To publish original works in the psychology field.
PSICOLOGICA was born in 1980 as an instrument for publication of articles in Methodology and Experimental Psychology. This is an open access journal, available since 1998. It is published in 1 volume per year (2 issues) by the Department of Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences of the University of Valencia (Spain) (Legal Dep.: -1419-1981. print ISSN 0211-2159, electronic ISSN 1576-8597). We maintain a MAILING LIST with the addresses of all interested readers to keep them periodically informed of accepted papers and news. If you are interested in receiving this information, please register at the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) repository. PSICOLOGICA is included in several databases such as PsycINFO, Psyclit Database, Psychological Abstracts, Ulrich International Periodical Directory, PUBLIST (The Internet Directory Publications), ISSN International, PSICODOC, the ISOC database (PSEDISOC), CSIC-RISO, CIRBIC-REVISTAS, COMPLUDOC, and in the Spanish listing of Social Sciences, A: Psychology and Education. More important, as of January, 2005, PSICOLOGICA is been covered in the SOCIAL SCIENCE CITATION INDEX (Thomson-ISI).
Psihologija is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the Serbian Psychological Society. The journal was founded in 1967. From 1980 on, all the articles contain abstracts in English and Serbian. Now, Psihologija generally follows the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Psihologija accepts only original manuscripts written either in Serbian, or in other so called world languages, preferably in English. Papers may belong to any branch of research psychology. Occasionally, Psihologija publishes thematic issues edited by field specialist as guest editors.
Psyecology, Bilingual Journal of Environmental Psychology, publishes multidisciplinary papers in the field of Environmental Psychology in both English and Spanish.
Accepted manuscripts include empirical research and intervention projects that focus on the interaction between people and their environment, and all aspects involved in this relationship: psychological processes, individual and social activity, and cultural mediation. Theoretical reviews will also be considered for publication according to originality and current relevance.
Subjects of interest for Psyecology include environmental representation and cognition, environment assessment and intervention, quality of life and environment, environmental participation and education, ecological behaviour, cognitive maps, place attachment, symbolic space and social identity processes, environmental attitudes and beliefs, space design, institutional and working environments, health and environment, environmental stress, noise, crowding, dangerous environments and fear of crime, risk perception, psychosocial aspects of environmental impact, conservation and management of natural resources, landscape perception, research methods specific of the aforementioned fields, and ultimately, all research focused on the relation between human activity and the environment.
Psyecology will be of interest to researchers from a wide number of disciplines focused on the interaction between people and the environment, such as psychology, education, biology, environmental sciences, architecture, design, sociology, anthropology, political science, geography, history, urban planning, etcetera.
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Psyecology, Revista Bilingüe de Psicología Ambiental, publica trabajos multidisciplinares en el ámbito de la Psicología Ambiental en español e inglés.
Los trabajos publicados incluyen investigaciones empíricas y experiencias de intervención que tengan como objeto principal la interacción entre las personas y su medio, y los aspectos implicados en dicha relación: procesos psicológicos, actividad individual y social, y mediación cultural. Se considerarán asimismo artículos de revisión teórica en función de su originalidad y actualidad.
Los temas de interés para Psyecology incluyen: cognición y representación ambiental, evaluación de entornos e intervención ambiental, calidad de vida y medio ambiente, participación y educación ambiental, conducta ecológica, mapas cognitivos, apego al lugar, espacio simbólico y procesos de identidad social, actitudes y creencias ambientales, diseño de espacios, ambientes institucionales, espacios de trabajo, ambiente y salud, estrés ambiental, ruido, hacinamiento, lugares peligrosos y miedo al delito, percepción de riesgos, aspectos psicosociales del impacto ambiental, conservación y gestión de recursos naturales, percepción del paisaje, métodos y técnicas de investigación específicas de estos campos, y, en general, todos aquellos trabajos de investigación que vinculen la actividad humana con el medio.
Psyecology va dirigida a investigadores con interés en la interacción humana con el medio procedentes de un amplio rango de disciplinas, tales como psicología, educación, biología, ciencias ambientales, arquitectura, diseño, sociología, antropología, ciencias políticas, geografía, historia, planificación urbana, etcétera.