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Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies

ISSN: 1364-5706eISSN: 1365-2931
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Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde

ISSN: 0026-9298eISSN: 1433-0474

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde ist ein international angesehenes Publikationsorgan. Die Zeitschrift bietet aktuelle Fortbildung für alle niedergelassenen und in der Klinik tätigen Pädiater. Inhaltlich werden alle Bereiche der Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin praxisnah abgedeckt. Im Vordergrund stehen Prävention, diagnostische Vorgehensweisen und Komplikationsmanagement sowie moderne Therapiestrategien.
Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema sind das Kernstück jeder Ausgabe. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei gesichertes Wissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit. Der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.
Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch.
Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche P

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Musculoskeletal Surgery

ISSN: 2035-5106eISSN: 2035-5114

Musculoskeletal Surgery – Formerly La Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento, founded in 1917 at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year. The journal provides up-to-date information to clinicians and scientists through the publication of original papers, reviews, case reports, and brief communications dealing with the pathogenesis and treatment of orthopaedic conditions. An electronic version is also available at The journal is open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings: conditions can be obtained from the Editors-in-Chief or the Publisher.

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Médecine et Chirurgie du Pied

ISSN: 0759-2280eISSN: 1765-2855

La revue Médecine et Chirurgie du Pied est née en 1984 sous l'impulsion du Dr Simon Braun qui en fut le rédacteur en chef jusqu'en 1997. Depuis cette date, la direction de la revue est assurée par le Docteur Paul-Hubert Benamou.Cette revue est l'organe officiel de la Société française de médecine et chirurgie du pied.La Société française de médecine et chirurgie du pied est née en 1969. Son fondateur fut le Professeur Paul Galmiche. Ce qui fait la spécificité de la SFMCP, c’est la pluridisciplinarité et la collaboration entre les divers spécialistes intéressés par la physiologie et la pathologie du pied, ainsi que par les traitements de ces affections. En effet, le pied est une région anatomique dont nul ne peut se targuer d’avoir l'exclusivité. Cette discipline est exercée par des médecins et des chirurgiens orthopédiques et traumatologiques, mais aussi par de nombreux spécialistes médicaux en rhumatologie, rééducation, réadaptation fonctionnelle, médecine du sport, radiolog

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ISSN: 0028-3770eISSN: 1773-0619

Les thèmes de Neurochirurgie couvrent le soin, l’enseignement et la recherche, la formation neurochirurgicale et les aspects professionnels, comme les modalités d’exercice, les textes réglementaires, les expertises et le développement professionnel continu (DPC); l’histoire et l’évolution de la neurochirurgie sont aussi abordées. Le journal s’intéresse aux pathologies de la tête, du rachis, du système nerveux central et périphérique, ainsi que de leur vascularisation. Tous les aspects de la spécialité sont abordés: traumatisme, tumeur, pathologie dégénérative, infection, malformation, fonctionnel, radiochirurgie et pédiatrie. Les travaux sur les domaines transversaux sont aussi bienvenus: neuroanatomie, neurophysiologie, neurologie, neuropédiatrie, psychiatrie, neuropsychologie, médecine physique et de réadaptation neurologique, neuro-anesthésie, neuroréanimation, neuroradiologie, explorations fonctionnelles, neuropathologie, neuro-ophtalmologie, otoneurologie, chirurgie maxillo-faciale, neuro-endocrinologie et chirurgie du rachis. Les aspects techniques et méthodologiques sont aussi traités : moyens diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, méthodologie d’évaluation de résultats et activités, épidémiologie, techniques chirurgicales, interventionnelles et radiochirurgicales, simulations et hypothèses physiopathologiques et outils d’enseignement et de formation. Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de refuser un travail soumis s’il ne correspond pas aux objectifs du journal ; le travail ne sera pas analysé et l’auteur correspondant sera averti rapidement par le rédacteur en chef pour ne pas retarder une soumission à un journal plus approprié

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eISSN: 1130-1473

This is the home page of SciELO Site.The objective of the site is to implement an electronic virtual library, providing full access to a collection of serial titles, a collection of issues from individual serial titles, as well as to the full text of articles. The access to both serial titles and articles is available via indexes and search forms.SciELO site is an integral part of the FAPESP-BIREME Project and it is an application of the methodology being developed by the project, particularly the Internet Interface module.The site will be constantly updated both in form and content, according to the project's advancements.

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Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica

ISSN: 0470-8105eISSN: 1349-8029

Medical Online is a WEB site for comprehensive medical information on medical personnel. (In principle, the general public, please understand we will not register.) doctors, nurses, medical technicians who started, universities, hospitals, hope to the people to serve you for many companies and organizations that, we have started the service in December 2000. Medicine has been publishing a magazine published by the Japan Society, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, medical technology, nutrition, medical-related fields such as Healthcare for all "medical literature" to find the literature you need View full text is available for download immediately. Fee All documents to be delivered "copyright license" is finished the procedure. In order to use this service, you must be registered members. For related news, "Medical News JPMA - Zureta" offers the full text of news. We also sell books and magazines related to medicine ( Meteor Medical Book Center ). As well as improving the content, so we are developing more and more Please look forward.

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Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska

eISSN: 0028-3843

Polish Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery is aimed at neurologists and neurosurgeons. Includes the original works (experimental, research and development), illustrative and casuistical works about neurology and neurosurgery.Official journal of Polish Society of Neurology and Polish Association of Neurological Surgeons.

