The journal aims to make complex, policy-related analysis of climate change issues accessible to a wide audience, including those actors involved in: * research and the commissioning of policy-relevant research * policy and strategy formulation/implementation by local and national governments; * the interactions and impacts of climate policies and strategies on business and society, and their responses, in different nations and sectors; * international negotiations including, but not limited to, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, other processes. Climate Policy thus aims to build on its academic base so as to inject new insights and facilitate informed debate within and between, these diverse constituencies.
A major environmental journal, CR invites papers on all aspects of the interactions of climate with organisms, ecosystems and human societies. It strives for the same high quality characteristics of other Inter-Research journals.
Therefore, the scope of the journal covers:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Research papers should consider the practical application of the thesis advanced through case studies, experiments, or systematic comparisons with existing approaches. Special issues devoted to topics of particular interest will be published on an occasional basis, and proposals for such issues are invited. Submission of multi- and interdisciplinary studies, particularly those involving economics and the social sciences, is encouraged.
Climate services develop and provide science-based and user-specific information relating to past, present and potential future climate. They help society cope with climate variability and change. Climate service users include economic, administrative, political and scientific bodies, within and across sectors and disciplines. Information about climate, climate change, and impacts on natural and human systems as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies is tailored to the specific user requirements.
The journal
The journal covers all topics related to climate services. It directly refers to how climate information can be applied in methodologies and tools for adaptation to climate change. It publishes best practice examples, case studies as well as theories, methods and data analysis with a link (or a potential link) to climate services. Please notice, the journal focuses solely on the use and usability of climate information for adaptation issues.
Topics of interest linking to climate services include:
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Climate and Development is the first academic journal dedicated to the range of issues that arise when climate variability, climate change and climate policy are considered along with development needs, impacts and priorities. It makes complex analysis of climate and development issues accessible to a wide audience of researchers, policymakers and practitioners, and facilitates debate between the diverse constituencies active in these fields throughout the world. The journal provides a forum to communicate research, review and discussion on the interfaces between climate, development, policy and practice. It presents conceptual, policy-analytical and empirical studies of the interactions between climate impacts, mitigation, adaptation and development on scales from the local to global. Contributions from and about developing countries are particularly encouraged; however, research on developed countries is welcome provided that the link between climate and development is the central theme. Climate and Development is of direct and vital relevance to academics, policy analysts, consultants, negotiators, industrial and non-governmental organisations, and to all those working to ensure a better understanding of the links between climate and development. The journal is the platform of choice for academic debate on issues that link climate and development, and invites contributions on all such issues. These include, but are not limited to: * The vulnerability of communities in developing countries to the combined impacts of climate change and non-climatic stresses * Links between development and building capacity to respond to climate change * The integration (mainstreaming) of climate policy into sectoral planning and development policy * Conflicts and synergies between mitigation, energy use, and development policy * The importance of climate and long-term weather forecasting for development * Linkages between climate, climate policy, and the Millennium Development Goals * The implications for development of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, as well as all other existing or proposed policy frameworks * Financing arrangements for adaptation and mitigation in developing countries * Traditional knowledge of and local strategies for managing natural resources and coping with climate change * Forest management and its relationship to mitigation, adaptation and development * Adaptation, mitigation and the poorThese and other topics are addressed in a number of ways, including: * Research articles (theoretical developments, concepts and methods, empirical analysis, policy assessments and modelling studies) * Review articles * Case studies * Viewpoints * Book reviews * Meeting reports.
Climate of the Past (CP) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on the climate history of the Earth.The main subject areas are:* reconstructions of past climate based on instrumental and historical data as well as proxy data from marine and terrestrial (including ice) archives; development and validation of new proxies, improvements of the precision and accuracy of proxy data;* theoretical and empirical studies of processes in and feedback mechanisms between all climate system components in relation to past climate change on all space and time scales; * simulation of past climate and model-based interpretation of palaeo climate data for a better understanding of present and future climate variability and climate change.Climate of the Past has an innovative two-stage publication process which involves a scientific discussion forum and exploits the full potential of the Internet to:* foster scientific discussion;* enhance the effectiveness and transparency of scientific quality assurance;* enable rapid publication;* make scientific publications freely accessible.In the first stage, papers that pass a rapid access-review by one of the editors are immediately published on the Climate of the Past Discussions (CPD) website. They are then subject to Interactive Public Discussion, during which the referees' comments (anonymous or attributed), additional short comments by other members of the scientific community (attributed) and the authors' replies are also published in CPD. In the second stage, the peer-review process is completed and, if accepted, the final revised papers are published in CP. To ensure publication precedence for authors, and to provide a lasting record of scientific discussion, CPD and CP are both ISSN-registered, permanently archived and fully citable.
Climatic Change is dedicated to the totality of the problem of climatic variability and change - its descriptions, causes, implications and interactions among these. The purpose of the journal is to provide a means of exchange among those working in different disciplines on problems related to climatic variations. This means that authors have an opportunity to communicate the essence of their studies to people in other climate-related disciplines and to interested non-disciplinarians, as well as to report on research in which the originality is in the combinations of (not necessarily original) work from several disciplines. The journal also includes vigorous editorial and book review sections.
Para más información, consulte
The objective of the journal is to publish novel information leading to a better understanding of biological mechanisms of human diseases, their prevention, diagnosis, and patient management. Reports of an applied clinical character are also welcome. Papers concerned with normal metabolic processes or with constituents of normal cells or body fluids, such as reports of experimental or clinical studies in animals, are only considered when they are clearly and directly relevant to human disease. Evaluation of commercial products have a low priority for publication, unless they are novel or represent a technological breakthrough. Studies dealing with effects of drugs and natural products and studies dealing with the redox status in various diseases are not within the journal's scope. Development and evaluation of novel analytical methodologies where applicable to diagnostic clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, including point-of-care testing, and topics on laboratory management and informatics will also be considered.
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Clínica y Salud publicará principalmente investigaciones empíricas originales de interés para los psicólogos, que sean una contribución al conocimiento correspondiente al ámbito de la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud, incluyendo los siguientes aspectos de interés: desarrollo, validación y aplicación de instrumentos de evaluación psicológica orientados al ámbito de la psicología clínica y de la salud; desarrollo, validación y aplicación de técnicas y estrategias de tratamiento psicológico en trastornos de inicio en la infancia, la niñez o la adolescencia, trastornos amnésicos y cognoscitivos, trastornos mentales debido a enfermedad médica, trastornos relacionados con sustancias, trastornos psicóticos, trastornos del estado de ánimo, trastornos de ansiedad, trastornos somatomorfos, trastornos facticios y simulación, trastornos disociativos, trastornos sexuales, trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, trastornos del sueño, trastornos de control de impulsos, trastornos adaptativos y trastornos de personalidad; factores ambientales y psicosociales vinculados a la prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento o rehabilitación de enfermedades médicas, incluyendo el dolor, los trastornos cardiovasculares, respiratorios, gastrointestinales, dermatológicos, endocrinos, la enfermedad crónica, etc.; estudios sobre promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad; estudios sobre personalidad y su evaluación que afecten a ámbito clínico y de la salud; estudios de revisión crítica y de meta-análisis sobre eficacia terapéutica; estudios metodológicos sobre aspectos relacionados con la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Clínica y Salud publica principalmente en castellano, pero admite igualmente contribuciones originales en inglés. La revista admite originales libres y también puede solicitar trabajos específicos a autores relevantes que se publicarán en los números libres o en números dedicados a un tema monográfico. Los manuscritos originales recibidos en castellano o inglés serán sometidos al proceso de revisión anónima por pares.