations manage themselves and destinations.Tourism Management Perspectives shares the same editorial board and general approaches to manuscripts as its sister journal, Tourism Management. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes planning and policy aspects of international, national and regional tourism as well as specific management studies. It publishes articles that range from quantitatively based empirical papers to those embedded in critical analysis via those using constructionist approaches and ethnographic research.Articles are relevant to both academics and practitioners, and are the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees chosen by the editor for their specialist knowledge.Please note: in the case of research based on the use of questionnaires, please provide copies of the questionnaire used. These will be published on the web based versions of the journal to aid future comparative research. If using regression and SEM analysis please provide tables of item distribution scores and, in the case of SEM, covariance matrices. Please note that color photographs can be easily reproduced on internet versions of the journal at no additional cost to authors.
Given the importance of planning and development issues in tourism, such as optimising the sector's contribution to socio-economic development, sustainability and resource-use planning, capacity planning, strategic infrastructure planning and forecasting, structural activity re-alignments, the implications of advances in information technology and the relationship between globalisation and tourism, this journal focuses on bringing together researchers and practitioners, individuals and organisations interested in both the theoretical and the practical aspects of planning and development. Tourism Planning & Development aims to provide a forum for the publication and dissemination of new and original theoretical and applied research on tourism planning and development issues through fully refereed research papers. At the same time, it also aims to encourage international dialogue through viewpoint articles or shorter pieces designed to stimulate ideas and discussion and/or to present work in progress that has not been developed to a stage suitable for publication as a fully refereed paper. In particular, it seeks to encourage contributions from new researchers and/or work new geographic or socio-cultural settings . The contextual scope for Tourism Planning & Development is considerable; planning and development issues extend from the macro to the micro level, from global concerns to those associated with the individual organisations, specific destinations or certain social groupings, while the conceptual scope encompasses issues and techniques from, for example, multivariate forecasting to the application of phenomenological research to particular tourism contexts. The unifying element of these two arenas is planning and development. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Tourism Recreation Research is a multidisciplinary international journal published thrice a year; it focuses on research problems in various tourism and recreational environments — ecological, economic, socio-cultural — and attempts to seek solutions for sound growth and development with conservation. Contributions are also encouraged on fundamental research concepts and theories. The journal carries regular features such as Research Probe, Post-Published Reviews and Book Reviews. The ‘Research Probe’ tackles complex problems and seeks to unmask myths and dogmas in tourism research, probing the consistency of theoretical notions and research trends. Strong emphasis is laid on original research and readable prose.
TR is the oldest journal dedicated to tourism issues celebrating its 75 years history in 2020. TR aims to advance the understanding of tourism and to enhance the impact and relevance of tourism research to global society at large.
Tourism and Hospitality Research (THR) is firmly established as a leading and authoritative journal for tourism and hospitality researchers and professionals. Tourism and Hospitality Research covers: Hospitality and tourism operations, Marketing and consumer behaviour, HR management , eTourism, eTravel, Planning and development, Performance and financial management, Strategic implications, Environmental aspects, Government policy, Forecasting and prediction, Revenue management, Impact assessment and mitigation, Globalisation, Research methodologies, Leisure and culture. Each issue of Tourism and Hospitality Research publishes: detailed, authoritative applied research with significant implications for tourism and hospitality practice from leading schools of tourism and hospitality, research institutes and universities, worldwide; Industry Case Studies from practitioners worldwide, detailing their practical experiences, the problems faced and the lessons learned; Conference Reports covering the most current and relevant topics in tourism and hospitality; Practitioner Briefings written by expert practitioners and sharing thought-provoking ideas on the challenges facing the tourism and hospitality industry today; Book Reviews providing a 'thumbnail' of best practice in the field.
Tourist Studies is a multi-disciplinary peer reviewed journal advocating critical perspectives on the nature of tourism as a social phenomenon. It adopts a global perspective, widening and challenging the established views of tourism and seeking to evaluate, compare and integrate approaches from sociology, socio-psychology, leisure studies, cultural studies, geography and anthropology.
Transfer: European Review of Labour Research is a quarterly peer reviewed journal which stimulates dialogue between the European trade union movement and the academic and research community. Transfer helps to foster understanding of significant developments in the field of European trade union policy and industrial relations. Transfer contributes research findings of practical relevance to the trade unions.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review publishes informative articles drawn from across the spectrum of logistics and transportation research. Subjects include, but are not limited to:• Transport economics including cost and production functions, capacity, demand, pricing, externalities, modal studies;• Transport infrastructure and investment appraisal;• Evaluation of public policies;• Empirical studies of management practices and performance;• Logistics and operations models, especially with application;• Logistics and supply-chain management topics.Part E's aims and scope are complementary to Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Part B: Methodological, Part C: Emerging Technologies, Part D: Transport and Environment and Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
RTSA represents a collective effort initiated by an international group aimed at boosting the research in the field of public administration in a country where during the communist regime there was no tradition in this sense. RTSA represents a unique source of specialized analysis of the ex-communist space, of the transition processes to democracy, of the reform of public administration, and of comparative analysis of administrative systems.The general topic covered by the articles in the Review is administrative sciences. As a result of an interdisciplinary, modern approach, the articles cover the following specific themes: Public management, public policy, administrative law, public policy analysis, regional development, community development, public finances, urban planning, program evaluation in public administration, ethics, comparative administrative systems, etc. From the standpoint of the topic covered, TRAS is lined up with the trends followed by other international journals in the field of public administration.
Achat papier et électronique : les numéros sont expédiés par poste au fur et à mesure de leur parution. Tous les numéros en ligne sont immédiatement accessibles. ATTENTION : cette offre d"abonnement est exclusivement réservée aux particuliers. Pour un abonnement institutionnel. veuillez vous adresser à l"éditeur de la revue ou à votre agence d"abonnements.
Utilities Policy is the peer-reviewed journal for researchers, utility company professionals, financial analysts, and industry consultants. It publishes original research papers, review papers, viewpoints, as well as book reviews, about the entire range of utilities including coal, electricity, gas, oil, telecommunications, urban transport, water, waste, and renewable forms of energy.Utilities Policy is a unique international journal covering economic, development, environmental, institutional, legal, liberalization, management, organisation, performance, planning, policy, pricing, privatization, regulation, and strategic issues across the broad spectrum of utilities. The journal addresses utilities in developed and developing countries, and offers a leading forum for the dissemination of in-depth analysis of key trends to those concerned with the effective management and development of utilities.Submissions should consider the policy implications of the subject being written about. Specific policy-related suggestions, if relevant, are encouraged so as to provide policy makers firm ideas to consider for implementation. Utilities Policy welcomes submissions that assess and compare methodologies and novel approaches relating to two or more utility sectors.