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Neurological Surgery

ISSN: 0301-2603
Publisher: Igaku-Shoin Ltd.


ISSN: 2586-6583eISSN: 2586-6591
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ISSN: 0148-396XeISSN: 1524-4040

The fastest growing journal in the field, Neurosurgery has earned a worldwide reputation for complete, reliable coverage delivered with a fresh, dynamic outlook. The journal attracts contributions from the most respected authorities in the field to bring neurosurgeons the latest information on innovative surgical techniques and advances in instrumentation. Website:

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Neurosurgery Clinics of North America

ISSN: 1042-3680eISSN: 1558-1349

Neurosurgery Clinics of North America updates you on the latest surgical techniques for patients with spine, brain, and central nervous system conditions; keeps you up to date on the newest advances; and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published in January, April, July, and October, each issue focuses on a single topic in neurosurgery and is presented under the direction of an editor who is in the forefront of clinical practice and research. Topics include brain tumors/neuro-oncology, cerebrovascular, movement disorders, neuroimaging, neuroradiology, pain, pediatric neurosurgery, peripheral nerve, pituitary, spine, stroke-related conditions, trauma and critical care, surgical techniques, and the skull base.

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Neurosurgery Quarterly

ISSN: 1050-6438eISSN: 1534-4916

Neurosurgery Quarterly synthesizes the broad wealth of material on international developments in the diagnosis, management, and surgical treatment of neurological disorders. By encompassing viewpoints from worldwide sources, the journal provides information in greater depth than is usually found in the medical literature. Website:

Neurosurgical Review

ISSN: 0344-5607eISSN: 1437-2320

'Neurosurgical Review' provides a forum for comprehensive reviews on current issues in neurosurgery. Each issue contains up to five reviews, reflecting all important aspects of one topic (a disease or a surgical approach). Comments by a panel of experts within the same issue complete the topic. By providing comprehensive coverage of one topic per issue, 'Neurosurgical Review' combines the topicality of professional journals with the in depth treatment of a monograph. 

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Novosti Khirurgii

ISSN: 1993-7512eISSN: 2305-0047

Obere Extremität

ISSN: 1862-6599eISSN: 1862-6602

Die Zeitschrift widmet sich der Versorgung von Verletzungen, Verletzungsfolgen und Erkrankungen im Bereich der Oberen Extremität, d.h. des Schultergelenks, des Ellenbogengelenks und der Hand. Als gemeinsames Kommunikations- und Weiterbildungsforum für alle Chirurgen und Orthopäden mit entsprechender Spezialisierung ist sie zukunftsorientiert und schließt eine wichtige Lücke im orthopädisch-unfallchirurgischen Informationsangebot. Neben Originalarbeiten und Übersichtsarbeiten wird in speziellen Rubriken über innovative Behandlungsmaßnahmen, Probleme in der Begutachtung, berufspolitische Entwicklungen und Kongressaktivitäten berichtet., .

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Obesity Surgery

ISSN: 0960-8923eISSN: 1708-0428

Obesity Surgery is the official journal of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and metabolic disorders (IFSO). A journal for bariatric/metabolic surgeons, Obesity Surgery provides an international, interdisciplinary forum for communicating the latest research, surgical and laparoscopic techniques, for treatment of massive obesity and metabolic disorders. Topics covered include original research, clinical reports, current status, guidelines, historical notes, invited commentaries, letters to the editor, medicolegal issues, meeting abstracts, modern surgery/technical innovations, new concepts, reviews, scholarly presentations and opinions. Obesity Surgery benefits surgeons performing obesity/metabolic surgery, general surgeons and surgical residents, endoscopists, anesthetists, support staff, nurses, dietitians, psychiatrists, psychologists, plastic surgeons, internists including endocrinologists and diabetologists, nutritional scientists, and those dealing with eating disorders.

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eISSN: 1996-1812
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Open Access Surgery

eISSN: 1178-7082
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Operations Research for Health Care

ISSN: 2211-6923eISSN: 2211-6931

The journal will focus on the development and use of operations research techniques in health and health care. We will publish high-quality operations research approaches to problems in health care from OR researchers and practitioners. Contributions from clinicians and those working directly in health policy and health care management are also encouraged.Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the development, adaptation and use of operations research methods to tackle problems in:• Health policy• Health analytics• Global health• Public health• Demand forecasting & capacity planning • Clinical management• Health care improvement science• Financial risk assessment and risk pooling• Costing and pricing of health services• Patient safety• Location and allocation problems in health care• Health protection, resilience and emergency planning• Disease modelling• Risk assessment and prioritisation• The design and evaluation of care pathways• Planning and scheduling health care delivery• Work force planning, rotas and rostersIn addition to original research articles, the journal will publish:Review Papers: The content and presentation of this international journal is such as to provide maximum utility to researchers, teachers and practitioners who have an interest in operations research techniques for good health care delivery. Review papers will be presented from time to time, as deemed suitable. Emphasis will be given to those areas in which significant advances are being made.Short Communications: Short communications of OR in practice, describing the use and evaluation of OR approaches by decision makers within government, health care and charitable sectors. The focus should be on challenges faced, the impact of the work, and lessons learned.The journal will also publish a series of invited short communications aimed at clinicians, managers and decision makers working in health. Each of these will give an accessible explanation of an OR method illustrated with applications to health care.Prospective review authors or guest editors of focused issues are encouraged to contact the Editor, Professor Martin Utley.

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