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New Zealand Journal of Psychology

ISSN: 0112-109X

Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences

ISSN: 1090-0578

Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences is the only journal dedicated to publishing current research on the applications of mathematical principles of nonlinear dynamics to psychology as well as life and social sciences. The journal presents original research results overviews of domains of inquiry relevant to the study of nonlinear phenomena summaries of conferences and workshops and reviews of relevant software. Providing a continuous and coherent flow of information on the field this journal will benefit researchers in psychology biology sociology political science economics and anthropology.

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Nordic Journal of Linguistics

ISSN: 0332-5865eISSN: 1502-4717
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Nordic Psychology

ISSN: 1901-2276eISSN: 1904-0016
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North American Journal of Psychology

ISSN: 1527-7143

OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying

ISSN: 0030-2228eISSN: 1541-3764

Since 1964, Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., has been committed to publishing scholarly and professional journals and books in the social sciences and humanities. We are dedicated to serving the academic and professional communities by providing the content they require in the format —print or electronic— that best meets their needs. We constantly strive to remain a leader in publishing, and keeping in print, authored and edited books that serve as "textual touchstones" for evolving academic fields. In effect, these texts formally record the current trends in theory, research, and practice within the disciplines while also charting promising new directions for researchers, teachers, and practitioners. Areas of interest include health policy, community health, gerontology, death and bereavement, computers in education, technical communication, and imagery. .

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ISSN: 2312-5942eISSN: 2312-5942

Occupational Therapy in Mental Health

ISSN: 0164-212XeISSN: 1541-3101

An essential journal for all OTs in mental health fields, Occupational Therapy in Mental Health provides professionals with a forum in which to discuss today's challenges8211;identifying the philosophical and conceptual foundations of the practice; sharing innovative evaluation and treatment techniques; learning about and assimilating new methodologies developing in related professions; and communicating information about new practice settings and special problem areas particular to psychiatric occupational therapy.Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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eISSN: 2254-9099
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Organisational and Social Dynamics

ISSN: 1474-2780eISSN: 2044-3765
Publisher: Karnac Books

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

ISSN: 0749-5978eISSN: 1095-9920

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes publishes fundamental research in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and human cognition, judgment, and decision-making. The journal features articles that present original empirical research, theory development, meta-analysis, and methodological advancements relevant to the substantive domains served by the journal. Topics covered by the journal include perception, cognition, judgment, attitudes, emotion, well-being, motivation, choice, and performance. We are interested in articles that investigate these topics as they pertain to individuals, dyads, groups, and other social collectives. For each topic, we place a premium on articles that make fundamental and substantial contributions to understanding psychological processes relevant to human attitudes, cognitions, and behavior in organizations.In order to be considered for publication in OBHDP a manuscript has to include the following:Demonstrate an interesting behavioral/psychological phenomenonMake a significant theoretical and empirical contribution to the existing literatureIdentify and test the underlying psychological mechanism for the newly discovered behavioral/psychological phenomenonHave practical implications in organizational contextSpecial personal subscription rates of 109 USD for 2013 are available for members of the:American Psychological Association (APA) http://www.apa.orgAssociation for Psychological Science (APS) http://www.psychologicalscience.orgSociety for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) http://www.sjdm.orgOrganizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management (AOM) http://www.obweb.orgSociety of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) http://www.siop.orgEuropean Association for Decision Making (EADM) Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) http://www.iaapsy.orgInformation regarding membership in these groups may be obtained from their web sites. To place your order, please click here.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Organizational Dynamics

ISSN: 0090-2616eISSN: 1873-3530

Organizational Dynamics' domain is primarily organizational behavior and development and secondarily, HRM and strategic management. The objective is to link leading-edge thought and research with management practice. Organizational Dynamics publishes articles that embody both theoretical and practical content, showing how research findings can help deal more effectively with the dynamics of organizational life.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Organizational Psychology Review

ISSN: 2041-3866eISSN: 2041-3874

Organizational Psychology Review is a new quarterly, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published in partnership with the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Organizational Psychology Review's unique aim is to publish original conceptual work and meta-analyses in the field of organizational psychology (broadly defined to include applied, industrial, occupational, personnel, and work psychology as well as organizational behaviour).

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Organizational Research Methods

ISSN: 1094-4281eISSN: 1552-7425

Organizational Research Methods (ORM), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, brings relevant methodological developments to a wide range of researchers in organizational and management studies and promotes a more effective understanding of current and new methodologies and their application in organizational settings. ORM has positioned itself among elite scholarly journals, known for high-quality manuscripts from the qualitative and quantitative domains, micro and macro perspectives.

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Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle

ISSN: 0249-6739

Ortho Magazine

ISSN: 1262-4586

La revue de tou(te)s les orthophonistesOrtho magazine est une revue professionnelle qui s'adresse à tou(te)s les orthophonistes, en formation ou en exercice : cabinet, hôpital, ou institution.Le reflet de la diversité des pratiques orthophoniquesOrtho magazine se situe à la croisée de la médecine, de la psychologie et de la pédagogie, et couvre tout le champ de l'orthophonie. Cette revue indépendante est ouverte à tous les courants de pensée et à toutes les pratiques orthophoniques.Une revue de référenceOrtho magazine est ouvert aux savoirs confirmés, comme aux démarches en devenir. Grâce à la curiosité et au dynamisme d'un Comité de rédaction composé de professionnels d'horizons divers, la revue est le creuset d'une réflexion professionnelle de qualité.Un outil d'information et de formation continueOrtho magazine s'appuie sur des expériences de terrain et privilégie la rencontre et l'échange, sans se départir de la rigueur éditoriale qu'exerce le Comité de rédaction.Ortho magazine suit également au plus près l'actualité socio-professionnelle et scientifique nécessaire à l'information des orthophonistes.Thèmes des dossiers traités en 2004- Le corps à claire-voix- L'enseignement de la lecture- Le paiement, comptes et décomptes- Le jeu pour grandir- Orthodontie, une rééducation de la tÊte aux pieds- Le B.A. BA du bébéThèmes des dossiers traités en 2005- Mathématiques et langage, aux frontières du sens- Dysphagie, une rééducation à investir- Du babillage aux premiers mots- La dyspraxie, 1/2- La dyspraxie, 2/2- Les groupes thérapeutiques

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ISSN: 0874-2049eISSN: 2183-2471
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ISSN: 2238-779XeISSN: 2238-779X


ISSN: 1618-7830
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Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto)

ISSN: 0103-863XeISSN: 1982-4327

To publish original papers related to Psychology and related areas.

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